Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

THAT £90,000 LOOK .. T HI: man In th1 homllur1 hat, Mr. David Muir, 100111 at palnt- 1n11 In the 0111n air • rt 11hlllltlon at weell lluyin1 pl1turea for the Govern• ment of Qu11n1land, Auatr • II • , and the Quean1land Art -C • llerr, 1 I London'• lmllanllment Qarden1 ret• terdar, Mr. Muir spent £H,0H thla • ut all hi did reeterd • r wH I 10011. Farmer ftfll Mi Ji1it111s to give cit,1 ,'ITEALTHY Austranan ff sheep farmer Major Harold Rubin last night revealed the real reason behind the sale of his 12 paintings which fetched £105,240 at Sot 11 e b y's yesterday. The dapper ex-Coldstream Gua rds officer s~id : "The moncv is lnrllrertly i:oina lo help pay for a new hospital in S ,vdney. " I an, donalln~ J:J00.0110 rnr the hospital. ,somt 1n cash ~nd !~~f,~~ ~fur~~, 1 ~~~foti~ ~ ~h~~h thr~• ;H, ;nini: :o rafT'. c " M~· f.1:her mr1de ;:i fnrt u1H! and all lhroui:h Im Id e he a hospital talked about buildln1 a hoa– pilal. "I fell Iii with luni: cancer • while back. ll wu touch and ~n whether I ~ot through lho illness. Wlien I did I decided not to los~ ;:111v more time in makiniz my father·~ dream trut." The major's plan ~ for h1~ £10j,240 ha\'e ~11 ironic lW1!iL Au~tralrn 11 Gn\·~rnmc11t monry accnu11lrrl for a:1 bul £ 4.4-10 of il. Quctn,land Art G•ll•ry, Br1!b;rne. outbirl PR~cr bu,vers £0~1~~~~~--~ o~.t~c ~!1~1cW~f1~n d~ i!•t .'' a nurit- p;lrn tc<l 1n inn;,, rc:chcd the mo$l money. The 30lin. bv 26! in. pain1in2 made £55.000, lhe 111ghest PrlC(' ('\'('r paid !or a work bv a 11\·111~ artl!!. The major · paid only £6.000 for IL The Queensland gallery al,o bought Dl'Qas' lhrc• dancers fnr £22.000, a Rrnoir !or .Ci.000, • Toulouse Lauiroc for £6.000, two <"lher Piralism. r11r £4,200 and £4.0011 :rn<I a Viammck rnll Ii'• rnr C2.fi00. ~-lajo: Rubin ,a id: "The ,a:irry Pfl'~plc r1re $.prrrtcl .111: them ~ ~rl\·es ror Quccn~l;:md'~ ef'n!~- ~t";{ 0V 1 i~rl~~~~!. a.~?rx~ 1 ~1~lr~~-~·~I The Mr1jnr rfict ~pcnrl 1u)n,c rif the monry rlurinQ: the ~i' lr lie bou2hl a rirnolr for £4.11011 ;:1~ ;i wcrlrl 1n c p rr c:,.,,t fnr h tJ ~ancr•. ,Ju lia ~1ullcr, •n ex. Sydney wattrC35.