Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

9 MA't , T HE purr. hose for (69,000 by the No1ion_ol Gall !l.LY- f Qyee nsland of a nude point· ing by Picasso is a rnost encouro91ng sig n of Australia's maturing nationhood. M,111 do,·i- nut lin· hy hr.-;HI .don,·. Tlw pir,m•~~ni who h1·uu~hl tilt' sht'\'fl .111J pl.rnu·,I ~lw \dlL'•~t \\h1ch havt• maJ1• A11Mr,1li.1 ,1 1rntin11 rid1 111 pron11sc were fon.·1•J tu Jo so. T hL·y h.u.l IHI 1i1111• for /lrl. Thl' t,:,dlcry bou~ht the p,1in1in~ frnm ii !ihct..•p former, who has hinted he will hdp the gallery 1ht• price uf the picture, . . Sa Austrnlia and Austral1:m'i h,1\'e ;1rr1\'t·d tinu.• when th~)' ,1rt· rich 1·1un1~h Ill l,uy du.• "'·hich ri·ally cnri('h life. Sydney, M.S.W. 1··--------------•1 I , I I ~ I I I TME FUL\.' ta£l1Mttl I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,, I T'S rather hard to work out just what happening a t that auction ol Major Rubin's paintings London. The Queensland G a llery, bv no means a h eavi ly e n– dowed set-up (an d repost tory c f some of the most glm s lly c,anvases i II the world ) bid like a rep rescntative of the Rockcfellers. Wh)"! Br.cnusc. :111- pnrently. t.hc :\Iajor h tl!, promi!i£'d lo nssi,c.;L th e Queensland gnller;•. If this is so. tile Gal– lery was bidding for plrtm·es which it hopes lo obtnin for much Jess thnn the nuction price. It's hnrd to sec \\'h V the Mn,ior couldn ·t huvc rnnllc the p ictures a ~ift lo the Gallery. As It Is. it looks t110u~h the P it·t ,s.so. nt £55,000 sterling. I~ :111 overpriced picture. Bu l the 1111hllclty about the pril'c Is a nice boost for the Queenslnnd Gal– lery-and for Pica"isO. An odd fello~ th e Mnjor. "NEWS" Adelairl• . S.A. • ~·~o11tlng ./,_. 11·1•nr CJ:"RTAI N lrn1l,,mrl• • ;,J, a lm•J.!·Wfl,•ri,rt r .t:p,·r• i1•,rr,· ,,f l11111dli"1,!. tli• /111u{.-/11,l1I l,i/lc, ,uh dbm11 1!,,,1 (h 1 >.(WO Pica.Ho 11u,I, l1t111s:l11 f,ut n,·1·k /or tl1t t~l11,·r,,cl,,,,,J (iilll,·r,•: " It' /,at n oult/ it t'f"'· if rl1t· fod y fwd ,.. , f'1•11 ,i1"'" dr1·<c1•,J?" Adelaide, S .A. Picasso Pu1·cl1ase A 1·t Seustition Of Y eu1· ELIZABETH YOUNG 1 ··a ntr,; rcrur111·d fo Alls - lt'l'll\ hl:it\,111 o f "Thi.' C..ill'l t rnlrn lro111 Lundo11, \\ hen · \\ 1111 1J1t1 U1111>rl'lla ·· T hi• iii'! :,;1 •11,:il io!I nf 1 Ii,· _\' •'ii I' j:,; 1J11• I ~ll 1 '•'l l--i– );1 n, I t ;i1ll1•n · ·.., I 1i1·n-..-..11 \d ll't lw:•t• 111 "Lnndull 11\JS \\ n ·k. •·I.,;1 Bf•lle H oll:111dai~1··· i:-. 11 11 t'Hl'l~·- al11tnst \ \\'tl– d11m'll~l1>t1t1l paint ill\.!. frf'l' o! 1•x;11.:i,.:1·r:1.! lull and - looltim.: h,h·k 0\'4•r ! l\t' 111a11~· " 111'1 Jotb'' n f Plt-ni• – ~o·s c:1 n •1T po:-s1hl~· uf his \a•:-.t 11!ta~f' 111 d l'\d1Jp- 111<·n l Tiu• pri,·1• of ~1i!l,OOO Is l111• hl~h••:-l .-•,·t•r pnhl for a 11ai11U11~ hy a 11\'ln~ artii,;t :1111I a prke whkh It ~wcms 110:-frrlt~· is 1111- llktdy to hcliPni j11:,,tilic1I. J auie!-1 Cn111 1111d ll\s ,,·1fl•. ni 1r.1 Ch:qnn:111. lw \'t' 11111\'l'cl llw lr -:111rti11 l!(dlt•)'\" from Carri1 •!:to11 s1•·1•,·1 1(1 :{ Pnrk roii d, l~1~n~m•:,011 Pnr\.:. Jl, •r1·. IJ1ll h :1 1·1b1 ;-. !in,·t rP<'l'll t w, p·~: p1·n11:1 r1 - 1•111 1,· mi l'"Xi111Ji t.i11n ,Jn 1111'~ C:inl n l-.c1 slum·-. \\''1l'k ,,r hi.-. l.,(nl(!(Jll c\; 1\',"' ' tllf' 1wr ior! (If t! H· 11:d 11\111'..! ..: h\' whif'!t ltt• l'- 1Tt>l'"Sl'll!Nl in t h<' Nntimwl f'n\ lrct lnn s of \lif'{on ;1 ancl Sout h A w;. tr;1liu. lL is tl\'e ,venrs ::;ince the J unws·:,; 111111i,::i11n ttvc rcal- 1 On \'iew in the N:d irnrn l ism nttrnctL•d f·unslcfr rnble Ga.lien· nn• the I\tf'lrow al tf'tttl1i1, n111ong ynun~cr Prizt• Comprtl!.lon p h·turns. pa l111.:rs, n11d four yt..:ani The pri1.f! nf nne £100 1n n11- sl1w 1· th1·y Sl'llled in Actc- :icq11lsith'1' 1 is uffcrcd ('ven· l,t!'h' nncl hnrnn to nd11pt four years by the i\lelrosC' ~~~f.~:~~~•lli~-1~~ 1\J1\ 1 ;,' 1 tl~~ :\~:~: I R~~!i• 1 g 5 ~of1~~o~ttl~~~-~·l'nit or tra \11111 s('enc. tn the Art School Cial• Enl'll ls indl\'id11a l Ill HP· h•r),·. 1-:shlhlllon Uullclinl,:'. t'i~'.~\~i.\:,\ 1 ; \ 1 i 1 ~1V,\'i~~l!-:.rllr~Wt I :.~•t,!1h l~e~:~c::x\~'bit~,,~~"'~/f :1 11 :1 ]00! ~l·t ~'llsilin• tni - mn·, 11o!'lters hy C'nntem1,~ p n•~s11111 , Shu h n~ ~Olllf' oran l'oliidt nrtlshl. ~;~;~ 1 {~·i':~.i 1 ;f1(• ~.\\\r~~~~ ;,~~ll~'~n;lr I uni II to111orrm,· \\'eek the lm, ,'r ~ 1111rbOr oi1 cxl;1hi- ~'i~:!llf 1\\ 1 ~ 111 0 g!Tti 11 iJ1~\cl~·kwft~ U< 11 1. I n' mnin 011 vif'\\' in the ,lam1•s ( 'ant is at 11r,•.- Jl:1l111rlorf G rtllPr~•. Hnhn- !-wnt 1·11m•c11trntln~ nn a I rlnrf - open clnllv, itll'htd– s1•rh·s nl' 1,alntlnl!s In inu S riturch1,· ri nd Sun<1nv. whi<"lt ht• tr)-·s to 1•a11t11r(> Tile Cornt'll P rize Exlli– th•· 1•-.se11llal :itmospln•r•• hition. nnnn~f'rl bv th e ~~1 1'.~. f~·;,~~!~s '\~n~:'e 111 ~;;:.,:: I~ 1 ~1~;~mi1~0~.~:1\e A~ 1 ;e~~tii,~:,~ 1:rowth of lhc S:\ land• ~ lf, p ,lll. 1111 TIIC!-ir\nf in :,if':qH'. tl111 RSA Socit>t ~· of :\rts 111· ,,·nrks wllh 11 \·il)rri t ~ !lw H.SA CinllmT. Jnst.it11 tr il\1' . hrokr·n p11i11 t lt•xtn rr n11ilrli1w. tJ\" Mr!'-. Jolin :1nd n n·:-trrllnNI, 1dmo~1 C:11nnhl'!l A11slnnd. :•11::t"r" n:1l1<tl (•. llncl in'.! 111 ·J cihn :\tnrttn''{ nr t i!rt l· tl•1wi111t rhytlHns in dnrk ll'n· 111f'W lm·n tion . ,,•c!-it II'"" li111b~ nnd bnrrd ror,t s. ,·nt:m'r nf tl1r !-.rro11cl (1ru1r1 T lw 1111ql'l'i1 .,• nf cnlrn· Sir Artl111r Rn11ill . MLC. n11rl H llro:id slnrnllficntlnn wi ll oprn nn exhibition of ,,r 111:1"-!-r<::. !l''" r 1·,nrnctrrls• 1 lanrl·•rnpr~ lw Australinn t i••<::. nf 1lw l ,11nrlor1 pf'rinrl. n,·rlstc; al 4.30 p.m. on NotalJIC I!-. the dc~OIRlC de- Thursdny. Brisbane, Qld, , Art fOH.750 for ONE H Jlil'llll'I' - Lo Btllc ~1lln11~Lds1·! ! llow about. m ore ~~' immJng pool:-: !or Les Brnux E1,1.fnn~s a nd builrl st.ront.:l'r a nd li_e,dl.lrn·r Queenslnnclt r,,.-Gho . 1 (,um <Wclh·rs Hill, . , / Brisbane, Qld. 12 MAY 19~H Picasso "is offensive" ::,CAllCELY ha\'c 1·1 •e:n,· 1 ' l'cct f rom tlrn hla ta11 t r xhibiti 11 of mora l ln .xlly ),:IIIJ:;l'd llllClr r Ilic ba n- 1.lf '_I' of i•cluc.n tt~n by on lr– ,~~pomablc ~rcuon ur Unh•er– •'-lt.r :-.t11dc1a!-. 1h:1n wr urc n~uh1 .C'n11frm11 ccl b.\' n11 cquullv 01 fr 11.~l\'t' cl t!;plny of nudif \• g~ 1~:~ ~l.lt 'cl llllclrr 1hr h cnd111i1 1 1 ~lf'r to rlw pho1ogrn pl1 nl .1,hc l11 lllOII." Pi<·1t:-.!'!o pamt ln~. ..La lJf>llc• l·£01l:rn_rln 1:-i('," Ill lu ~t S1~_1,11rd:1y·:. Co11n er . ~lnil. · . I hi• bnnrn in prlt.:c ul ~:15.0nu ,utl no (lo11bt bP recn rdrd by lile !\ l'L Ualln,· nu:ho1111r,1, us mnnry wrll . ~JW!ll Ill rnl~lnt; ~~~~'C'l i~'l'.\1 1 \~ 1 (ill !-il~ll1Cl11nl 1 11 0111 thn~r wllu ll. ~ r ltnll v llllf'rrstnl 111 tlw rnor·d ·rn[I splri'tml wrlfn rc- qf t h~ t·•'mi• 11)111111 .\' \\'Ill he rl1~(11rbr rt und d '. ,11)1).tlll!C"cl !hat ~llc l1 A Jlill llrl,1 11f't'l Hf"'i(• \\'Ill hC' l)r"J'– mttNI 1 • _,1rlnr11 !h" \\':1 11~ of rHL ,\ 1" ( ,;d!r n· 1'. ,J. llan- 1·11\ 1·hai r!1rn 11. C hrl,tl an nu"I• ~)~~;,._:-.1c•11 .., ('nm111i ltrr. Snrth