Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

N.S.W, Big profit in nude LONDON, Wednesday. -Purchase last week by the Q.ueensland National Gallery of a Picasso pa i n ting "La Belle Holland– aise" for £55,000 hills received a new slant. £55,000 SALE "111 June 1943, as owner n( :1 modern art galk ry in l harlc< II Sirccl, London, I ln111ght the painting from 1.1 ,liraclor of 1hc Ha nk of Eng• laml fur £ 4.~00. " n ,c whulc nrt worlJ 1lh__111ght l w:1~ cru7.y to puy ,u~·h a price. "I remember llrnl when I 1t1nl. pO!rl~cssion o f the paint- 1ni; and the cheq ue was hinhkd over. o ne of th1.• nllh:1;1h 111 the H;.ink of Eng– liuhl :,,~cd. •How can uny– OIIL' hl' ,o cruzy as 10 pay so mm:h money for a nude lad)'!' "I told him lbere were diamonds In lhc frame! "Now thal lhc p iclurc has fclchcd £55 ,000 perhaps he will sec lhe point. "I offered lhc painling, without any p rolil to mr· ,elf. lo the Tale Gallery bm ,us,, I lho ught Picassu's hi:~I paintini; should remuin In London in u public gallery. ''I wanted lo raise lht! .,11111 hy r,uhlic subscription, and 111)'!\.:I{ contrihutcLI i; 5110. Too costly ., Ihl' , uh!,<:ription was wc11 umh:r \,a y when Sir John Ktll hl'll' tcin, <l irector of the T;ih.· Gallen·, ndviscd would· hi! , uh,~ribCrs that 1he paint• in!! wu" ton expensive. "Therefore lhc subscripl· ion failed anu I so ld lhc painting p rivnlely to Major Marold R ubin (p ictured) for t h.0011. "I hud lo nmnty from a prh·ute hunk In hn)' lhc pnlntln~, 11nd l'hl' 1m1fit on lhc sale ,us ~wulluwcd up hy inlt rcsr nnd tixpenscs.'' The r :ir L·r·~ dia rist COOl· 1111.!ntcd: •·For Ruhin ii a ~hrcwd r urchn, c. He l' ,cllcr Ja-.1 w1.·ck:' Sydney, N.S.W. .........• _. ......... - .. -· / A WEEK Of '•ART )N S ~•dney this wet•k it was im• pns~·ihl l' no t t:1 be nrl t onscious. :d,..11 11\ 1, lit t ,:illt·I\ A Ill'\\· 1, r r ~:dlr f\· ,1r,·n, 111 lhc \\t"d,l·nd :it 1)11nhlr Ila), \\ ilh co lour– ful (, racmc lltll 11-. JlfU• r 11cror. Arl ,nth11• lut1 11111 talkl1111 • h<IIII 1h1 Q11cr11,l•nd G • I I • r ,,•• r,,.nnn hid rn, ;\t.j,., Nuhln\ 1'1,·•••o • 11d hi• othtr , ttluuhlr puh1Un1t\, A111I 1-d m o h.·tu ltlrr.n ,,n tu,llihn , nrc lwirii; r:+J..cn - 11 li11le nnwll linµl1·. per · h11r - In !l'r Clllf lnl':11 ,·nllcdi,,n 111 lht. Nntlom,I < ,11llr1\ . Brisbane, Qld. l •1 M /4 y 195 THIS ''WOMAN' ON THE WAY 'La Belle' was once LONDON I Special I. - Queensland sheep farmer Major Harold Rubin po id £6000 tor the Picouo painting " Lo Belle Holl– andaise " which he sold lost wee k to the Queens• land Art Gallery tar £ 55,000. ' '~iill\btj ,:i:~\~' IJ 1:rl'\!~ll·o~~~~\~j.l <•l a 11wrlPr11 nr t t!tlih:ry. 11 IH.lllt.: ht I lw palntilll{ fl'OIII a cllrcclor 111 t h e Bn11k of t:nu- ln!\1.h; ..or \~::ii?: art wo1·1c11 th o11id1 t I wns crnzy to pay •IH.!h ll p l'i('I' , "Crazy price" " l n •1111•mlJ•' r 111.11 when 1 i,,uk p o:,;:..;l•:--~•d1m o r thr pnlnt• !llL!. and t lH• l'l1cq11c was h n llrlf'fl D\'t' r . Olll' 01 thC' .1fflc1ab 11 1 th1• Dnnk 11f Ellt.:· land u~kerl. ·H ow ,·:in n11r• ,1111· bi· .. n c-raZ\' n~ tn pil\' . .:o m 1u-h for " nmh· 111£1\·'J•• " I Iold llllll Ilw:·r ,\·,•n• fl l:tfll'lllri~ Ill t li(• fr.11111•. Now 11w 1 1111• p 1t·111rc hH:- rct i.:hecl r.15,0011. 1w rh;11>:-. hr will !-i•'l' IH• P<lilll .. Highest yet :\1r . Bi lhu :--;LIU lilal ht• n f lc rrrl I IH' p:d11 tl111,: , \\'Ith· 0111 prn fl t to hilll-"ll'i!. to f ,n 11rlo11 •~ 'rule (i11lli'IT. hill JI ~\·:,s .lurlgl'd (Ofl rxp,''ll'-1\'(', The Q ucr-w•dn nd ArL Ga l• l(•J'\'·~ t:i!'i 000 IHl l"C'ila:--e m HCll' rh e pa 111 t.i11L\ I hr 111ns1 r:-:• urnsir ,. Pirn~!'.~~1.!.!_ t lmc.