Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

"COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld. 1,, . ....,~ £55,000 OLD. Picasso: £22,000 BUYS £94,800 WORTH OF ART WORKS IN LONDON LONDON, May 6 CA.A.P.). - The Queens– !and Art Gallery paid £94,800 in London to– day for most of a wealthy Brisbane grazier's collection of Impressionist paintings. The paintings belonged to Mr. H. De Rubin, of Brisbane, whose collection finally realised a total of £105,240. The gallery bought six pictures, and the two top prices were: • £55,000 for Pablo • £22,000 for "Three Picasso'• nude, "La Belle Dancers" by Edgard Degas Hollandaise" - believed to - one of the most famous be a world record price for of Degas' series of ballet a Picasso. pa'lntings. Other pictures bought by the Gallery were: A portrait, "Coco and Bielle," by Renoir, £7000; n pen and ink coloured wash and gouoche by Picasso, "Woman with o parasol lying on the beach," £4200; o Picasso water colour of a man 's head, £4000; and o still- life of pears an a plate beside o block jug by Mourice de Vlominck, £2600. Mr. Rubin 's collection was included in a sale of widely-known Impressionist paintings auctioned by the world -renowned London firm Sotheby and Company. It wi1 .... 1hr mo,, i111pon;i:11 111 J.011rlrm ~m cc lfl)'.l Qc:Lobrr when sr ,·rr1 nninlln~'- irnm l lH' Gol<l:-t:lll~\l(it 1•01lf>1•t 1,rn !rtchrd i:7111,flOII. Torln,· :- tot.II rPallM·cl jn!-1 1:nrlcr £4nn.ooo. Q11rr11i;lrt1\d:,. :\µ,r•nt-ncn– r.rnl in Loi1(lll11 • Mr n. . 1. Muir• hid tor t lH' Hnhm i•ol– lrrtinn lnm'"-r l f nn Jw;rnll nt tlle 1!'11:-lf'f' ... nt IIH' \!flll<'IY, "'l'l1t• e,•.,.;1111•· Hr m id 1)11,;; :111 r 1:\Mll. " '.'-lntur:tlly, I l1r 1111;.;;lrr.'- rt~Vi~:,1~~;,.~\1"\~;~, 1 11 :!!~\-,11·1rcl rn hltl for I hr \\ l1nlr rolic•r·– lll"n, lmt t lv· Pi<'::l~Ml wa!'- ~– lit1lr lnc lH"I' I hn n 's\'<' hnp1•d. :v11, \l11\r ..,nirl tlrn1 thr 11ut.1f'f•!- 1nld him t hnt If 114' , nu lei not h• iy 1hr whn\r r·nl – \f'c·t in11 tlH' 1,,p prn11 !11 1'~ \,'f'rr " Lfl n ellf' H nll:1t1(l!WW : ml ON!:! '-.' ··Thn•t' D11 1H'"l °'-·· "I'm quite- :-,;it1st!Pcl I en~. I\I' crenll\ 11f !Ill' :,,('lt rllll\ L, •111d Mr. ~1 111r •·Ti ll!-- \\ Ill hr ,I 11 l'll\f'll<lfl\lio: hoo ..., ft11 IhP Q1wf'11!-la n<I (ia lli·1 Y · •·~lillio1mirt" 0 • :,..tr. Huhm. M1 whn llw• :i !1111111• Ill 1-f:111\IIWI\, BII"· h:1111·. 11,,·11f. :-1·\'•·rttl 1.,t!!I' 1.:n11.11H.: p rop1•11 \f•!-. HI Qt11't·n:-lan :l l-11• was dr- 11 1h1•cl r1•1 1•11II \' II' · :1 11tll- l111n ui11·, II fllH' :11 I H ;1 d :1!-~11'11I ... 4'111.l:11 . n 1wr• U,1· , t\ 1· -.p,•11k•·1 :illcl •Ill ,,w(I lm,1111 .. :-. 1111,11 • JI ,• ha ., m adl' l:111 " IP 1•1w1 1t\ 111l;dlmc l ~!1, 1 1,t10 1 Ill r •···••III \ I ilO· ( ll\1' nr Jh!'ll\ \\ ,, .. I• r-;:,,nnn .. 11.--••·11 -.!ll lll dl \\ l!ltll 11" \!l! \ 1' \H ~! \'ltJ • I •'Iii , !!1,, p\111 ' S,dtll'\ ( 'onl ro,·.. rsial H,· ~1111'·cl 1111 l.111111" 11 11111n !4\'(\111'\ 1111 :\pi 1\ 7 :111cl :11l · n 1111111•l'd I l1:1 t II,· " '1111ld lllii rl\ \I I"'' .1 11\11· :,..11.11••1 . :ilt 111 S\ ti ll•••, 111 l.1111111111 ~lit• \\11' 111\ IJt• hi' 11111\ \\\I I' TIit• 1•11,1-.,11 p:1 1111111~ !in111•h1 In 1.) 111'1'11 !;11111 lo • d ;,, 1:- 11111• 111 • Ji, 11\• ••I h111 - 11:,·111 \\ lll k I)\ 1111'- 11t,• 111 11•! 1., . ,,1 1dl 1nn4l1•r11 !'11 '1. " 11 1 •1 II ;1 \1 11 !111 1,1•,11 !• Jill \ I 111 1 II 1,I, Il l i ii I· 1.1111 • ,,., 1 u ·\ ;11 b,11 111 , till 1n1111 • 1111' ..1: 11 ,•-.:11•·11111 1 111 1111· 11\I 1,,11111,• \ 111!1•11! I/I I I iln 1)11111 IK I I 1tJ 1111• IIIH I 11ll' 1•'1,•1111 1 l ttllll ' •!Jull l I pn1nl+'I Il l~ 1 ,11, \\fllk, \\I' ll' 111'14 • h 11 1.11 ltl·cl , hlll Il l• 1111, -.1,·t l\ 11,d 11•1 1f'II!'" \\'I'l l' l\l'lll'ILl ll\ 11111'1 ,1 Ill hi~ lll t•llllll'