Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

THE TIMES THURSDAY MAY 7 Home News £55,000 PAID FOR PICASSO BREAKS AUCTION RECORD IMPRESSIONlST AllT SALE'S £394,000 FIIOM 11 " LE ROOM COO •PONDl1NT A price of £55,000 was paid yC!llcrday for a Plc&sso painting " I. lklle Hol• landaisc," the hlahc I ever paid al an auction for the work of a pain1er 1111 II Ina. The sale wa nl Solhcby' and wu of 149 lmpre 1ionl I and lalcr p11lnl• lnas and d rawinll . 'fhc total pnld was Ju l hon of £llJ4,000. Al one I me 1hc Plc3\\0, i,;,lnlcd In 190 , dmnaed h3nd1 fur 8110 fnin • then fot C.000. and b1rr for (6,000. Other 111r• pnsn •err : !)2,000 for I ltonne ~II• portr111il nd 02.000 for "1 hrrc D~n~ell " by De . The cu•'t m:111• ln1cm,11ion I cro•d of bU) c and pcctAlm'J 1 ,..... 0 per «nL rcminln poured lnh1 so1hcbr' for the le. 'fhc /1111 of the coll tlon wa, unquc,llon:abl)' the 11onl,hin1 m ture • orli: •• La Belle llolland• \C " • nude of monumml lly 1h11 impc!lon I fem nine dian tY \no wonder lh•t in h,, old a1c Pi hH . 111 that •·hen he • youn1 he could dnow lik lhl'h••II. 0 E NSUN0 II Yl!R 1•,,...-.tt11 l•nJ i rullmf ill 000 II' ul R...cnNr1I. " "" nl Z,nn•••.'' t,y p ntin•I hllU, (~.000 11,,,,1h1. "" lfrcil i;1, 1cy, •• 1 hr Jun<1lt1n nf 1hr I "'"' ••J 1hr nl<", · 1UOO llhr..:h ,r,,I tlkrl, ., 111,n tu, cut,,,1. 0 ·• t1.-trlNt1ln.'' .,,., tK>lr • 1nr ~,m n c ,.n.,, ""I' t 1. 1110 rn, • 11, I. n 1H ._, r,ur •cent. ...2 f1tr :m"1hcr h v the \ 101, r;,lnl<r, 1hr 11,n,.,rr C ,.,llm .1f10 fctr :1 Ku11.a111t 0•'"~' r•rct c rannr ,1111 life. " lht lllm Oi,h.'' 11n11f' fir fivt .ache, "" 11 le1l1r , h<'ll hi ft•, I ,OI II ln•l<lnl. • 11rl ""11, c,.,,, ""'"" f,,r !.I~ I \ lo lhtt«nl, J loll fr f':•.~.·•~! n. ', t ~1\,\'.·~t.~'~ .~:.~~-.·~ n t~ c,•rror,11tonl, II 0 11f) ,.,ml~, ,r, fN L,.A fHiAhn, hr ,,me ,r1,-.f, ••' attr· 1 e11lnur of ·• I ht f 1,uhJ1 ,,t " '""111." I'll'. fnr 2. 00 • I 001h1 1onrt. •• I he 4 'ttlflt In uturnn." " "' ,,,Id 10 lh< llctlftrn l ,1llrrt fnr ~.200. 1959