Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

'ASSO NUDE FETCHES AT SOTHEBY'S JHEST PRICE EVER PAlD LIVING ARTIST'S WORK B~, 1'1-:Rf;, ·u; ,ltl'U,AU' UDY,:,(~ nude wnma 11 h,v Picas·o, dated 1905, \l ti- 1 for [55,000 at Sothcby's yeste rday. I belicl'c thi s he hi)Zhcst price ever paid at .,uctio11 fnr the work of rcvinus r~i.:nr<l w,,.., ,1bP k1r a P1l'.a:-.'-io. It wa ~ cstablishct.l rkc•l3crnct G.tllc n c~, 'cw York, !;1:">t Novc mhcr, when a •11 d Child bv him -- - · - --- . ppl'OXI m.1tcly ( i-1 ,000. I~.~. ~1;l;;, ll~ll~(~l•!,·rlSI I :-.~~~t\t~rcl~/ ~~1jt 11rc "nlrt \C" l<'1d,1, i~ \\'ell r r 1c, Pitt ,\l illw;l!'rt, nm m.iny t,nOk" :,n h 1938-19 it "'"· cxh1 - CEZANNE SKETCHES e F1t 2willl,un ,\\ u"icum, Hastil}' Exc..:uh•ll n;: lfl \'lllC ,11.'°(nun f it W,i(j 0 (ranee; soon ,1f1rr 11 ,_ I hr1ve not on!irmcd ,ndcr~tJnd th,1t lwr1ly i'I t war it ch~inced h,rnd" , ·1- seller w.1, 1\l.11n r I I. 1 in . fh c picture \\,1 <; 1hc Ac.cnt Gc n(r,·d for rt . o1ctin}.t nn hrh,llf of , J.rnd Art G,,llcry. In ;t i.cn ~c even more "11rpri!-111t! were the hid , of .u.ono and l"O hir1s ~f £ I.ROil which secured 11ny nil "kctrhcs hy Ccz,1nnc. Thc,c \'e ry h<1s111) ~'-cc111 cd liule s1ud1c!'t 111c:P,11rc nnly td in hy Hti n and •H111 IH' tun ,ind j in by 71in. P.iul Row11hcr~ and Co.. the Nrw York de.Iler~. ~.1\·e £ 12.000 fn1 o1n c.-trb P1!-t.:.,trrn landscai,c dnting frT•m IXMi. Annthcr r-.;ew York r1rn1 th.it did \,·ell w,ts .\1cs~r~. 11 ,r,ch l ,tnd Acilcr. who ohtained ,, S1,h..·,· nf the iunc1ion nf the Loin).!. .1nd 1111..· Seine f~,r £ 11 .:iOtl. 1r.. suri,risc!'t nf tlw ~ale Bnth pic1urcs \\Cl'C the r,rupCrl.\ 1hc 011ccn~l.1nd An nf .\1r. Genn:.c- J. G,Hdrt. who. lik ~ 11:..:ht 1nns t nf rhc mnrc tile hu,c r1-1 l..'lJll\l'' frnm New Yn1k r \ 1.1ior Ruhin·s r icturcs. 1 Hr-. p.1.in1in~ of Z1n ni,1s, by Fan1111 1m-.clf :1 rl•siclerlf o f l..11011 r. ,tlc;;n <li<1 \\'C II. 1 rks in lhc ,.tic hroui:,ht 1 , '" ( 10>.c·lO. Bui lhCI' ,, .1 c;m,dl r itr1 rif the , 1~1.,l lcrl 09-1.; I1. d1ci lhc Q11cc11sl,1nd Art ,I.! rh e rL1."·' h,cheq hid. ,dsn m.irlf' thi'." rhirrt , 10 cn,u1c 1h ,11 ., l)\'C.,1\ l i:c rl.111\.cr, -.1,,,uld , 1,1y 1, Th ie. hc.11111f11l p,11111 - mc.isurc, 20111 h~ 2 1J 111. , ! ~.onn. ·11-1 .11..:qu1rcd hy llH• 1• l ~.111-.--ry indud t:cl a ,i r n il ,k\•tt:h nf l\,n •. il nd ,1 Pic.,.;~n \\'ri ll'!'• 1 ,I d r.1" in~ hy h1111 111 · , h ,111cl ~1,11,1d1c. Th e • ( i.11(111, \\ h11c 1!1c 11 n,1 , ,p.;, rn,1dl' ( ·1.tlllO ,1nd , Ullll. 1 1 t ill' ,,t lh·r i,1,1pcrt 1c, 1 .1 11. nf Z1md1. 11,11cl 1 1 l ·c1.rn1h~ ScH Pnrt r,tll . 1 0 f P.,tr011 C. E. f.1n,.">rn. 11111.! pnrt r,111 nw .1 ,u rc:-. ) •·. 11 \, ,1, p,11 n1t:c! c:1rr,1 t..' 1;:111d.' n f h\'C rc,1chc, .:1• \\JS hnuuht by the ·, ,lcr .\ tr. H. Ei ns1c1n. hehsl f of a , (1 7.1100. It \\;tS ,Kqutrcd b., Tnt,il,c. fn 1 [X,000. ,\1 r. Enc E"tnrh:k hnuchr .t (..i;111t.:u1n lanct,c,lf'H~ . .;i~nc,l and rl.ited 'R·I, fo r £ 1 1500.. ,nci a P.,ri.; dc;iler ::.i,·c {1-:.;oo fnr .i J11,1n-Gr1s. r,,11111 c,I hCI\\ Cc n 1910-IH. 111111 ••f'111, ti ny ":is ;1l~11