Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

I I I J ··1 I ONE OF the recent arquisilions for the gallrry through 1111' Queensland Art Callrry Fouudalion was this nrar-'.'00-yca r-old brorl'l.c srnlpturc hy th(• Italian GiOl'anni Fogj:\ini. 1kpkli11g I krrull•:- a nd Omphalr. The sculpture wa~ huught with a grnnt hy MIM lluhlings. (Photo: T E I> 1101.1 .11):\ \' 1 Reports: DES PARTRIDGE Pictures : KAROL GAWLICK (;AI.I.ERY stuff members Andrew l>udlcv and P paintings to be ilis pln ycd ·in 1111• ·- . .... '.t' NATURAi. light fl•achcs thl• ' II run~ 1he leni.:th of the i.:allcry. ,\ into thr area , cmpha~i~in 1•