Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

4000 IN 3 HOURS It r ,. o r d t·ruwc.l!<i 1,ac·kctl lht• (lm!f'IISlaml Satiunal Art <.iallt•rv ;.a t lht• wt•l'k•t'IH1 to !-il'f' llu~ t•untro\'t'rsial Fn11l'11 arl (:xhihiti1111, ~Inn• than .tOOO pcuph- taxed s1mct• a11d tlu· thrt•t• ,11l1•1ul– ants' patit!IH'I' dul'im: lilt' lhl'CC hour!\ lht· C..tllcry wa s op1•11ell lo 1111' 1111Mh· ycstcnlay. A similar nnmhc1, itu·ludin~ men. wutnl'II a nd d1ihln•n . ,·i,-.itrtl tht• Gall1•f')' on Satur• day when it was 01u·n from 10 n.m. In :i Gallt•n,· ~1,okei,– man said today lhtll lht· llm·t• attt-111lanh Wl'rt' worn out wht•n llu· last visitor lt:.{J_ --l.c:i~i·.. .;;;;::::;;,,o,qi-"' More itmi~ J ; .1100 1wo11le ha,·t· se,•11 tl1,• Fr,·nrh 1mlnli11;;s :-.in,•,. tlw t•xhihiliun n1u-1wcl :t week 11J:u. 'l'h1• <iallt•r~ will hi· O(lt'Jl rr1 1 (' tu tlu- (Hlhht• J'r11111 JO a.m . tu :, 1,.m 1·al'l1 ~l.1.,· lhis Wf'l'lt :1!ul until 9.::o ,,.m. on I lll'!Hla.\ a1uJ Thu,·.. . da~•. FRENCH ART OUR FORTUNE MELVILLE HAYSOM Whether or not viewers like the French paintings acquired by the Queensland A~t Gallery docs not mot:er much, but what 1s really importont is the remarkable good fortune that hos befallen Queensland. It is not th•1t tht• 11•~intini::, are o;u wmult rhal in th :·m- st•h·t·s, but that lhr ~ ;,lft' ,:ond ,,,.,amplt•s ol' Uw w irk of r•·marl..ahlt· pt>oph•. th:1t ha.., h1·t•11 rt·~1rn11,illl1• f11r tht· lar,.:.1· 1rnrt•hotM' uri,·t•~. This i~ whal 1:-. i,:. 11 own a"i l'Oill•rlt H~· \ ahw :,nd soml'Lillll'S c·au~1·s a !1·1•1- ing of cl i!-UjJfH.Jtnll11L'Ul LO Uw lnyman. I lh ,·an tak1• t•t1:11111rt that. in. thr uvinlon or li 11owlt·cl1-:"t':lhlt• tJt•uplr, tht• :,,,.tatr'!-1 arl ,•nlh·r– tiun is now un the wurlll map. La Bt·lil· Holland a i:·w IJ\' PH'H :--~O. is a pO\\'L'l'fl:' ,,{1rl\' work rarr1ed 1.Jllt 11. lht· . l)Cl'IOd c lw r:1ct l'J'1.S('( h\' Lile art.lst 's UllC'OlllPl'O– nl i:-\11!1 rluh:-m ,1nd l'Olo rc:-:t r:11111 and n.s sut·l! lllllSt bi• a pJ)l'Pt·J:ll('cl a ~ ; )! U \\t-ry )Jll'('I'. :\p~;t.lwt.u;:dl\·. \L \1•11\·1· nw lll)lll0\'l'ci , it :--hnws Ill t:1!-. lt' pf t ilt' ,1rt1:--t ...,· I t·· .w L1un to tllc· fla tnr ~:- <1 \ he D u tl'l1 \anclM·np<' Ill . it d:H·1·rt 11!n L,·r ms. J-11-; T:ttatholl\lllt' \l!;t•\f is pa r:\111'1· d , x<'J'Ci~(•s cnrrkcl u11l, O\ thou:-:a1Hh of sludr•111• iiw \\ nrld O\'t•r . Ff'lllllll ' nu ,Co11dh•e Sur La P l;1 µ1· 1:-– ,1 11 l·~ t·1·ll1•fl l t·X:tlll)l lt! 11! Pw,·1:-... u·:- m c·nta l :iµproHrll 10 tii1• h unrn n fnr m . ll !'ihow:,. him at hi, hest in makini: thin::., Joni, likt• what tlll',\ ar,• not. It i~ nn int('ITSL!ll:,.! .-:ulf•litd ll 111 I h is l,O \1•111'!1 tlrn t 111 dl'pit·t 1111,.: his n ·– Jat Inn,. P ira:-.!-<O 111011•.:. ht Ill !O p;lin t lh, 1 111 Ill lhl'!I' own ima:..:r \\'J tliout t11stnr- 1ion. World known work will be popular D•'!!:I!- Tnos· Dnns t•11sf':-– :, Iii Cl:1 s:-.,~ dt• D :Hl.S(' w\11 1,,. t lw popular ('l\Oicr, a nd rl!.! h l ly ~n It~ l:t•nrral anrwal ha..; 111al.11· it world ram• IHI'-, R1•1w1r·s m orr• nr IP~~ mono..: rarn mu, 1c COC'O ,•t J,·nn 1:-; a l!Oo<I stucl\' ol r·ll 1lrl n ·11 Ill lhl' tq111•,d 111:1111wr ol tlw pntn 11•r. I np11n •<.·111te Na t t11·1 1 \ lor1 b.\· :v1.111r1cl: df \ 'i;111\11ll'k , Tel<' dr F'1li1• iJ)' TOIi-