Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

THE MOST EXPENSIVR PICASSO ~~h~;I It fetches £55,000 at Sotheby's By PIERRE JEANNERAT and STANLEY BONNETT 1,HE most expensive Picasso of all time-it fetched £55.000 at Sotheby's, ln London, yesterday- ls going to a Queensland, Australia. art gallery Just down the road from the home of 60-year-old Major Harold Rubin. the Old Etonian sheep farmer who sold it. Altogethe r t he \,/uernsland Galirry. In Brisbane. bought. fnr £ JOO.BOO seven of the 12 modems In the colicctlon of MnJor Rubin. J ... a!'-t n ighl t l1r four•! 1mcs- 111,11T1c<t mnlor snid: .. tr the 1,.:allrry n,pprm~ch me t ,;,,•ill 5r1vc 1 hC'm R. rhf'QUP, towards t.lrn rot..! . " r "·antrd 1hc pir1urc to i:::o lo ,1 1rnhl 1r, l!.lll rr". I c,1 111101. s::i:ivc 1hr111 thr whnlri rirocrcd.,;; oft.he :.a:(I brcr111~r l wr1111 1.0 ~ncnrl !--Omr n( 1 hr monrv on a hO!-l'lll :tl :t l Swlnry . which J have c:-,:.:\hl1shed." Given away 111P t.hrre-hrmr ~a le. tn wh\ch onh" t,ht' voicP or Lht' auct,1<m11n. ~tr. Pet~r Wilson. a.nd th• hum of tele\'ISitn cameras could h• hea rd. hroughL Malor Rubin £105.240. £.Ji~ 1 ·rtt)1,e ~~•~nd ~1~:11';.t.'1~ Bnt1sn auction h1stor:v. ThP. record ol £781.00Q was eslah· llshrrl last. Octohrr rnr seven 1mpre~<:i!i1011\5t~ pten iref. from t,he J akoh Ooldschm1dt, collection. Tl1e P1ca.,so La. Belle f/ollantf– m.(r '·" a life-size s111dv or a plump, t11Jrtf" Dtirch girl · n11mer1 Wllhclmrnl lr, whnm Picassn m"t in lflO:t. Tht.i:. patntirnr, rlnne 111 non- ~'i'1 n~~~ren?in~~:.Pr i~~~\~le1: 01~? P1cn1-,~o·.ir; m11ch - F-011ght - RftPr r rtrl~· hlue pr rlnc1. PlCAS!-0 ~rwe ii AWa \' Imm,,. rl!~ Ir l\' hr hnrt fim~l11•rf It,, ro 1\ lrirnrl The friend solrl 11. for 1: 12 tn :i:;PlllP a t;H'Crn drbt ov.·rd hr f' Wil!-~n anr1 h11n!irlf. Instructions :--.11v·r 1l1r 11 Bnl:1111 Im ~ lt:irl 1 wp nppr;irl111111 irs nf hu.r rnc- , l1P 111r1 11rr , \\'l11r:h is (;tr 1,,,11rr 1hn11 :in,· ,..,:irl\1 r 1carisn 111 ::i 1rnt1onr1 t rnllrrt inn ,\ Bank nf Eni;:lrnvl rt1rrctc,r wm1\rl IHWP ~nlrl ii tn lhP ~1a,,. fnr 1:2.nnn. />1.1 lnr R11h1n bo115:ht, LI r \'"111 \lrl llv frir £fi.nno ,,~ 1nr Rt1h111 ,-e~IP rciA \' , 1 :11 rhrd nnly fwn mr11 - lh c :i 11C"t1r,nrrr Anci f\lr. D11 vld M11\r. 4:1,,·cnr-nld A,:ent.-Gr.n~rA I fnr Q 11rrni,;:\A11rt. who w As bldrh11r. ,,11 hrh:-iH nf thr ~allcr,· And Ill~ l in\'Pl'llmrnl .