Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

THE TIMES Home News £55,000 PAID FOR PICASSO BREAKS AUCTION RECORD IMPRESSIONIST ART SA LE 'S £394.000 F fU}M 0 1 'I( SAi E llU(J~t 1UKIU.,l'l)Sl>L~ r A price "f £55.1100 '"" p:tid ycslcrday for n P kO\SO pain1111g " I.a llcllc Hol – lunrlabc."" 1hc high,·s1 ,·,·er paid at an au,·11011 for 1hc \\Or~ ui a 1>:11n1cr ,!ill lh ing. T he ,ale ":,s al So1hch) \ and wn uf l -l 1 J 1111prl'')1u11i, l :111d lah..·r pa1111- ing and ur:1" ing<, I he IOlal pa1u \I :IS ju, t , hurt of !.1'1-1.{~IO. Al nnc 11111c lhL' 1'1l,I"' " · p,iintl'll in 1'>05, i.:h.1nta·d h:ind'i fi,r ~t)O l 1.111c,i;;, thl'n fn r l~.O(J{), ,111d l.,h:r r11r i h.000. ()thcr SIii· p 11,L', l\L'l't : U ~.tli~I f,i'r a ( <.'1.11111c <liClr· porlra11 ,1111.J 12~.000 for" I hn.•1.• 1),1111..·1.·r •. bi D<·~·" · I he 1..·11,1,1rn.1q· i11IL'r1lal11u1.1I c.·11l\l ll ,1r h11 ,.,, .111ll ,i;;p,·"1.11111, ,1t .1 ~ 11L',1i ~u i,cr t't:HI. f1.·111111111t. p, 11111.•d 1111i1 Snth1,.•b) ·s r,,r lhl" ,.,h: I he I Im, nl thL· r ,,Jlc'-"lh•n \\!I< unq 1u.•,111111:ibl} thl' .1'it11111,h1Uii 111:1111,c ,, ,,, ~ •· I :1 lkllc lh1l l.111Ja1,c " a 111uk l1l 111111111111L:111:dl) l·.1hn 1111pi.:1"111:il fc111111in\! J 1~1111) 11111 \\1utJc1 1h.11 111 h1"1o old :ii;c P u.-.1' " ' h :1 , :rn..1 1h:it \\ hen hc \\ ," )'(Um~ he '-"111,IJ J 1.,\\ li~l' H.,11h:,..·lt OL'l· l::\SIA:\D UUY EI( ,,f "1 1~~~~; 1 :t;:i~~~~~r I:~::h t,:l~, 1 ~·1~tl!ll1l1t l~~.r ~:~11~;.1·~ b>· ~1.,,,,1 11 ,h: \ . 1<1111111. 11f I ,1111:i k f,f ,111,L·, B11\h,11ll.·. ()11n·11,J,11HI. a1Hl ,, ,,, b1H11; t11 bt lhe :\ .i.. ·111 l, ...11 ..·1.,I 1111 f)11 e1.·n, – l,111d, ~t I) I \l 1111. 1111 hl 'll.il l 11f h1, C 11n .. •11111H.' III ,11h l 111 1he I , 11..,h:l', VI thL' 0 1u.•~·11, l.11hl :\ rt < 1,ilkr\ . I he 1111.d p11 r• c.'h ,,,., ru.ulL' ,111 ),l· h.dl 111 th1.· C)11 .. ·,·11,l.111J l,.ilh.·r> L lllh.' l11 111tlll' 1h ,,11 L'IO,OCHI I hi..\' ,m.-litik\1 ., l'1L,"''' \\ ,itl.' r•1..ol111H, lh,',HI l,r I 111,111, ,,f '""' }c ,1r l'l(l41, \\ l11d 1 111.,dr l -U M111 : :11t11thl''· " \ \',1111.111 \\ 11h f'.1r,1<,1l "'' 1h'-• lk 11,.h,'' 1lH L· ,11 th1 ,I.' rtl,111) \.· \ f)l'lilll\'lll\ ill lhl· l'''I~ Ill \\ hll'l1 h 11111nn 1tv h:h ht·coml· 1nh 11111,1n , l•L!OO: the. I k l,( 1, 11.11111111w ,11 L~:.0011 : tfrnnir'" ·• ( " ·o .11ul 111.-lk.'" C7,000· a ,1,il life h)' de \ 'l.11111111.:~. 1:.1111(1. ' \\lh1k 111.1,n ,,1 11"' 111,1) rl·._:rd 1ha 1 " I a Uc-11,· Il,,1l 1thl.11, ,·" 11,11, nn1 f,111 m l a r cr~ ruam·111 h,111w 111 111~· I ,,h· < 1.1l kn \\ 1,." t·un h11 , tl"ll 111 l"oni.:r.1(11f.1h' l)11t't'l1'l.111d 11p1111 ,,,. f,t l ,, l:1111.·d ,I ,,11,,h.1,,•. ,111d l'\l' I\ 111 111,l~ l' ,I ,.,,,,r,h,· .. , . f. ,, \1'1 11 11 1, ,, 11 1 111. 1h.,1 1hl' 1111, tL.•,·, ,, ,II 111" lrnd tlh' (,11 111, 1 , ,\\ th·/, 1 11 ht, h .·111111 1,• \ 11,: ii 1. 111 ,1 11n:i.:.11 d l\ 11t11, ,1I <\1111111.: ·•·h,•1 P ,,,,,. fh'' ft 11••11 l,111,, ,·11\ < ,., ,n,11.· "1.·lf r ,, · 111 ,, .-1,· ,.. / 1111, h.. ,,1d h-" r' 1.. ,,1h I' 111! 11 f~ H1 l,•1 ,. 1,. ,1111p t1\I • " "" ,,r fr 1111 11111 ,I 111,h ,,\ " ' 1q111,.' \\ ho, 11"-.1,.• Jt11,. llr,\d, ,, 11,,, h,lftl'lh , 11II \\ 1th II\, ,, " '"''" " 1111,I. tl'l' ·,· tlt1 .. il Ll., 110(1 1f 1 111I J~,,,,•urt, -•1. \ \ '"'L' ,,! / 1111111,? tH f 111t111 I 1t11 , • ' itPli • I 11111!1 1, 111 \ lfn:tl s,.. ln .. I h\· luo, 11o,11 ,,f llh· I ••·rn: 111,I 1h~· "'iC' 111..•:· 11. <011 II It d i '" " \ill,.. I, ' 111111 C, · " 1,.11i--., ..1 .• ' II I k,1+1111,·• t /iC <r111 1h. '11.•1 l h1.• h. ,Jn. 111 (1 ill , 11 ,1,1 f 1 <110 f, ,, 1 de \ ' " '11"" l r ,\f ,, nl', : ·nu l,ir .111iii hvr h\ 1h'"· , 1111 ..• I'• ,.. Ill 11 111,1\ ,· t, 11/1:n t .s_:no 11 , .1 I<,, 1 ,111! 11 ,,, ,· 11i.·~ L' \ < 1' 11\114' .. :, I I ' I h · 11111 I l " h .. •, ~ , ,11r, •·f II\· r.- i.,.h..-, ,,n .1 l~dc,: \, .;, t,,111-..:t,1 f,, f ?- IH 0 1I ,,.· ,/I t I 1).-111,.· ,\t\ ( ,I ~· ,. , lh ' f '' 11 , , ! ,, 111h 11 1 1 l1 1 lk r, 111, · w. ,., 1 ,· ,•• 111 ' h \ l ~h 1·l ,11u, I,, I It I I I \ \ , I • I , 111 1 I h,· \ 11,1, ' I ' ,•!1 1 I ll ' ' ,.i,. ,r,· f ,,r l _.l{ltl •I I h , . •I, " 1.. ,,I.,, 1 I h I' d, I, ,., L f,, t ' . 11 111 t l ,,,.,t., \ \I ,,, , I THURSDAY MAY 7 1959