Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

\ . , .. -SHADES OF PINK - A WATER COLOR- If you should fall into an indoor or– namental pool at the new Qucenaland Art Gallery, doq't even bother blush– ing. It really ia the done thina. Since tbe pllcry opened on Monday, the Premier'• daupter, Mn Maraaret Noack, Alderman Sallyanne Atkinson and an M.I.M. Holdina• Ltd elecutive have all had their dianity dampened. The larae, aravel-bottomed poola are only about 19 cm deep, but they are level with the floor and not surrounded by a '! By SYBIL_NOLAN I ledae. When their bubblina mechanisms are operative, the j,oola can be seen for what they arc, but otherwise they are alauy smooth. Aa Mn Noack, who took the plunge at the grand openina on Monday, said yester– day: "I didn't even know they were there. I was admirina the tapestry above us, took a step backwards without looking and ster,ped into a pool. • My husband 11id: 'Dear, we're in the Art Gallery not the Perfor~ing Arts Cen– tre._" Mra Noack, Alderman Atkinson and M.I.M.'1 employees and public affairs manaaer, Mr Geo(f Hines, all escaped with soaking shoes and hemlines. The only inju– riea were to their pride. Mr Hines, who fell in after the or,,ning of the Japanese elhibition, said: 'I waa somewhat consoled to be told later that five other people had fallen in that day. I just got out and left the building as quickly and u quietly 11 I could." I l I The gallery director, Mr Raoul Mellish, said last night that the pool which had caused all the trouble had now been ac– tivated, and he had not heard or any one falling in since. "The placement or seating at the edge of the larg9,pool ahould alert people that it is there," be aaid. Mr Melli1h 111d any deci– sion to mark the pools in some way wu up to the architects. But the architect, Mr Robin Gibson, had only one comment: "They should have .'!'(Itched where they were aoing." . _,.. i / I I r - ,. .J ,