Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 10 : Record of press coverage, March 1982 - May 1984

,. I Aweek to remember IN a week where our travels took us from the hi•– torfcal to the hyaterical and the beautiful to the bi– zarre, we )nade cultural hiatory on the South Bank welcomed· apace invader• at the theatre, viewed faahfona with the Logan Mayores,s and visited Jan– dowae and Dalby. MOllday -Y 11 • ,e been tile ..,.est day of the year li1t it will be o • e of the '°"lest fflWlllbered in tbt cllcval Watory of Queeu– laad. On tbi1 day a long•time Yi1ion turned into reality when the Premier, Job Bjelke-Petenen. officially opened the outstanding S28 million Queensland Art Gallery, the highlight of tbe stage-one building of the Queensland Cultural Centre. • And, as The Arts Minis– ter. T1111y ~he artistic spirit is the essence which lifts us aboYe mere existence. He also said ii w11 nec– tuary for 1onrnments to cater for tlie spiritual as well as tile physical needs of Ille people. And what a shame 1ha1 on this auspicious occasion there was a gatecrasher who made the other guests feel most uncomfortable. 1'm talkin1 about none other than the ,icious westerly wind. There were more than 900 guests to witness the historic moment and for this purpose hundreds of seats were placed on the bank of the Brisbane Riv– er. Dame Annabcllt Rankin was there with her ~ister, Jean Rankin, former Min• istcr Norm Lee with his wife. Dorothy, all rugged in suede and leather boots, Angus Innes, MLA, and hi~ wife, Cathy,. Queenslantl" A so present were Sir e ea etcria opens o , h i cultural activities llirector Gears• FillNr and Sir 0.-· the mall and this 11 where· su, was I c ou nd er of lh« Ke.in Siddell and his wife ,Id Lo • 1la • 1111. of the 1uests partook of cham- mUJCum. . Betty, and Queensland' Quee'fw:n~t--ual!Jry pagneand delicious titbits He be1an by collec11n1 Cultural Centre direc1or Foun · bich bu TheyincludedSirAlber; work,_~y th e Zen prieSI Russell Kerrison .and his raised more t · S2.6 mil- Sahew1kl and Joyce Se~gai'" ~911 a nd !hen_de– wife, Pnuiy. lion (i~ludin, government Lftall. Sir Cor4oa Clialk. veloped his ~llecuon intc The official party seated 1ublidy) IO tba~ the pllery one of the long•time 1up- ' one numbering several outside the gallery's main caa be !illcd wtt. h worb of porters of the cultural cen- th ~u•.a nd art obj~cts. T_hc a t r t I 1 ...... ,..,,._,,. h G k pain11ngs and calh1raph1C! entrance included the Dep, r o in ernattona ,1111- re, •Y .___ t e ree ntnge in d t f h 12 h uty Premier, Dr Uew Ed dard. Consul, Alex· Freeleagus, · a e rom I e 1 ward1, Queensland Ari It was through the foun- · and hi, mother, Ariadne Gallery president of 1rus- dation that the "Portrait of Freelea1us, restaurateur Ices, Mr J111tlce Connolly a Young Lady" by Sir Pc- ••~ Ha • key, of the Foun- Di rcctor General O tcr Paul Rubens (circa lain Room , part of the Works, ha • Harrison. gal 1630) "·:, purchased and st_agc-one building-, his lcry director, Raoul Mell unveiled by Dr Liew Ed- wife, Pam, Amanda and illa, Works Department di- wards on Monday. H~ry Bartlett, Sir Edward rector of building, Ro111111 After the speeches, hun- W1lllam_s and Lady WII– Pulysba, and managing drcds of bright balloons II•- with Syd Williams, director, Harry Shead, of marked the opening and ' of Cairns, Margaret and the building company !h~n everyone proceeded Joba Maher and hundred Graham Evans. inside the gallery (slightly of other cultural support Senator Florence Bjelkt- ~ind blown and apprecia• ers. Peterwn also was present i live of the warmth inside Through gallery prom and so were Leone Ed- \ the gallery). tions officer Jue Wbl wards, Lady Muir and But 1•m sure I am not teoak,J had the pleasure o Pearl Wharton. · alone wlien I say that the meeting Malcolm Baker The Works and Housing , minute I stepped throu1h who brought t~.c "Renais Minister, Oaude Wharton, , tlie hroaze-1lazed doors sa_ncc _Bronzes from tll in his address of welcome into the expanshe foyer of Victoria and Albert Muse said the complex was a fine Italian marble, the richness um, London. example of what Queens- of the gallery warmtd the W_cdncsday saw _1_h land could achieve and a heart and soul. opening of the exh1b1110 credit to all concerned. Then as I walked further "Japan - Masterpiece The Queensland Cultur- on, _the water mall , a series f~om .. the ld~mitsu Collec al Centre Trust chairman, of six pools, left me breath- t1on, _organised by the In Sir Duid Muir, thanked less. tcrnatmnal Cuhural Cor architect Robin Gibson. re- The gallery con1ains 15 porat1on of Aus1ra l_1a cently named Queenslan- ind ividual galleries with a reprcsenie_d al the opcnin der of the Year, for his 101al noor spa~e of -1700 sq. by cxecu11vc d1rcc1or Bo magnificent design , which m. Edwards. Sir David described as And thousands of plants Also at the opening wa "clean and exquisitely sim- enhance the glowing white the director of the ldcmit pie, designed 10 be both exterior of tht building, u su Museum. Tokyo, Sb pract ical and fun ctional, docs the outdoor sculpture suke ldemillu, whose fa yet taking full advantage gardtn. thcr, the late 3azo !demit of lhc beautiful river fron• tagc." \ ,