Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

ONE OF the recent acquisitions for the gallery through the• Queensland Art· Gallery Foundat'ion was this near-300-year-old bronze sculpture by the Italian Giovanni Fog~ini, depicting Hercules and Omphalc. The sculpture was bought with a grant by MIM Holdings. (Photo: TED I-IOLLIDAYJ . ' (;A1.U:RY stuff nwmhers Andrew Dudley :11 paintings to he dis11layed in 11 NATURAL light reaches the runs the length or the galler~ . into the area, cmphasb · A VIEW of the glowinJ! whill' c•xlc'rior of the new art treasure-house, looking 1•:1 ~1. T he gallc' r ~• has hcen huill in sandhluslc'd r<•inforr<'cl c·1111crcil'. l)APII EMAYO'S sculp1ur1 I .a S11ina. a llll'lllher of the· (), w:c ~ in~1r11rnc 111 :1l in h1111" 1