Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Program on Art Gallerv ., "FOCUS", at noon on 4QG to– morrow, dcvotcs ,its full 30 min• utes to the new ~ucensland Art Gallery. Hosted by Max Carmichael the Brisbane-produced program includes an interview with archi• tect Robin Gibson, and reviews of.exhibits and the opening cere- 1 • , The Couri e r-Mail 26 June Weekend parade of art By DES PARTRIDGE LIVE performers will compete with art master– pieces for attention at the new Queensland Art Gallery with special openin& events being staged today and tomorrow. More than 20,000 people ban visited the &•Iler)' since it was opened last Monday, and thousands more are expected this weekend, The 11llery wlll remain open antJI 9 o'clock tonl&ht, and will be open from noon to 5 p.m. tomorrow. Music. poetry, IOD& and dnm• acthltles associated with 10me of the fhe ri1ltin& exhibition1 markin& the eallery' • opealn& will be&in at noon, and continue until a Japanese tea ceremony at 7.30 tonl1ht. Ainon& actirides are a performance by the Queem– land Theatre Orchestra wind ensemble between noon and l p,m., a Renaissance performance, lncludin& a mock Florentine weddln& ceremony at l.45 p.m,. Eng• Usb poetry readin&s at 3.30 p.m., EnKli•h sonp from '4.15 p.m. to 5 p.m., and music by individual playen be– tween 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. Fifteen Brisbane families will work with kite-maker Peter Trlfis at tbe fint of a aeries or family work• shops on Japanese klte-niaklnK today, and the kites they create wlll be flown alon1 the South Bank on July . 4 at l p.m. Tomorrow's actlritle1 Include the 1trln1 ensemble from the Queensland Theatre Orchestra playing be– tween noon and 1.15 p.m., films at 1 p.m. and 1.15 p.m. on Kandinsky and Edward Hopper, musicians between J ,30 and 3 p.m., and a lecture by The Courier-Mall art critic, Dr Gertrude Lanser, on the • rt or Kandlnsky at lp.m. I