Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

"ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S,A. £69,000 Picasso F 1 or Queensland ,\ulilr:tlhau A~,ud11lo·1l l'r,,,..11 ~11,,, 1 )1 l:1r11wr, ;\l:ij. ll11rnld I.( I\' 1)11~ . . \l a,· j . di Ti1~1!1l1,!i':~it1::11uh· h,· 1lli"I 'I'll•' \'al 11111:11 I :a ll1•ry 111 : 11111 :•l S11llH•IJy':-. y1•:,;ti•r- tf (J11 1•1•1n•,\a 111l \'~•--It'!'- (l:tslt:l',f \:!: 1 ·;1i:\un•s Wt'l't' la,· l1r,11: ..!lll a I l''ih:-.i, b11~tidit h,· 1! 1t• Q11t•1·11sla1 ul 101 :trnit fnr t1 1r world re - u.dl ,·1,·. ·111r 11 1111:tl of orcl prkc ol' _rr,;,,ooo Sll.! . l.'.!1-LOOIJ. 1!11 !Udlllg till• JJI 1, (' 1.£AG!l,OOU 1. ,11 1111• l'11•;1 i,;-;n T hen· Wll!'- n hw,11 ns 11\1' T Iit' fiO •\ \';ll'-1ild 1!1:,lnl' >lflcltm.: fur " !.:t U1•1lf' 11 11 I- !--:l' h 11 ld1"1 lwhllld :, H, ,dl(~ a n chtis t•'• 1lilf' l)l'H lllilll l liro ll/ t' " l•:1,,1 11:d :---pi 111g. ut,·h Ciirl 1 ro·;1• by l)ld:-. n f d 111 1t li.! 1111· ~:11!· Ht11drcd :,; ul p1 ,u11~!:,; 111 t ll.''. l lt• pl;111s tu 111arn n irtioll l'tJ(1J1\:,; 11! S11tlH..:lJY s :q.::i in ,111111. and 11111:1_,. 11 Lo11t.!01 1. ltuw. .: 111 h i~ li:1111·1•1• n Tiu- (l111_•1•n~la ncl .\ ~1•111 - Ht•H iur :,.t ill lif1•. ( ii•n na l 111 l.11ncl1111 1.\Jr. P 1t·1· l'·l 01111 :\l uir 1 tnuk 1111' hid4llt11-! t\ :11 Ht1h\11 whn :-.nul Jtr, io i.:;,.i,01111 1111 lwh:df ol' h :1 11rnd1· l:4!1,lllUl profit on UH! Uri~hanc l!:tlll'r,\', , 11,, Pit·:i...so, h111 t1•!1 to 1'1'- Thr n •1·or<l- hn•:tk 111g P I- pnrtPr:-- t lia t he would pn , s n~so nude n11d 11 0Ih r r on !-flll1" rJf t h£> prnr N•cis of 1 ntnt lntzs nuct clrnwlngs tl • sillr 10 tile Nr1 t1orwl ,·ere sold by the Australian , Gallery ol Queensland. 8 "AGE" ~ AY I,~ SR Melbourne, Vic. Six Paintings Cost Q1d. .£StA.100~800 LONDON, ~lay 7. It was revealed today that the Queensland Government h a d b o u g h t a seventh picture at the Sothcby's sale yesterday-n 11 by nine Inch bead of a ,r I r I b:, Toulouse– L a u t re c tor £6000 sterling, This brought total of Queensland's purchases to .£ 100,800 sterling. - "The Age" Correspondent. Auck iand, N. Z, 8 MAY ID.i 9 £55,000 FOR PICASSO Lnnclon 'rhc :-lollnnal Gallery of Quccns– lancl yesterday became the pos• ~ros~or or I he m os I 1'1tus~o pur trnit. 'l'lll're w:1s a hushed silr ncc as lht• hirlclin~ fo r the painling. of a n11rlr Dut d t girl. rose by hid< of lnmclrcds ,,r pounds in rhe auction rooms or Sotheby '~. in London. Tht• Quecnsluml aJZC'nt•JH'nt•r;1I in l,1111<1011.. \ lr J). ,I. ,\hair . '"'k liar hid<llng lo £;,a,IHIO on ht'hall l 1 f the Br isbane .1,!t1IIC'r~ 1 • The rrcnnl-brcuklng Pil'ils!-11, " Ln Belle 1-follandalst•," 111111 l l 111 hrr pni nrincs anct drawh11,.:i, ,, Cl'l' !oiolci h~· au /\ ustralian shrcp tun ner. i\Jajur Hnrold eh' Vc1hl ll 11hln. for II lolnl of t lO:i.2!0. i\tn,lur n 11bi11 , who saicf he Juul n111ch• u •:~9.000 Jll'rtfit 1111 lhe Pit'iJsso, hinted thar h~ would p..1:--s cm some ~r the prn<'crrl~ ,11 111,, I ,,,le lo lhc :-l1tli111111 l (;ullrr.1· of / Q1wcnslnml. N.S.W. • '" \ f 'and's huge art purchase "TELEGRAPH" \ii~ 1 \~~I Sydney, N.S.W. allery can pay BRISBANE, T hurs. _ The Queen sland Art Gallery ca n pay t he £A .126,000 ll srwnt on plctllres i 11 London yest~r– day . Thi' Queensland Eriu– eat ·.on :vlinistcr t;\1 t', P i:t.7,t'\' I s11ld toduy that the · gnller.v trustees. would not need Sta Le Ol other pul>llc money. Thcv would have !;Uf• flcieut funds nvallnblc •· from other sources.'' Tile gnller,v bought sc\'Cll jlictures from the collrction or Mn,lor HHrold R-Ublll . of Hnnul– ltlll, Ilri;;ba11l'. T hrv include n :,a 1, :t:,.,;J n udt~ , £...\ .68,750) nnrl a DP~a:-. ba llet. ~t udy ([A.27.5OO). / ( /9~ (1 Sydney, N.S.W. for Art's sake? '{.,HE Q111•rn<:.lnnd Art Gal- ler y nncl or th e Qurcnslnnd Govc:-rn~w11t, IHI$ jui,t unbr l!Nl O::!li.000 for srven of MA.IOU IIAltOl.11 IW III S'S pil'– t ul'C$ 1i1H·lut1111~ t f,5,000 lor a Picnsso 1 • 1 Ami Lile ccn•n Lrlc :nn,..or 15 now wo11dcri1114 whether tie·11 honor his promise to p\\'C the gnllcry its dough ,bn{tis ~1vcs Lhr poor o1e gul1cry ~omctllinl; LO swea t about: but tlwy·re 1101, the only onrs the maJor has pc1 1>lrxcd. ~1njor Rubin once prom• .scd t.hn :--c pictures to our ~ nllonnl G,ilil'l'Y•- for nlx lh> t,1lc1 lhe ll"ll:ill!C'S thnt ht>'<l send th e p lr·t ll!'~S 0_11 n 1.ou r o l .'\U<;;ll'I\IH\, 1 Ill'\' {I .•m end n yl:;1r 111 thr nn gnl– lcry or cnch C"np1tal, woulct onf\\ly l'Ulll{' l\OlllC 1.0 roost in Sy 0 dney But 1111th:rn1 i;nrnr or It. J wonde1 why. The Q uN•ns\.uw a:dl1' rY ,_ ln the 1111'(1('~ of '!ICCtll1g ., Ill'\\' bun rcl JJnt f:t\' ll'lt ,, fr11 J11f'~\· d r1 Jl'y : ,;m •\ltTlll ' II f"AIIIIES .