Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

, - ... I The Te l e graph 24 June 19 82 Haunting picture ~ By QUENTI N DEMPSTER ~'. The Dargie portrait ol QuHn1land'1 Premier, Mr •l•lk..Peter • en, now hanging in the entrance foyer of,-.e ~ art ..llery will continue to haunt Oppoelllon .._mben. Tod~y MNljelke-Pctcrscnsaid the portra it would be :i reminder 1-, his critics, particularly Labor's spokesman for the 1&rts, Mr Warburton, that the Labor Party had "no hbpc" of winnin~ernmcnt in Queensland. Yesterday MrW rton questioned the hanging of the por~fait, by Sir illiam Dargie, in the (lrt gallery. The pomitit is on loan to the gallery for its opening. "I was surprised'1o sec the one from home hanging there," Mr Bjelke-Petersen said. "Poor Mr Warburton . I understand it spoiled his afternoon. I understand he has had a sleepless night." s OMEWHERE out there i1 a real, lair din– kum, true-blue art fan– cier. :--ow that the hoo -ha surrounding the opening of our new Art Gallery has died down, the story or the "lady in the fount ain" can be told. Due to the large num– bers that turned up whca the gallery IL' as opened, things became ~ bit frantic, Premier's portrait shquld.~e in fo'yer 4.,;:. Let's hear it for I AM SEEPLVdlstressed at t~ pub– licatid/1 of a picture of me· tn the Queet1sland Art Gallery foyer (C-M, June ~3) suggesting that I was as– sociated with poli!ical flak regarding the hanging of a portrait of the Pre– mier, Mr Bjelke-Petersen. I believe my name has been incor– rectly associated with comments made • by Mr ~arburton, the Opposition art spokesman. Furthermore, not only do I support the State Coalition Govern– ment but I, as a qualified art teacher, believe the picture of the Premier has the right to hang in the foyer. - Mrs .Denise Brien, BolticcUi St, Fi1 Trtt ·Poc~et. . the builders SO MUCH of a fuss has been made · about the Cultural Centre on the south bank of the Brisbane River arid the contribution made by the ar– chitect in particular. It's unfortunate that while some of us arc quick to laud the arch\tecturc, very little, if anything, has been said about the builder and his sub-contrac– tors who have to turn lines on paper into practical and buildable solutions to the problem. Let's hear it for the builders! ·- Sam RaJUS&, Mecklff St, Upper Moat Gra- ntt• and the odd pu sh was greeted with the odd shove. Suddenly there was a loud splash, and noating in the fountain was one wet, cold, female person. To her eternal credi t, she remained for the rest or the proceedings. ~-