Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

Th S un day Mail 27 Jun e 1982 o, 1-.u .,1-, .,,; ,i.,it11r., "' •tit,· "I'''" i11 J,! of t lrP Q,,,.,.,, .. 1"'' '' ., rt ( ; n // 1•1' \ , .... \I II /,· 11/ 111 llnh,•r of t/11• I i,· torin n11tl fll ;, ,rt \111 .,.,•11111 . l.,>111/11,i ,.,,,/ l' ro (, •., ,,or ,, ;,. ,,,,,., ),,,.,., , ,, ; ,,,,~ Fit :11·111,n ,,, \111 ... ,.,, ,,, . I n111l1rid .:,· ,ntl, f ,,,,,.;,. \l,•ll i•d1 ,,,i,/ lu·r l,11,– lin11d. ~oll,·n ,l,r1•,·t11r , 1(,,.,,,/ lJ,,lfi ,11. I ' ' INaweekwhe torical to the hyst zarre, we ·made c, welcomed apace faahiona with the dowae and Dalby Mondi tht1bor-1 but it loeaest r cultural tt lud. On th , ; vision 10: when 1, Bjtlk~P e opened : S28 mil: i Art Gal~ of the s1a1 the Quc~ Centre. And, s , ter. Tonv artistic sr which 11 l uistencc Ht • Is, l'SS • rV fc c • ltr 0 for well H t oflht JIN• And w, on this a, there w I