Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Adelaide. S.A. eHighe_st eve1· 101· wo1·k of livi11g QLD. PAYS £69,000 FOR OLD PICASSO LONDON, Wednesday (AAP-Reuter): The National Gallery ol Queensland today became the possessor ol the most expensive Picasso portrait ol all time lor £55,000 stg. ( £A69,000). The portrait is "La Belle Hollandaise", ("The Beautiful Dutch Girl") painted by Picasso In 1905 when he was only 24. It was one ol a c:ollec:tlon of 12 paintings and drawln1s sold by an Australian sheep farmer, Major Harold de Vahl Rubin, of Brisbane. In Brisbane today .there ls 1tron1 leelln1 that the State Government lspaylng at least part. ol the cost ol! the palntln1s, thelr Insurance, and freight to Brisbane. SIX OTHERS PURCHASED Total return t u1111111111111111111m1111111111111111111111111111 • 1 evcJ' paid for a picture by M · R b' f the • 18 left in Goodwood o llvlng Al'tlsL. ll exceeded OJOr u in rem e H d' f' Id by £1 250 the pl'evlous sole was £ I05 240 an ,cap; ,e 1 - highest' paid fol' n Plcnsso (£A 131 500! ' P. 62. "Molhel' nnci' Child" In , • 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, New York last. ycnr. Six other WOl'ks or Dl'l Edut'lltinn Minister, Mr. The Sl ur said Plcusso offe1·ed by the mnJor wel'e l'lzzey cwhn also odm!nia• r,ntnted "Ln Belle Hol- nlso · boughL by the tcrs ihe rolicrY) tor their andulse" while on holldny Queensland Gnllel'y. help In Jong and difficult with fellow Spanish nl'llst ToLnl cost lo Ille gnllcl'y negotiations and they were Paco Dul'lo. was £94,800 l[All8,500J. s11eclnily grateful to l\lr. Unable lo meet hi:;_ shn1·e Thel'e wns n hushed Muir riir his handllnr of or thell' hotel bill Plcnsso silence ,ns the hlddl~ig ! 0 .r the 1mrchase. . . lefL the plelul'e, lnscl'lbed : 1;1cnsso s nude Dutch _gh I Ml'. Ferguson sa id 1t was "To my deni· friend Paco 1ose by bids or hund1 eds hcped the lhl'ce Picasso Dmlo " nnd wenL away. of stel'llng In th~ nucllon 1:lctmes ond the Degns Dul'io' sold ILfol' 800 francs. rooms or Sotheby s In Lon· painting would be broughl don. Lo Bl'lsbnnr by all' freight SPANISH PROCEEDS byT~~~~..'-cnbles said llie Picasso ts Spnnlsh-bom Mn]ol' Rubin who snld 60-yeal'•old nm]ol' pnlct bul has made his home In he hod mnde' o £40,000 £0.000 <[A7.500• fol' llw Pnns fol' mnnv yenrs. (£AG! 0001 profit on the PIC <1s.so . He owned " hntr. In l'eeent ven1·s he hns Picasso, hinted to repOl'le1·s shnl'e for ,ome years Al)d pl'elened to Iii•(• ·111 l'etil'~: that he would pnss on some completer! !he puichase men! In the south or or the proceeds or !he su le nfl er World Wnr II. France, p11lnll11~ onlv on to Lile Nnllonnl Gallerv of MARRYING speclul commis.slon, ·suc:1 Queenslnnd. ns the mu ral rol' the new "I'm pl'clty sure they M11Jor Rub1,1 plans :o UNESCO building In Pnrls. wlll be ufler me for n mnrrv ngnin soon ond to- Plcusso I~ nn fl\'owcct donation." he seld: ctny lie bought hlsflancce n Communist. His most Bui olher rep, rts quote Renoir sllll Ille tol' £4,000 celelm1lcd piece is the &he major ns sayln~ •ome , £A5,000,. "Dove of Pence" which or the proceeds would Quer.nslancl'• Agent• Russin 1111c1 other Com - assist the SI, Vincent General In London, l\lr. munlst countries hnvc Hospilal extension proJeol D. J, Mnlr, bid tor the ndo11ted for !hell' In Sydney. Rubin colleelion him•eil un 1,1·opnsnncln. Asked who hod Pl'Ovlded hehalf or the trustees of __ the money ror purchn~e of I the Queensl:md Galler~·. "La Belle Hollan<lnlsc. the He su ld this nflernoon : gallel'.I' dll'erto1·. M1. RoberL ,"Naturnll1•, !he Ll'ustees rcf~~~;n~ 01 11it~;" J:~~~nn~~ I plt~f.d ~\\,i"~~;t 1/~g\\:;;s. 1:.I "ADVERTISER" Adel11d,, S.A. ASS,000 FOR / --PICASSO LONDON, Mny G, _ Queenslaru(__,li:L,..t;uliery Naki I £!!4,800 Cslerlm1ri lo· A'-Y or most of a "·calthv u • traUan sheep fnrmer·S colleclion of l111prcssionis& P&lntlnrs. PI Gallery PDlcl £55,000 for T nude - beliel'Cd ;,or record Price for a .._,-AAP. / Sydney, M.S.W. , .. t Big Price For Picasso LONDON, May 6 CA.A.r.-Rcu1crl. The Qucen,lami Art Gallery paiJ .C 94.K!III in London loday for mo,1 or a weallhy Au<– rnilian grnzier's collcc1ion of irnr,rc~sionist ruintings, The gallery paid .£55,!IOO r11r one painling-Pablo Pica!'l'\U's n11dc ..Le Belle Hollandai,c''-helicvcd co be a world record r,ricc for a Pi<:ns,o. The collcclinn. owned by Major H. Rnbin, of Bris– bane, realised a tocal of .£ 105,240. 11 1 1, ,"t£LEGRAPH" Sydney, N.S.W. 'VERY GOOD' 1},".;t' l~~~d ,l:~"\,~ol~eci~~~~ "That que•llon Is irnrely lion !he lop pl'lol'llles we1·c a mailer for the Slate "L.11 B~lle Hollnndalse" ll!'d Government and the Edu- DE."Jns "Three Dnncer.s.' cation Minlstrr," I CREAM Mr. Fcrw1son. t:hnlnnnn ~f,i!!f 1~ 1 ~~:l' tl~\f;;I~:· f1~~ "I'm quite ••li•fled I Gallery's £126,000 buy ! gallel'l' got the moncv IOI' I ,rot t.~e c_ream or the ~.•lee• the purchase, but ndded : lion, said Mr. Muir, This "I cnn :mv that the will he a tremendouM bootd Quecnslnnd · Government lor f.he Queensl:md G:11· has b~ea very good to us," lcry. He Kaid the ,rallery lru•• The E,•,•nlngs News sold tees wlsltr.d tu thank spe .. j there Wf\.'i II gn~p in the cially lfl• rremior, Mr. crowded snle l'OOrn nt lh N'ioklin · lhe Slate Trea• I price when "Ln Belle Hol• surer, Mr. 11ll~y; and lhe Inndnlsc" wno sold, I I I wns n \\'Ol'ld l'CCOl"d 1u·lcc nnd Che highest pl'lce <111111111111111111111111 I LONDON, Wed.- Queensland Art Gallery today spent ' £At 26,000 on seven pictures. This Is the largest nil Ihe pr,1ccrc1, :u u,c Quecnslnn<I Agcnt-Geuernl gulll'ry. in London (Mr. Dav1d m ount ever spent "But 11 ., 1~11 1 uf pulJllc l\lulri. vcr eas at o n e sale by opl11ln11 111 Quer nsl,1nd will !Ur. l\luir said: "I was an Atl.'lrallan Gallery. lorcr me to 01ve some hld1Un11 on in,trurllon_. One plt·Lure. Picns~o·s m~~1c)~n\~~ t~1~nin\~~:i1' trom :~n:.:,•:n~ueenslancl GoY- "Dutch Girl," l'OSt. £55,000 I sterllng. 1 ill~ sn f'." "l nave heard rumol"6 This Is the largest fl gu1·e Majnr ltuhin,· I~ plr- !hut MnJor Rubin proposed ever paid fol' the wurk or tnr't•s r:ilsccl £105.240 ~lving money to the Gal- l I slt,rJln~. lcry nnd no doubt they n Iii· ng a rL Sl. seven ul Ihe J>.c!Ures would welcome It. Prcviou., h1gh<'st price , di 1 io to Brb ba11c. I "TI1c pictures should he ~~~. r 5 i~i slci'~i"~ a';;~,~h~~ O h . on view In Brisbone during Pl•nsso _ "~lotl icr and t er pictures 11,'rincess tAlexnndrn's 1•Lslt , ,, O , 1 . 1 D 11 Augus ." Child," tiler .. nri• : " in ·t• rtn• MnJor Rubin hlmsrlf The Plr .\.•b(l bougnt ror l't.'I'..... ," by Dci.rn~. ·~2.000 bnurht one plcLure UL lO• Qubcnslu11d lJclon~ccl to .'H l!l'I! IIJ.: ; n.~· 110 . 1r .'\ "Coco duy s snle. 111llllo110lrc grnzler Major 1111 1 ni,,u,•.. t 7ou. st cr• I IL wns Renoir's "Or• Hnrold Ruhln. of' Brls- lrn~ · Plcus~o ~ " \\'omui~ on anues," b1 ne. Lhc Bcurll, £•1200 SlCrl111µ: He pnld [4000 SLCl'lln~ lo l~wu:-.... 1>'" ··Mnn·.~ . Hcnd," 11. Last week ~lnJor, R111Jln t 4!ltl0 ~le rllng: , l oulous~ on the snlc or Plcnsso's snld he would s1vc t,1e pro- Ln111 rcc .s "Girls !fond,' "Dutch Olrl" MnJol' Ruhi1 cccd.s or loday's snle to rnooo s1crll11q: Vlamlnck's nrndc £40,000 sterling prn Lhe Qucenslnnd gollcry, 1"Stil l Lire," C26UO .;terllng. flL. Allor the snle, however, Bldrllnij ror t 1 Queens- I He pntd toooo .sterl1J111 ro he tnld! "l Lwlll not give 111111 Onllt:,rl'. w by the IL,.:...D,T.S. l . , . . •. .