Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

In Jost tatf 'an holir . Major gets £100,000 I N that 1·alm, u II r II ff IP. d atmos11here that alwavs ulsts when really big money changes hands, I watch c d nearly half a million 11ounds ~o under the hammer yesterday , . , on a few square yards of 1iai11l and canvas. I'd crowdt•d lnln t.hc • clcganl surroundings uf Sothcby's showrooms In New Bond -stn·ct to watch one of the mos t sensational a rt sail's of the ,,,,ntury, And saw a quii•t lr – spokr.n Allsl rn linII shl•ep hlrmt•r turn a prollt ot £100,000 i11 hnlf an hour. Willi a P1cas"io t llal rcti.:hcd nnly 800 rrnncs when IL wa.i; IH\llllcd buck }~r1 1 1~i~· ~~iJ~•,~r-,li~r~l~cecft: Yahl n ubl11, clt-ancd up £ 55,000, Thnt.'s thr hleh,.<1 price C\'CI' pnicl for LIW \\'Ork u! n li\'111~ artist. Bl-:~~1•,~r;u.,:::.r:{ l~:al::~; gohh•n <·hair In thl' sale– room, sat his llanc:et-, 30- ) 1•ar-old ,l ullc i\111ll1•r. S11e wa. .; a wal! rrss: 110w slH•'I( be Ills llfl li wife. Juli!' told 11u• nftcr• w.1rcl:.;· " I d 1111't k1iuw m 11c-l1 nt1u111 pa inting, or :thfJUl !IIH!lL'Y. I 11('\'L'I' k11ew 11.urr \\:Is so n t:h w!wn w,• w,•re n 1~:aL:rd. " He 111:trlc £l0ll,UIIO Ll\\s 111orm111-:- but 1 l'<rn 't :say iL 11\!'l!\C\" Oil)' d1lkr~J1Cl' to us. " 1 !-iho11ldn't think so. Aflt>r nil. \\'llf' l1 n 1111111 h,1'– '.l:1 11 1111..1•,; .-.p:·,·ru l • ·r.11,s t!h• \\ 11::d. a11<1 J11..1 tn t':lt"lllll"!l gc Jnl!t· ill ii•·: :'11'1 .-..111cl!l·.~ pny1t .C4.0UO :, ,r ,L Ht>IIOII'. wilut".., the 41(!~1 ln:ncl rt'd tl101is:i11cl . 1 A ~'°.!t.,:~ 11 111,, 11 ,~;~: .. ,1~~ 1 ;~ It WUti IJtl llt• tilr .,;1mple:-it ll thk r,r 1•,·c r ~1•i•t1 . .. n i~:~ 1 1\'. 1 ~1 ~Ow:•! 11 'irtt:!}!rn ~ 1 \~:~t :! ll,·r 0 1111!3 IIHH modc.,')tly It.dtll-,1 !n lrn11t of her. I \\ US j11.,1 :1ho111 b:Clli ll~ Ll1c h·rlt11i-; ur t 11111~::. 1:1 tll!-. w,rnclcrlul wur!cl - w111rl1111.: tla• h:d!. t.:n 11p h_;– l lIOlhfllHI.,; - whf'n :-0111r – lJ1,clr IJi·ukr 1111· sp1•:1. B r pa . 1111: JI!"' ~8 fur :1 p l1•1·l· (1! :,l·11l1HHl'i', profit!