Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Dnil11 T,,.f, 1 p1·nph ""'' 1f nrni11 1 1 P•tAI , 1 J 11 Jt ~il'l,1/, ,lt ny PICASSO NUDE FETCHES £55,000 AT SOTHEBY'S - - ----- HIGHEST PRICE EVER PAID FOR LIVING ARTIST'S WORK B~· 1'1::Rl-:.H .f: .IH'LUU' A STUDY 0f a nude woman hv Pi<:asso, datrd 1905, was sold for £5j,tl00 at Snthchy's yc~tcrday. I bclicl'e this to be the hiishcst price Cl'cr l'"id at au,tion for the work of a livin g anist. The previous rcl'orrl \\ a-.. ,1bu rnr a P1l.'.:i~:-.u. It was r stablishcJ '1 the Parke-Bernet Ga llc ncs, New York, lasi November, when a Mo1hcr a nd C l11ld b" him · ----- . oh1ained a nprox,matc ll' 1> 11100. I"' 0 ,<111 111 19'>•1. It meas.urcs IOl1n 1· • J . ' h.\ 8!1n ;rncl WdS !-Cnt in by Mr. The J'lict urc ,;nlrl .\ cs1~rdJ.\ 1s \,r ll Pe1cr Pit1 -.\1tllw,irri . knnwn from 111..iny honk,;, :,n Pica, sn. In IQ1R 19 it was exh1- CEZANNE SKETCHES bited at the F11 zwi ll1,1111 i\\uscum. ' Hastt'I•• E•·c. 1 •. , C.1mbndgc. · J ,, cu ,u According 1n ... ,nc ,1r cnun 1 ii w.t,; I In a ~cn:,e even more surrristnt sold for 800 franc< soM .,her 11 were the h1ds of £2.000 and l"o was painted. I ha\'e nnt confirmed hid< nf £ I.ROil wh_ich secured t111y this. but I undcro;.t,1nd thc1t °'hortly 011 skctd)CS hy Ccza n~c. Th<::'\C after the l.1st w,1r it chani::.cd hand,;, \'Cl')' h...1st11) cxc,.:lllCd li ttle studies for £6.000. mca~tirc only hlin by Mlin and ·llin Yesterday·-. ~cl'lcr ,\•,1, J\tii0r II. de Yahl Ruhin. The pict ure w ,1,; b(Hljl.ht h_v th e ;.\ucnt Gcncr,tl for Queensland. ,,ctin~ nn heh.tlf of the Quecnsl,111d Art G.tllcry. SALE SURPRISE Queensland Pur~hasl·~ bv bin an d 'j 1n by 7ii n. Paul Roscnhcrw. ,111d Co.. the New York de.tie r<, ~.1vc [12.000 [01 ,in earl~' P1s:-.,1rrn landsl'aflC datin~ from 1868. Another Nl!w York r1rn1 that did well w,ts Mcs~rs. ll ir,chl ,tnd Adler. who ohtainccl a S1..,ll-y of the i11nnion of the Loing ,1nd the Sl·inc r11r £I I.SOO. One n( the surrriscs nf 1hc ~;1lc Bnth pil:turcs were the rrorrrt., w;1.'- when the Quc~nsl.ind An I nf .\fr. Gccin.!c J. Gnu Id. who, lik~ Gallery hnu~hr 11111st nf the more 1be hu ,c r:-.. i.:omc"' from New York. desirit_hlc o~M,ii\1 r Ruhin '~ r1crnrcs. 1 Jli.;. pa1ntin5t of Zinni.,~. by Fantin- He 1s h1mr.clf ,1 rc-.1de11t nf l..11,,u r. ,tlsn did we ll. Brisba ne. 11 \,,1s .1cq u1rcd tw Tno1h1- rnr • Hi!! 12 \\ n rks in 1hc -.,de t'iroui:ht (X.000. ~tr. Eric Es1.nrick ht~ui:ht In no lc~c. 1\1.111 £.105. 2-IO. B111 the, ., (j,1u~u in landsc,1rie. siJmcrl and formetl nnly ., o:m,tll r ,1rt of the ci.11 cd ·~-1. fr•r (9.iiOO.. 1nrl ,1 P:1ns •ale, wl11ch tnt ,tl k rl 09,t,; 1l. rlc.iler ~.11e H5tltl for,, J11,tn-G ris. Thc,e tn1,ds .ire in them,;;clvc-; p,tintcd hcl wccn 1910-1R. r~~~d~a~l~C\~'nl~l~~~~c~ 1 ~~1~{~!,h r.:n~~ I')37 UTR II..LO ~~~l~~tcl~rnli~~!-~ /~~~crvt~t~im: ~t 1 ~1.l 1~· j Bid o( £~.KOO . . man~ cnmp.tr.i l l\ .l'h ' rrn rwr ,,·ri rl..s t\ p,1rt.1c11l.1rly 1ntc1:c:.t1nJt hid (c1cliC'ri hii;zh prin~-.. j w,1, nnr 11f £·1.S00, ,~h.1ch, secured Over 10 pr cturi:-. ~c 1 •n1111.1 111Jcd ~c 1~;~;1 ~~~:l1;,'r1, 1~~1 ;~.;ric:~ 1 f~r ';~ l}~rR~ hctwec: ~ il_,IHH\ .11Hl [ dltHl. 1tncl .it c,f th b d.1.lc . cmc rh11n t 111 11,c -;,1 le 11 -.crv .. ·cl In break rh -.! 111011111,,11\ when :-,1,1111!• thi ni,1. wen t for lc:-.s tl1c1 n [I .000. £22,111111 FOR DEGAS Stay In Australia Nnt nnl~ 1 did lh!! Qucl' 11sldl'1d Art Gr1 llcr-' m,1k~ thl! d.1.\ ·,; h1~h~ 1 q hid. but thty ~1-.n m.1rte th\! 1h1rd h1ghec:.f hid w c,,-.,111 c 1h,11 ., D'-·c.i-. '-IUd.\ n f 1h 1cr cl,111li:r, .. 111,11ld ..,,,1y in .A.u;;tr;i\i,1. Thi,;, hc,tl1t1f ul p,1\lll · in~. which ml',t'lurc-. 21lin hy 2·Hrn, ccist 1hc111 !.. 22.tlllO. Other \01s .1 L'qu1 r~d hy Quecn~l.1nrt Ci.1111.'r~ inclutkd ii small Rcrw ir ,1il ,1- l~tl'h c,f t,\n child h~.1rl-.. ,11,ri ,1 P1 l·,1~,n ,,·.i tl'r• cnln11r and .t dr,t,\ inJ.! lw him 111 cnlnured ,, .1,h ,111d l.!Pu,1Chc. Th e Rcnnir m,1d(! f.7. IHHl. ,\htlc 1:,c 111'..,t nf thc Pit.' •.,..,,,, m 1(1\! £·1.000 ,1nd tht "NT•llri !.•l,200. T urn1m: 1,1 , !h' ,11 hc1 pr,1pl!r1tc1, llr. F. ~.11h .111 , 111 Zurich. 11.11rl I.12 .000 for ,1 l .L'i',lnll(! Self Portr,111. the nrorh'' rl.' f'if Pi.iro n C. L l.in, scn. This cnnw~!l 1nl.! p,Hlr.111 11w,1surc:-. I 3in h~ IOin. It ,, ,1, 1, ,11 n1 c d c1rl·,i 1~83-~j. A Cez.,rnnt' ...,ud,\ nf li ve f'Citchc, nn ,1 lccl;:c w.1, ho u\:ht hy th e Lnncfr,n rlc.drr ,\\r. H. Einslcin. ;tctin~ nn heh~H 11f a cnllect,,,. for C17,1100. II ,,,1s ,11.._n in1 crc-.1in\: ln '-CC ril'- 1urc!-- hy German ;i ncl Austri;rn .1r1i•q ,; t.'nmrn1 ndini.: gnnd hil'ii;;, ,.\ J,;nkoschk.i m.,nc 0.01111. while c,J m11lcs nf Ki rchner obi:tincd U.600 ,tnrl £2.·1110.