Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

"TELEGRAPH" 7 MAY in5,ry Brisbane, Qld. NO PUBLIC CASH IN GALLERY ART ..,j 1%9 Melbourne, V ic. I Qld. Pays £94,800 for Paintings LONDON, 1foy 6. -(Jmwmlnml Nlltimwl G"lfory s111.mt £94,800 11terli11g ; 11 just 11.mler seve,i mi1111te11 '°'!"Y ac• q11iri11g 11ix /Jlli11ti11gs al .1 11ule of 111111re11- sim1i11t11 "' Sot/,e/1y11 i11 l,mu/o11. picture:-; wcr,1 mon~ those sold by Ma – jor Harold D~ Va ill Ru– bin, the Queensla nd mil– lionaire grnzlcr. It Is understood that will help the Queens• land gallery flnancl- ally. ':'he gallery boughL three Plcassos, a Degas, a Renoir and one picture by Maurice de Vlamlnch . Top price was £ 55.000 stg. for Plcasso's La Belle Hollandaise. a nude of a Dutch girl, which he painted clurlnp; a s ummer holiday In 1905 to "pay" for a ·h ote l bill when he was sh ort of mon~y. Bidding today 1tartecl "SUN" a t £5000 stg. t hen moved up firstly In thousands, then In two thousands and finally by three thousands. The g a 11 e r y pa id f'4000 stg. for A Ma n's Head, painted by Picasso In 1909, and £4200 stg. for Plcasso's Nude on the Beach With · a Parasol. The g a 11 e r y paltl £22,000 stg. for a Degas or three ballet dancers. Buyers from all pnrto of Europe nncl the United Stntcs were at the sale. A Sotheby's spokesrn~ n said £55,000 sterlln~ w:rn n world record price fnr a Plcasso.-"The Aire" Spe– cl11l Correspomlenl, Melbourne, Vic. Q'ld pays £55,000 for a Picasso I .ON DON, Wed., AAP -Reuter. - Th c Queensland Art Gallery paid £94,800 in London today for most of a wealthy Aus– tralian sheep farmer's collection of Im– prcssionist paintings, f'111 Olll' OI lhC' p11111t illJ.!" P.1hlo P ic11:-.!-1J~ 1111(11' "Ll' Fkllr J-lollamhw-c•· - thl' Ci alh'r~· palcl £ f,f>.000, IH'– li,•,·r,<1 Io ht' :1 ,, orld rcrurd Jnr ;1 P1t·US!-.O. Th<' pu int lllJ!~ br·lnllgl'cl I to J\tu lOr H. flt• Vnlil Hulll ll, nf Un.._b:inP. wlH1., p 1•1dlr1·- j ~(~'lir,.J~;;ll 1!->1'd a 101n l nf ·":i.loi- Huliln'~ l 0 t11lt•1·- 1i1111 was ind111lrd In i1 -.:d1· ur wi1h•ls- l.nm, ·11 1111 - t 111·1•,,iunlst palnt ini:,i,,, at • t ·•nilc1I h~· huyn s frum ni:i n,· 1mrt!- or the wurlcl. O tl a•r plcl ll! C:-. lw lonµl11µ Ill ~l ;tj(II' H11h111 b OIJ~ llt by 11w Qlll't'll'-lilllrl (.i1d\ny \\ 1'11•: A p11rtrn 11. "C11t.·o 11 nd H11•llr ·· h \' flt•nnir . £ 7flOO: :I IJq .: n:-. pal lll ll lJ.! nf I IH'l'I' h,d l,•1 tin 111•1•r~. £. :!:! (1110 , 11 pt•n UIHI 111k n 1lored wu~h .1 11d gou:1f'IH 1 lJ\' P it·n~:-,11, · \\'11mn 11 with II P111·n:-ol L\'11 1~! Oil till' J-11'•1wh," 1:·4:!00: n P il'usim wnH•r~ 1·1il11r of n m nn 's l11'11d, £400!1 : 1111!1 11 sllll-ltrl' of I H'HI'.., 0 11 n phtl c bri>lclr 11 il111·k J11µ bv Mnuril'r rt" Vhllll llll'k. £ 21i00. I PURCHASES No State or other public money would be needed to finance the Queensland Art Galle~£Al26,000 -£94,500 sterling-painting pur hases in London yesterday, the Education Min– ister, Mr. Piz– zey, said toda.-. The gnllc1·y bo 1,::ht seven plcturns from ll: c rollectlon of Mr. H. De Vnhl Rul>in , of Bt'lsbnne, incl11d1!1g n Picasso 11uc1,, for £f15.000 s t c r l 1 n ~: ,£A68.750l nnrl n D,•gns bnllcL study for £~~.000 sle1·lln~ 1 £A~7.fi00, . ''The gnllery trnstccs hu re not so1111hL pnbllc monev und wlll have sull'ic'lcnt funds II vntlul>lr Irom nt her sources to complete the trnnsncl1011,' I ~lr. Plzzey said . "Details will be nn– nounccd 111 due course. "Arrnngemcnts h u v c been made to bring the j rinh1tlngs Lo Queenslund immediately. "They will makl' a 1:rent contribution to the State's cullurnl stallL5, nntl will pro"llde [I won– derful stnrt fm· the new ~nllery, building or which the Government hopes to ser stnrted within the next ~·r.nr ." 1'hr. chairman of the ,:ullery trustees, l\fr. F:. A, Fer,:usun, said today lour of the palntlnars should he seen by tlu, 11uhllc at the ,:aU,•ry on June I , In Londcn, l\<lr. Huuin hinted to reporter< thn t he \\'OU Id pnss on some or the proccrds or the sulc to Lhc Quccm – lancl Art O11ll<'ri•. Mr. Rubin's collection , rnlscd <£131.5501 . /£5000 on gift H1> plans to '!'arry again soon, and yesterday bought his fiancee a Renoir still– life The price-£5000, I T h<· ~C'\'<'n palntin,l!s - - f'Ominµ to QUt•cnslancl Imost ,cxpm slvr Picasso a r(': / portnut m existence. . . Mr. F,·rgusoh snid the I • Pnhlo r .,c:o sso s La t·~nller,1· Lr11stccs wished to Brll\: Ho~lnnd,11sc. l>o,.e lol j Ihank s ll ,, c i a 11 .v the fo, - G~.7ao. . Prl'micr, Mr. Nicklin . the • , E~-!~a.1: 1 ~ "'.!as Tl 1·· ·e Tn·asurer. Mr. Hill'.\', nnd Da ner, s, L 7.a00 , / the Education l'vlinlstcr • Cor,: 1 "2"' Bi.-11,•. b.v Mr l'lziey, for their heip H,•noir. rn7a0. I in long rind dlrfkulL • Toulo11s(' - L.1.u i. rN:'1-- l 1w i .:0Lla tlo11:.;, nnd Mr. ll,. nu of Girl. Xif>OO, Muir for his handling or • ,\ JJl'n 11nd n,k col- 1hr purchnsc. nrpd wnsl1 nncl i:eouuchc 1\fr. Peri:uson N:aicl thr ll1· Fleasno. Woman With ~allery had bought all a .Parasol . L.l'hte on Tlie ~lr. ltuhin's ,•ollerllon Bt•ach, £?:!50. nfrPr1•d ,•xreoot thr~•t•. • A P1~asso \\'ntrrcolor The un lh:r,1· direc tor, of a m:11! s hcncl. £:iOOO. Mr. n . Hn ifws, said to– . • A st1ll-llfr ll\' Mau- da.1•: l'ICl' Dr Vlnml1tck. r:J~~o. " I lh·t•cl in l!)[;G in ivlr. Gallery sees I H11i,in 's fla t in London • \t·h,·re the uuirllln1!s wrf•c 1 benefit I ht1n~. SU know Ihem \\'C! I. ,\l r P,•n;w.;on s:dd l h 1• ;H'Ollifiit10 11 WL)111rl 111:u.:,· 1!11· Qu(•Pn:;IHtHI cn l J.-1 \' 11 1 ·:1 r ll ie fon•frnnt 01 ·:all1Tb·,.. 111 :\11sl ralla . n ncl :Hid lo It.'- i1tl.t•r11atin11nl :-t:il11r,· 1\ ?1·. Frn:.n1xon 1h•rl11111c1 lo :,:1\' wlw1t· I IH· 1 ·alh~1·v 1,ht :11iwd Uw 11101\l'\' ru·,. t 111• lllll'l'IIH.1l'S. . " Hut I ,•an sa ,· th,• C,111•r11,la 11,J ( i,;,·.-rn - 1111•111 ha~ ht•t•n ,.,,, .,. J:OOfl In 11~... ht· said 11,· l1011,•rl t rH· th ree P wnM•(}', :11HI llh· Drgas p :111111111..: would IJt• l)l'(H1g l1t j 'o Ut h bn llL' l>y a ir IJ.\' ,J IIII(• i ·1 ill' QIIPi 1t:-l:11 1d A •:t·lll· I g'.·1~;:r:~1111\:.1. ~;;:'t~~l. ~111~ pa111t illt.! .... o t 11 11• ~ul,•. lwlcl l o t Rntl h•h,\'':,. a111·twn t'(lf')flJ~. 1 1•n},"t1:· p;,'i/,\~~? ... t~: 1 dn.~1'i\ 1 • lloll:1t1d.d · ,• 111.1ki•~ il t/11•