Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Brisbane. Qld. 26 MAR 19 59 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 r1,,v.. bi~ 11t_•\\' li.'!\'~lltS foa• •lu..• C t"nte1u1ry £250,000 French art to be shown Q lJE ENSLAN I> Art (;allcrv will show a X2ri0,000 cxhihition ,;r 19th and 211th Ccntu r y Frcnrh art as its Centenary "~1>cl'ial.'' It 11ill fea tu re 7 0 pai ntin 1,.r.~ a nrl drawings, and 10 picn•~ of ,-c ulpturc 1,.:alhc1·Nl from Aus• I nllian 1rn hl i1· and pril·a II• 1'oll1•rl ion,-, The ,i;::alh'r.,· cllrrdor t .\lr. ltnherl llnim•s i !<iithl ." •·~- h-rd"y It would he l h e most lm1rnrla11I exh ihi llon ever ns!'lcmhlcd In l\ris– ba nc. It has a ln •111h ta l,rn a year lo ur,:aub,t·.' nnd Ur is – hunc will hr lhe nnb t'i l.'' to set ll. I t will ht• i,1hown durln,c: .Jun<' ;111cl .lul~·. Picasso, too h'.\: ..,·.~c1!'!~ 1 ~UI !:. 1 1~1 r;:~ 1 'H~!f..~ from a n Am1tralia n a rl r~,·~"~i/\tr!'i. l,nulse 0 .''l' r. T he cxhlhlllon nlso will lnt'ludr work h,· MH'h ,.:rra l nam es ni. \'an 'Gogh, D au – m lt-r, Dr l:lcroh:. Oega!\, both Monet and ;\t;:11u~t. Dur~·. l\la llss1·. Hndln, .,ncl 1tn10ir. Thr F rr 111'11 t:mhas~y tn l,011<lu11 will lrnd the only pal nllni: not dr.iwn from an Anstrnll:rn collection– a n lmpre•~slnnlstlc paint– In ~ or t.ondon Urlda:e, by i\lonc l. l.asl a:n•urh u hlbltlon 111 Urb ha nr , or modern art onl., . wns in l!l5:t It drew I I\ rr 1•orll no.oon JICOJlle. ''Balanced" Mr. tlnlnr.s said the new rx hihillnn would ,::h•e a more hah,m•rd Impression or f"ren t:h art. represent• In ~ somr or lht greatest m nsl..rs uf both the l0lh a nd lhu :?llth rrnturleM. T hu t•xhlhlllon will ho h1surNI durlnJ: Its W·o• m onth shnwln,t for £250,• 0110, Bendigo, Vic•. NEW FOR PAINTINGS GALLERY Bendigo Art Gallery has bought three I new original paintings, T hey nrc one by Si r Lionel I t,y P 11,·1:, r1r Ch n\'irnncs LlnlihO)', cnlll11•d Com·cnt (ln n ls suc•cstlnn, ~lr H. Clo.se. AnllQun rn . Nnrmnn All n11t \\'111 m• l:c enquiries 1.Jlndi;ny'r; ricrc:1nc1r nnrl \Vll• Jt bnul n • lg:n tc, br lrnnJZ; 11nm Snlmnn's £ond 01111 obn, C' I ill'' Jontpnl h In Vtrw Scrub. I s11·r.·1 rlc I hnu• l,c this Al )'cMr rrtn_,,.,. n1"C'f lll~ or wn11 lf1 hrlp rt r:H\ more nt ~ I thr 11'\U;Lrr,-, II w.,s o r1rtN1 tcn llru 10 t he ~nllrry. 1 lo lmi rr fnu r F"rend 1 nnlnt lngs rrn £4 500 To Bri11banc ·n,c~r p111ru ,n~5 ,tl" ,,., bo fiCn l to thP Or h,htUW (i;i llr1~• (Or ltli rcntcna1, .. n •a1· rx– hlblllnn of Frcn,:h "ork• Thr)' In lude 1wn hi' ts· lr. •, onr. by Boudin •nd ~nr Adelaide, S.A. APR 19S~ IN crl' II E It CIT I E s Marcl1i11g Girls Attract Biej Crowcl; Wet Easter •·ron, I\ J;.1t1·1~ l'urr1•11mnllf'lll ,IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIUlllllllllllllltl\lllllllllllllllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIUIIIU 8 ~ 1 1;i 8 ·~1:I ' April 1. B ll I s D A N E L E 'l' T E n D l,~l'J 11 0 11c• of t I , . I E . , 111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 ,, .'' l r~ -- 11 t ,\'OllllGSl~l'S C( npcted : lhl!i 1 Aust rnlln 11 /JUhllo nnd Pl"l• t ,• r ~ 111 •l' h hnnc s ycnr there w ·e :l,f)00 In n va tr- collt!ct ous. history . Lile •enncss of ~IUHIC nlKhL. nd ::?O ~•earn Mc11 11whilc. un adctlttonnl 1.500 you 11g:-.lcr · tias put u u,:.:o the hnrit nc :mlo con• r l!11tn• for ull L\'))l'S o! 1•11- ..ncw" ouuloor ·port firmly lest broup;hl 1on• thn 11 :!O ll'rt11 lnrncn1 - · from or• nn the 1111,p. c11tnt11ts: t1 l ca r there I chrstrnl r pi•!Luls lo boxing G irls fru111 1 cnrly c,·cry were only 1 and ,,·nt!!I' :;;hows - Is nt:mr- Stat.t• cOn\'ergc on the city ~ kin~ 1·umplet 1011 in tile heart rm t he Aw ,t.ra nn Mnrcl1· ,,r Bri:..;bn nc This is the Ing G irls' cltnn pionshlps- I Frc1u:li A1·! r:ioo.ooo l'chll"'11 Hull on nnd their /Jrog1 u11mc went I .. , lhc slt r o r the old J3rls- to sch cdu C n hOlll;h lhC But top r nlt 'll'l" news· ba1w St a dium Hild built ,;y wriithc r on · tl c opcntu~ I for Brlsh,nnc hus b('Cn llrn lhl' :-.11nf• controllht~ lntc- dar w as so lJ Uinl one ll llllOllllC<lllClll llrnt lh l.-, re,"',(. o! · B1·lslmnc's lg~••st wrt [will be th c 011 )~·- Austmllnn F1~h L runs will 011<1 111111 mecli ugs was , 1nccllcd. rlt\v to :,er R £.. ;10,000 cxhl- n once - fa11111lur :,pot lm!-i The l'CSUIL wn,, thnt bit Oil o[ 19th ll llrl l Olh hccn drnngL•d bcvoncl rr– CflJ}UClly c row s wat ched t·C'nt ury 1-.,rcnch nrt. eo~nll ion . And pracll– thc n1nrch erh 1mld1,tcts, To Im :,:;tngcd nt the call\• n o for m of cnt crtnln- 1 .lun lors a n d sc 1!01'SI pnr- city's Nntlonnl Art Gal- meiit will be beyond the ndlng In uni! rms worth len • In June nnd J uly, it scope of this 6,000-scnLhall un nggrcgntc o £20,000. is being nrrangerl ns n whrre ncousllc stnndnrds Queen slRnd Itself hns Queenslnncl Cenl enary wlll be lhe n cnrcst to per• 211 mnrch lnp; lt'I tenms Yenr spcclnl. H will fen- fcctio11 in Austrnlln. throughout th e St.nte. But lure 70 1nlnt.h1ijs nnd And spectator cnrinclty the fact th at Interstate drnwlnss, nnd 10 pieces or will be n cnrly treble t 111Ln( lenms comfek , plus the sculpture gnth ercd from Brisban e's C ity Hnll ,,– 19~ decision o tho girls In mnrch In spite or rnln nncl , mud, packed I.he snecln– tors' sections of Brlsbnnc's r crrv Park nnd put park– lnit space at a rircmlmn for blocks nround. I Passion Pia,· And on nnothcr ·1c1·cl. too, Brisbnncltcs showcc\ thnt IJ1cy ndmlre t.c1111cl,y 1 :111<1 sym pntluso with baa lurk. A t the bnysldc sub– urb or L indu m. 150 people hnd sucnt months rchcnrs• lni;t for nn outdoor Enstcr presen tation l t he Pns– slon P la v . In forced cn11ccll11 tlon or wo or the first t hree pcr f mnnces. Good F rldnv 1lgh~ was wetter t hnn cve1. But the ulny wen t on. 1 Ancl 6,000 ,;pcctntors wntc+.d lo lhe e11d- ln the npc 1. Eistc«lc ocl Of cou rse, It nkcs more thnn n few dnjs' rnln to stop n Queensln~d Etstedd– fnd ; un d this y r's mnrn– thon wn!l no exrepllon. To pack the rogrnmmc Into IO dnts, even Good Frid ny's 51gnlflcnncc had to be set uslde (nl– tho11gh Sunday Id rcmnl11 !rec) , In s l~ different Brls– h:inc h alls, more than 20.ono m ,•n, w,a)nen nml d1lhlre n rar.ed hdjudk a• tors In \lOcal a !Jd nstru• ment1\I r on test~ art and ~atlt'jn g. Ar~umcn t on l l hc vnlt1c or jllstcclctrods l:\l'nbnhly ts ns;hlcl us tlte eisteddfod 1uovcm e 11t tt:;clr. But one ncl, docs srcm t,o emerge: rhlldt·cn nrc stcncllly l11k- lnll. O\'f;I". ' For 1nstnncf'. :!O ycur:. n~o. only n hnn dhtl of Art Treasures Arrive for Exhibition I BRISBANE. Wednellday. - f'lve French paintings, valued at £17,000 rst«,l ar– rived In Bmbane from Paris and London today. A vaniruard 01 the meet valuable cotlectlon ever brought t.o the S tate. f,hey will form port or the •J>e· clal centenary exhibition or Prench u t , "'h lch will be opened a t the Queen.land National G a llery by the l"l'ench Am6a11Sador to Aus– tralia i M . R enaud Blbano on June I . Total nlue of the eshl– lllllon of 99 Freneh work• owned by Auatrallan1 to .czso,eeo. TfrO or the p11lnlln11 are lly Pablo PI• ,1.-.,, Th" l'lalhera and f'l1areo. Thr !lather, lo wnrth £ ?8,114, The ccn te nnry exhibition ••111 Include m nJor work, from (lnllc rlc• nnd prlv11<1 collection~ throughout Au•– tralla. P'our paln t1n1• . va lued nl .1?8300. owned by the Parlla– mcntorv LAbor leader IDr f:Vatt, wtll be • monc them. · "AGE" . 6 It iJ59 Melbourne, Vic. Masterpieces for Exhibition BRISBANE, Tuesday. - A Plcauo painting worth at leut £27,000, will arrive In Brisbane next week from P•:t\s The Bathers, which will be shown with 91 other works In the Juno and JulJ £2&0,000 centenarY eshlbt• tton of 19th and ~th cen• tury Prench art at the Queen11t,nd National Gal• tery, The Batners. a "1ar1e oil, wa. painted In 1908 and hu been lent ror the exhibition by Mrs. Louise B. M. Han• •on-Dyer, an Australian IIV• Ing In Parts. Three other Important paintings w!ll travel with The Bat hers. ThC)' Ille a ,econd Picasso, a Miro and London Bridge, bl' Monet. The palntln11s have been '-1SUN!d with Lloyd'• al Laa• ~on tor £S'1,0l5, ..,.