Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,- , The Telegr a ph 26 • ay 19 82 - Handled with kid gloves Gently doH it .... that'• a $1 million Picaaao you have there! The La Belle Hollandaise (pictured), a J 905 Picasso· nude, will be displayed with five international art eithi– bitions to mark the Queensland Art Gallery's opening at the Queensland Cultural Centre on June 21 . The painting, stolen in 1967 and found after having been hidden in bush country for five da ys. was valued conservatively at SI m in 1980. Gallery staff say it is one of Picasso's most import– ant works. No wonder then. that gallery attendants, (from left) Peter Ogle, Graham Buzolich, Fred Franzway and John Whelan are using white gloves aruLI · tenderly' - Gallery director. Mr Raoul Mellish. said the Pre– mier. Mr Bjelke-Peter~en. would open the exhibitions.