Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

PICASSO NUDE FETCHES £55,000 AT SOTHEBY'S HIGHEST PRICE EVER PAID FOR LIVING ARTIST'S WORK ,,~. Tt•:tm w :f; m 1,1 .. , u' A ST DY o f a nuclc wnm,rn hi' Pil'as,n. da tNI 1'J05. ,, as sold for £35.000 al Snthchy'~ ycs1crd,1y. I hcltc\'e 1h1 s to be the hi ~hcs1 price ever p,llll il l aur l H111 [Dr th~ \\ Ol'k of a li vin~ .tr ti st fh c rrc , 10 11s rcL·nrd ,, ~:, al~o tor :1 1'11.·,1,,u. It" ''' c,1abl1.,hcU II th e· Parkc - lkrnc1 G,,llcnc,. cw York. ''" ' N111 crnhcr. when ., "1 n1he r :111tl hdrl b) him ol•1.1111cd app rnx1111,11ch l ; ,1.1101,. RECOl~ll l'l~I CE FOi{ ,\ PI C.-\SSO. r\11 assistant holdi1111 the Picasso 1111«11·, " I.a Belle I loll:11,dai,t·." d11ri1111 th,· sale :1t Sotheh<s ~·e,;krday. . ~~111'11 lht· pai111i1111 n ·:tlist•d till' r<'cord s11111 ol L 1.1.IIIIII. l.f.1-T: :\ seli-porlrail hy l'1·za11111·. which \\as al,11 sold yeslnda)· ior J:T!,IHIO. The picture i;old yc~tcrday is wcll 1 ~i~~l;:n. r1~ml9 lR~JnJ' it h~~~\x1;r I T urninH 1r, t he other ,,rupcrr1cs Dr. F. Na t iun. of Zurich. p.1id {32.000 fo r ., Ccz:r nnc Sr!f Ponrait. the prop\!ro· n f B.1rnn C. E. Jz.i nssen . This comn ...~llinl!. pn rtr,1 11 me:1!-u rcs 13in by IOtn . It \\'as !Minted cin·:1 bited al lhc fi1zwilh:1111 Museum. / C.1 mhrid~e. Ac,:nrdin1ot 10 onl' acc.:nun1 it w;1f, sold (nr ROO frilnl's -.nnn ahcr II was r,;iintcd. I h:1,·c not conflrmt>d this. but I unctcr~t.inct 1h;1t ~horlly artcr the l,1,1 w;1r it chani:cd h;ind, (nr (6.0011. Yc-.,tnd.t) ·., ,clkr \\,I\ \1,11nr II. de V,,hl Ruhin. The r 1cturc was briuv.ht h.\ lhC' ,\ ~cnt Gcncrd l for Q ucen,l,,nJ. ac1in~ f" bch,111 o( I the Ouc~n, l.,ncl Art allerr. SALE SL'Kl'RISE -j' ·Qu<•,·nslan.f Pnrd1 ase~ One of 1he ,nrpn..,c,o, or the ~ale " '•" \\'hen th\.' (.)uccn..,J.111d ,\ rl Galh:ry h1,111ith1 n11 i...1 of 1he m n1L' d\.!sir.i hlr r,f i\1,11or Rubin '.., riic111r1·,. He ,.., '11 111,,:Jr It•,111 1.!nt ,,/ flri,hanc. Iii, I~ \\Prk, 111 the , ,,k brnui.: 1 11 in 111, IL•,;;;, 1h.111 ( 10'1.~·10. B111 thl'\ fo rmed 11111' ., , m,111 11.it l of lht.' s.ilc. \\'h kh 11,1,dlt-d (1'1 •1.il \, Th..:,L' IPl,d, .,rr 1n 1hem-.cln '– rc111.1rl..,1hlc r111111i.:h•• dthnu i.:h tht.'\ in,:lud c ,I fi:,, p 1r 111 r1''- \\ h1rh f nh.•d tn fc1ch hich rco,;cn ·t•..,, 1\111 1hc rc;dl\' r1',1t•\,1lJ·1h, 1h111c ,, 1h,11 n,:i n; l'fl lllf"t,11',lll\'l'\} 0111101 \\ 1111,., fctd1 cc1 h1ch rril'cs. O, cr \II 1u,.:111 r1.'" l'Ulll111,lfllkcl het wren { 1.0110 .111d (i,1100. ,ind :i t one poi nr 1n 111,~ ,,ii<' 11 ,t!n cc1 rn hrc·,11.. lht• mnnnf<1II\ \\ hen snmc• rh1 11i.: \, cnt fnr le,, th,111 £1 .011\1. £22,111111 FOil l)E(; AS St:1_, In :\11,1r:rli:1 j'\! n 1 1111 ]\ dtd 1/11.• \,h1L'~n~l.1nd i\rt Galler~ m,1kc rhc· ci i\ \ lw.:hL",I h1ci , h 111 l hL') ,1h 11 111,ttk lh t· 1l11 rcl hn.dtl',t Ind 111 1.:11-.11 1,· th,+1 :1 Dc,i.:,1" ~, ucty of three rtam·cr'- ,h111dc1 ,1.1~ in A11,1 r;1li,1. Th" hc,tu1 1f11 I p.11111. ln 'l, wt11L'h 111c:1't11rco,; 201n tH ~ I J 1n, cr,s1 1hr111 £22 .000 Other. ln1, ,1t·q 1111 cd I.,\ thr Qurcn<tl,rnrl (i,tlln\ in1.·l11tlrd 1 sm;1II Rcnn1r n1 1 , i... 11.·h pf 11111 C 1111 h(',Hh. lllfl I 1'11. .1,..tl •., 1l·..'r cnlnu r ,incl , ci r ,,, •n .! h h1111 1n cn lou rcri 11.1, h 1 ,! ~ ... 1, 1~ 1 ·.r I 1 h ' Renoir m 1dr [ , i 1 11 11 , 1h, 1 11 r,1 nf I e r ir I\ \,, ~ 111 HI ' ( l ,ir1n .Ind t hr <Cl."Qnd [ l, ~rn1 IR83-85. I A Cezan nc s tudy nr live pe:tl'hcs on a lecl g~ was bou~IH by the Lnndon d·ea lcr .'vlr. H. Einstein. actina on behalf or ,, oriva tc I collector. fo r £.1 7.000. The most rece nt of Ille e,hihi• tinns in which it has brcn srcn was I I 111 O,lo in 195-1. It measu res IOJ in h.1• Rl in and was sent in hy Mr. J'e1er Pi1t -1\lillward. CEZANNE SKETCHES Hastily Execulcd In ,1 , t":! n...,c 1.'\ en more MHllfl!i-1n1.1 we re l hc hllh or (2 .0011 ,llld l\l fl hu.h n f I.1 .800 \1 h11.:h ,cc111cd 1in, t1it ~l-.ctd1c·, hy l 'cz,11111c, The,~ \'l'I \ h.1,11 1.\ c\.C1,,.•u 1cd llltle s1ud 11:, 111c,1,urc n 11 I., f;!i 11 hy S~i11 .111cl •l : 111 h1 6in ,tnd iin by i Hn. P:1ul Hn , e nhcri; .rnd Co.. Ille Ne" Yurk rlc.ilc r, . ~.1 \'l' [ 11.0110 (nr .,n L',1rly Pi c.., ,,rrri l,ind,c,1pc da11m: f1n 111 1~68. ,\n,,th ... ·1 Ne\, Yori,. 1 11 r111 tha t did wel l was J\lc:,"""· I ll ir,chl ,tnrl Ac1lcr, \\'hn l)bt.11ncd .1 Si-.k, 11! I lle 1u n1,,·111 rn of the Loi n~ 111tl 1lw St'1n,• fn r 11.iOII. l}c,1h PIL'.l llf"C, \\ Cl l' l hl' f"tlU Jl('f (} 11f \1 r Gco r;..:c J. Goulet. who. likt.· tht' hu,,·r, . l.'Ofllc, from New Yori,. /Ji, p.+in rinl-! n r Zrn n,.1~. hy F.1 n1in I ,111111 r . .1 h11 d id \,ell. II \\,p; ,ll.'(1 11 11!,.'.'d by Ttl1Jlh'- ro, UUH IO. \1 r. J:rr c l:, 111nd~ h11u~h1 1 < ;,111!.:.111 n l,1nd ,t\ 1Pl', hrncd ,tnd cl,ll ('(f ·~ I. f\•r ( 1 1. 'iOII, ,t nci ,. P.iri, ck ,dc1 ~"' t· LS . ;on fnr ;1 J11,1n-firi ,;,, p,1111t <•d h c• I,, c-cn 19 10-1 R. 191i I ITRll.1.0 Rid of H .HIIO A p,1rt1nd.1r lv i111crcsrinR bid w.i, ,111.! nf £ 1.Rflfl. which ,;,cn1rrd [.t l '1rilln 1'lf 1917. Thi-. Is .1n r..; rrptinria llv h1~h price (nr a l '1rill11 nf th,, d ,1h!. It "''" .111 1 1111rrc..,11n1.1. tn -.re r 1~ llll'C', h, ltl'flll,111 ,lllfl A u<:tri.111 lrl llil', 1.·nr11111.,11 d111 1.: \.llhld hit!,. •\ f..:, ,l.. n ,r h k.1 Ill ,de (l tlflll. wh1h· r un,r,1(-o:; 1-. f l..'.11 lh ncr t1h1,1i1wd 1 • .' ( 11111 .111d £.: l tlt)