Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

I T' S the little crises that ta ke you abac k in life. !-'or rxamplc. there WHs ""c hlnlw wc-nt tn th e Pnsl Offil'c .l'vst rrclay ln pnst n i\1nl hrl' "..., Da y prr!'>- 1•111 b111 1lwv !(i\d him the J)ltrecl wnu lc.t J1n,·c to be tied wl! h ~lrllH!, Nn\\', 111 I !w, r ci;q;s of !-l 1<·ky 1:,pr :--1r1m; takrs a 1J11 of f11i d1n1.: 111 I hr. d ry. But 111' ~n1 ;nn11nd it– bnt1C h l nnr. 1) f t l1n~c rcady- 10-11~,.. fl~h1nc: !Jnr-i- with s111kt>r, 1·1ook. :tnd "ll ;ltt;1cJ)r<i. :-;11nuldn r hrrrik r;i,1,qly , 1•11 t1f•1·. • * \,' 1 \t};t:tn ~•~:is.m~~h swimrninJ;: pn1r- l irf•. h.i ,·1· ht•cn the hr.!it 1•11slon11·rs or lir1:sa• ~rs rnr ,·.-ars. :,.11 a t.11111,1 of IHe• ~a n ~rs from I111' Gold C 'nnst art• 111•,ullng off wr!l lunl,:hl with c•olledion hcl):l's and hh:h ho11e!t, ThC'ir lar,::et is Miles, tmt alon~ lh1• wa~· they'll alsn tt·st lh1• J:f'llrrosltv or Oak••)". llalh.Y. ('hlnchltla. arnl J11nllnwar . They hopr In raisr hincls for nc,l' rriulpmrnl to haul 'r.m had, to dn· land twr.n faslrr in 1111.' futurf'. • * Q n :1-:!'iSl,AND Ml G:, llf'ry Sfffm r1 • J.:5:l.OOt.i for ONE PH'IUI'(', Pu·,1~so 's "L1 O<'llr Hnthrnrlni.,r.'' Is 11 wort11 it ? A~cnrding to Dirt'clnr Rnb('l'I HilillC!,, dr!'inirrl\· yrs. "A callery nrnr bc'cood," lir RRicl yc5- 1Pr(l1t\' "but n ·s knnwn b:v It!-- 11irlsrc'!"J1IC'('f'!-.. \Vith the P 11·n~:-.n :llld lilf' D Cio!aS our t:: nllrn· 1~ 11n w ci,;t nbllshcr\ ~ 11wnc r l1("1sr 111 the top rnnk Yo11 ,·an riuntr mP nf-i s11,·m~ I'm thC' h:'\pp1est mitn in " Q11f'(' IH,la 11ct." t Today's photo or Ur,:;aH . llllinlln~. 'J'hr1~c l)arH't'r"i, whi1·h o·ns sold to .hr Q111•1•11,tanct Art 1;a1- lrry Jac,t \\'t•clnrsda~· for £!!7 ,r100. T h ,. r1ainth11: was unr– ('hasrcJ from t hr t•ol– lrt·tion In l.ondnn of ~lr. llarohl d e \'ahl rt11hi11 , a ()11N•nsla111l ::;-rn1.i1 1 r. Tiu• (}u,•1•11'1~ land Art 1::11l1•ry palcl t I :!fl.flflO fnr ,.,,,·<•II llil i11ll11,:-!-1 £27,500 DEGAS PIZZEY CLAIMS ART WAS GIFT ~o 1111hllc• l11nd-. "c•rt• u,,,fl 10 bu., pic•fllt'f'!llo ,nltu•d nl .t 121i.000 ,·or 1111• tp1tt-f•n~huul \ rl f.iullc-1°, . rhc• l·'.thtf"IUlun llllni~lf•t•, 11r. Pi,,c,,. 1t1ltl Pn1·tin1nc•nt tudn.,. · l 'tlf' Cl111u1"°itiun l,t·:ult·r. Mr. U111,:;:;i n . had ;1~k1•d wlu·I IH'r it wa, tr111• lhal no 1111h– lir 1111111:,. hail hN·11 in – \'ul,·rd. Mr. Ut1t: l!llll h:ul ;el~u U!'<lkt•d u h,•I t11•r l\lr. l'i1,1,1•,\ ""' ;1u un• ,,f .t st.it1•n11•11t al lri~ hutt·rl lo 1111• Arl fial - h•r~· rhnir111an 11( tn1~l1•1•0.:. i\1r. I•:. A. t-·1•ri: 11~1111. 1111 I h1• 1n1r~ 1·h.i,1•, 11:11111•h', " I t·an sn I tu• (1111•1·11,ln 111I C.M•1•r11m1•nl ha~ 111•1·11 vc:r,· ,:01111 to 11~. " Mr, l'in1•,· rt·1>1i1•d th:it U ~tll'h a '-lah•• 11u•11I "a" mall1• ii \\as an it1tlit·a1i1111 lhat ttw llrt'"l'lll fJo\'l' f'ltlllf"lll, h, ii, 111•tiu11 .. 111111 it1 • ,.;.••11,t•rl ,•ont rfhul i1111s, h:111 !oh"" 11 ,:n·nflor in- 1,•n •,1 i11 ;1111I a 1111r,·- 1•l;1 t 11111 ur t tu• work nr lit· :\rt (iall,•rr ll1a n fH't' \ lom, f it1n·r1111u-11ts. :\11 . l 1 i1"1t·~ !-II i1I IIIIC n •1111t•sl h~ th1• dn11or \\11, lhul hi" ur hrr 11am1· "hould lw wilh– hf'ifl from 1mhli.-•n llon.