Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

DAILY MAIL, Thursday, May 7, 1959 THE MOST EXPENSIVE PICASSO It fetches £55,000 at SothebJj's IY PIERRE JEANNERAT Ind STANLEY BONNETT ']_,HE most expensive Picasso of all time - it !etched £55,000 at Sothcby's In London yes– terday-ls going to a Queensland, Ar1stralia. art gallery Just down t.he road from the home of liO– year-old Major Harol!I Rubin, the Old Elonian aheep !armer who sold It. AltogethPr the Queensland Gallery, ln Brisbane, bOU!lht t or £ 100,800 sevt•n or the 12 Modems ln the collection u! MaJor Rubin. Last nlghl the lour • U111es • married 111aJor s11lli : " JI u,e gal– JNy apprnach me I will give lhem a cheque towards tht! cost.. " I wanted lhe pictures t.o go to a pulJllc gall('r)'. 1 cunnot glve them th~ whole pruceclls or the sale becnusc I wanL to spcncJ sollltt of tile money on a hospital nl Sydney which I have established." The U1rce-ho11r sale. In wh ich Rr~: P~i~r \tfi~o::r ;);3 ,~:~c\:~\;f\!1 television cnmerns coultJ be heurd, br ought MnJor Rubin £105,240. Civen away Sothehy's toLal reached £3UJ,Hl3 - the second highest In British Auction h istory. The record or £181.000 was established last Or.tober for seven Impressionists pictures from Lhe Jakob Gold• Achmlclt cullectlon. The Pica.'<so Ln Bcllr l/nl– /n,1d(l isr ls n. llfr -~w:- st 11dy or A plump nude Dntch girl nanied \VlllielmlntJc, whom P icasso ll1Cl Ill I00j , This pnlnllng, clone In non– trnm,pnrcnt wnler colour. Is one or t.he flnesL cxi1111ples ot Picasso·s 11111ch •sought • a.rtcr <'nrl.v Blue Period. P!r ar..c;o gave It nwny tmmedl- 111.e,v hr hRd 0n lshr<I It to a friei1d. The frlr nd sold It ror £1~ to sett.le n. rnvcr11 debL owed by Picasso nnct hi11l•wH. Since then Britnin hn.c:; hnd two opportu nities of buying the picture, which Is far O<.'Ll r r thnn nny Pn rly P1cnsso In R nallonal cullcctlon. A Bank of En1;lnnli dln •ctor would hnve .sole! It 10 the Stn t,• for £2,000. :11nJor Rllhlll bought It evrntunll v ror £0,000. M aj or Rubin yesterdn;· wnt.che<I onl\· two men-the nuctlon~r.r nml l\l r David Muir, 4~-l'rnr-olcl Agrn L• Gcnrrnl for Q11CC'11slnnd, who wn~ hicldin g nn br lnlf nf the ~111lcry Rnd l11s Go\'rrnmcnt.... - ~lr. r..1 11\r's lnstrur t1nn.'- W"rr t,o t:et ns IIH\11\' p iCllll'l'S us is11,1e ror £100.0llfl. 'Quiver' ?\tr. :\tu !r !mid lntl'r : ., \Vhrn thr hitldin~ ~nt lo £30,000 l hronn t n '1 ll1\'rr. \Vhrn It. ~ot 1n £ :10,00fl J wn.1s rrn lh· swrntrni.::. But. 1 wn~ cir• rrm 111r d tO grt Ii " T h r llC'.._ I mn,L ll iu: 11'. •; Pl'll"l'CI n ub:n pictun• ·.,·n:,; Thr Dn m·, ·r.tr . h·: D f'g:ns, wll!Ch Quf•1•m,ln11d nlso h rt'IChl [01' £'.!:.! 000. :\lo 1nr t1 11h1Jt lm111.!hl R r11111!''s A r lr1f,• •1/ Q r(lll(Jf' \ f/11(/ L/'111011S IOI' £ 4 OflO T lw• wa.c: n nr(•M'lll for :!fl-yr nr • n1rl ,J 11J1 r• :,.1111!r:. 111rn11•r w11 ltr1-.;;s •rnm s, <1 11r,· wlw Mt! tit\ .. 1ck 111111. ;I'll t" \" ,u !I nifl rr\' ln l'!\ l"L', Ill .J11h·. n 1ir .. l<lf' tllr H.11l1111 il l'lll,'- h\gh• lq.:11•.,;, nt thr :-.:1'.f'I ,~'f'l'l~ Pnul ('(,1f' :111r., S••l 1 1'111tlf11 \\ h :n1 f• ' ('liN I j~:t.:ooo · r f'1nn!H' .... 1'11,· n 111r r fa/1' , S~ li 0011 . G1~nrt::l' n r ~1111r ·... F 111ff / II /I /I rt h / 11•(1 r!' I .C l;, 1100. i ---~ ,-~ ---~-----·r· , --,.-.....-, _.,.;i;_ -·-··>, .,., . '