Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Brisbane, Qld, Finance 'details later' on art buy 'No public n1oney needed' T HE Education Minister !Mr. Pineyl soid yesterday he . was "not yet in a position" to disclose the source of pay– ment for Queensland'• purchases from the Rubin collection of impressionist paintings. But he said that neither State Government nar other public money would be needed ta finance the £126,000 (Aust.) purchases by Que~slan~ Gallery. 1 Tl1e gnllery, through j• 11 ,, 111111111!11111, , 111111.. , , , , , , , , , , ,,,, 1 , , 1 , , , , , •• , 11, , , ,., 1,11111 11 11 u Qucenslnnd's A~ent-Gen- 1GRAZIER, ARTIST, SOLDIER, THAT' s crnl in London (Mr, D, ,). · Muir) bought sev~n ~lc-,SCHOLAR AND BENEFACTOR ... turP.s from the collcct1.on h ,, h ff MR RUBIN [ of Mr. H. de V nhl Ruhm, t gmzler. R well-known Queensland/ e s y . I The purc:ha5e-nrnde •.t, GRAZIER, dilettante, philanthropist, pearl dealer, clas11ical i.cholar- auctlon at Sotheby and lh r h h h ' h t t th t h'orrr phies company-included a Plcasoo ese are i.ome o t e JI rai-es w 1c punc ua e e i-can I ,. a ("La Belle Hollandalse"J ror of Mr. Harold de Vahl Rubin. a record £88,750 and a Degas <"Three Dancers"> for s~ant, hecn.nNe for ·use n1 Rahwnrth House as a ollnlr.. - Since lhon he ha1 led a lull Ille. £27,500. mo~t. of hi" life ~11,l- Since tn;i7, Mr. Rubin'• namr. ha., appcarecl fre• quently In 11r.wspapeu a~ a public benelac:tor Ihe has I ~h·en 111 leMt £200,000 t,, charltle!lii In t.wn )'ear!; I, Alter Worl,t War I, In which ho •erved with th• Cold.tream Guard•, he ln London. all.er the sale, 1 hourne • horn ~fr. Mr. Rubin. who 5ald he had R hi fill h h made £49,000 prom on t.11• U n. , ai. a un- ~:.~r:n 10 ourr.ar ::n !nth~= Ptcasso. hinted he would! ned rmhllclty. pass on MJme ol the proceeds! II "·a.• not unlll •arlv ?fn~h~J•~.lfe,;.1.' 8 Queens- I 195'/ when he be~n a lnnit ballet "ompanl•• and an "I'm pretty sure · they will ~=~~~e~·/t~o~':."cn :v'~~ar~ be al!er me for a donation," purchMe of hl,torlr. Bab- Vast property / Mr. Rubin was horn on I :!~veXal::r.:1 •rhe 1 1'.r,d.:'t'l; Army In the Western nesert In World War II, 11nd became one of Aus– tralia'• bluest l[l'aden. he said, ' worth Hnuae, Darling "Wonderful'' r.~:il.. ~t·if h:u~ff!f{t th e ;':ti~~~\1a:i. ~~i·1n, ~~: I In Brl1bane, Mr. Plzzey Mr. Rubin wanted to said: "The gallery trustees huy the house Ifor had not sought publlcl £300,000) anrl convert It money, and would have sul- Into an after-care clinic rtctent funds from other1 for St. Vincent's Hospital: sources to complete the1 the council wanted to re– transnctlon. Further details/ sume the property for U!le would be announced "as soon a., a residential area. one of the world'• lnre– mosl pearl expert..1- and for yean1 was assoclatetl In grulnK 11nd pearling ven– tures wll h Queensland His property lnteril!llo now stretch from Queens .. land t,, Western Austra– lia. t'1':~r~ 1nd ~~re~er;;;.l•mes AS possible." . The dlsput,, wa, !leltled Mr. Plzze.v said the pa1n1.•: lau la.,;t year and the lngs .would he a "wondP.rful ,·nunr.11 arn,ed to allow the Muk Rubin died In 1919 and at 20, f:ton-educated Mr. Harold Rubin Inher– ited hi• lather'• \\'ealth ancf ,·a•t prnpert.y Inter• Recently, he made gifts of two of hi• station prn– pertt.. - one (worth £75,• 000) In New South Wale• for a charity art union: th• othor, • 12,000-acn, ~f 0 &'1:.kafi~ .!h~r.°'!.!rl'~t acquisition to the State." The purchRSe emphasised the lmportnnce nf provldln~ • new nrt gallery. esL,. he, 1'11.. Julie Muller. here's gallery preview H ERE are dcscriplloni- of the Queensland I National Art Gallery's new paintings gh•en 'i ~•esterday hy the 1?allery director (Mr. Robert Hninrsl. , •i~tc:'t''i •to1'~i:uf"n S" "La R•lle Hnllandal•e rDegMI ,-This Is no lessI 1Plca1'co1.-1n 1905. the spectaculnr than "Ln Brlle1 Dutch writer Sr.hclperonl. Hollanrlalse." JI 1<'111 rcr- 1 whom Picasso met 1.n tnlnly be the more popu- • Pnrls, Invited him 1,0 vlsll lar. ft ls typical of Degas' his hom.c At Schnoredan. be.st -known picture of There r1ca11.so ~•zed In dnncers rchoarslna. nmRzemcnt At I.he flntnc1-;~ M • k ol the landscape nnd the a1or WOr opulent form s of t.hr Thry arc rleplctrd frnnkly Dulch girls. He fainted wil hout ~Iamour or prett.1° ,e1•eral pictures n these nr.ss, bul the mastery ofl girls. emphnslslna lhrlr t.hr. ctrnwln~ anrl t.he doll• "sculpt.urn nnd monumen- rncv ol colnur establish lf,l l,Al" ~uallUr.s. ns ·• ma .tor work by onel Lace cap or 1hr. arr.nt.r.sl rlranghlll• , men And artists nf the l Thr 111ns1 Important, ":~s •La tnth-20th Conturlr. . j Belle Hollnndnlsc ·•· • ·•cnrn anti Blell•" (Nenolr1. nude alrl wcarlna •. la r.c - An oil nl 1wn children,! cap- for which r,rassn It Is sketchy, bul " slngin1 , used n palette limited to pninUna nf warm colour. j grai•• and pink. It expresses 1\'11at Renoir This hernldrd the period or himself salrl : "For me I!, his work which 1s known picture musl be A pleasant1 as the Rose Period and It lhln~ lnvnns nnd prettv-, 11.lso led to 11,e latrr lnm~u.s yes. prctiv ! There are 'ino nudes pnlnted In the, 10.0 s inany unpleasant things ln 1 and to his llrst. scr~is Ille for us to lab1·tcale still more." I Ink wash I "\\ 1 nman with " Parasol l,ylng on lh• Boarh"I /Pleaosnl . - Drawn wllh pen nnd Ink wnsh nnd w1lh i;:ouachc 1nfHH\1JP colourl, nnd will prnvnkc mnre comment. I "tlciut nr A l\hn" 1rtr11!iP.nl. - A wntercnlmll"J rm blst plr.lurr. "!<till I.II• " IMaurkP. de \'lamlnrkl .-A sllll Ille nf l ,cn n, nn R pin te., A nrt fl Jlnck Ju~. "llrn,I ol • r.Irl" l1'nulnu•e• l,autrr.01.- A lmc pn1nllno. Masterpieces ~tr. Hnlnes salrl 1hr. pain!• ill't~ wn11lri ~rrr,11~, rnli.r the ~111111:; nf (hP Q11N 1 nslnncl G:-tllr rv. I t, \~ 1 n11Jrt hN·omr knnwn 1,,·r ri::rn~ fnr its r lriu;~n AIH1 Dr".!n~ ,, nrks mnslrrp,rrr~ " L,n nrllr Hnl11111d AIM:''I 1"Thf"' 1,111 1r nu1 ch 0 1rl'' 1 wonlci 1n::1 kr Q11rr11!; la.nd l,heo ("IJ\' \' nf nllll1\' lll"f"A L un l • lrn r::. · FOllTSO'l'f:: Mrlhnurnc·~ N1111nnnl r.nllrr,· rrrrmr l>.° pal<I t47,flf10 for rirmbnuirl•. n " Pnr fl'A IL nf M Hn." JI \t.'A:5 ~~~~~i'~I C~~~;~ l~r ~rrA:gr f('i~V~ cral y~nr&, "Cou RIER MAIL" Brisbane, Qld, B MAY 195P d --'fhe l Courier-wl Our l.ilwrly ,J,,,,,,,.,,,. on the fr,w,lom o/ 1/w /Jtl!M14, mul llrnt cmmot b,J limilml wit/,. ,m, lmilla lod.-}c//,1rA1111. Art for the State I T sounds almost too good to be true that the Qu8QWWUld .l\!'L Callery has acquil'ed pictures worth £126,000 In Australian cur– rency, ,according to 1•alucs esta blished by puhlic sale nt Sotheby's, London. They are works by PHhlo Picasso, Edgard Degas, Fir– min Auguste Rrnoir, Maurice De Vlaminck, and Henri Tou– louse-Lnutrec, names that mark pinnacles in the French school of impressionistic painting. The Minister for Education ( Mr. Pizzey J says that no State or public money will be needed l.o finance these pur– cha ses from the collection of Mr. H. De Vahl Rubin, of Bris– bane. The whole deH[ is mysti– fying, and will need explain• ing, It can onl y be assumed that in the ba ckground there Is n munificent art benefactor. Whoever he turns out to be, the Queenslancl Art Gallery can look forward to possessing and showing pictures tha t will be the envy of other Australian galleries and, indeed, of all othr r ga lleries in the world. Its trustees will hold for the State art treasures that must gl'ow in value. ~' Dr the Picasso £55,000 was pnid in sterling. This to some people may seem a very large sum of money to lay out on one pi cture. But it Is only £715 more than was paid for another Pica sso last November by the New York art deniers, Rosen– berg a nd Stiefel. F'or some ballet paintings by Degas mu ch more has been . pnid Ihnn £22,000, which has bought an exa mple o( his work for Q11PP11sl11nd. These acquisitions will draw to the Al't Gnllery a ll nrt lovers who visit Brisbane. They may be the means of nt trncling mnny more gifts. Th ey s ho uld win publi c s uppo,-t for the Government's plans lo build :i new a l'l gallery nen 1· to the Botanic G11rclens, where it will he in casirr reach of penple fo r freq11ent visits,