Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Art 'f"E CaFe of thr 1Ms1 Art rndrd lm111111,· In Rrlll– banr and Meloourne ,·rM1rrdR)', The nrL "'nsn 't lost, •l nil.[h,-tcrstntc lrriaht llrm col– Nine rh·n"·in"' "'orth £3500 lnpsecl whrn thr Nation•! were , till in 1hr Nlillonnl ArL Onllrr1· n1 Vlr lorlu Art Ga llery nl Victorin. fnunn n111 11 h• rl 11n1 sent Thr ":ork, nl t0lh nncl them 20th c cntur\' Frrnrh nrl,l•ts. Thr tl r•"·lnas inrl11rlcd n lhC!\! ,,:err ·,n hn ·r nrrtvod DcRAA ctu1rrnAI nurl~: in i:lrl•bnnr ln .•J Frirln,·. "Wom•n Drylna Hrr.rl L A 1hrrr . g1a1 r nln1·~1 hy ~\tl!. 1 u~t~~~\\. 1~ 1 ii q~~c~~lcrnc';;~~ 1hr Qurr n~lit11rl nnrl Vlr • worth n ln\\ 1 1\' r,rnn. tnrlnn Art <Jnllr t_1t s nnr1 nn Thi' ,trA\\•hiQ~ nrr nn Jnnn tn thr Quccn>lnn~ Art n al– lrr1· fnr 11, c rnl cn nry "•p•ri•I." o £~70,00 c,hlbi– tion nr 1nth Anti 20th Crn– ' " " ' Frrnrh •rt . tn nprn nrxt Monti• .. 100 On show r xhlhl!inn ol mnrc thnn 100 po int inµ• • nrl drnwln"'· • nrl pier •• nf 1 ~rulrturc, will ht hclrl 1111·011µhou l ,June nncl J ui)'. Hi~hlluht \\'ill he the 11nJJ~- 11R nr the r.nllrr llnn in Ihr Qur r11,Jn 11rl M L O nl lrry bnuuhl rrom Mr. H Dr Vnhl R11hl11 In Londnn on Mn,1· r.. Thr r.nll~r.tlon will Ill' h1111a In lh• r xhlbll,lnn nn II• rrivnl lotc In June. 'i., ,, "MAIL" MAY f9S Bri1b1n1, Qld. BANIJ Wll,L1·· , PLAY FOR ART SIIOW SEVEN hundred guests h nve been invited to tomorrow nighl'R offl clnl l opening of thr Ccn tcnnr~ I Exhibition or French Art at the Queensland Art !' Gnllery. rt's n "by-lnl'l tntlon- ~ly~~-1~fcbri1°c:~\:.r1.1e tl~~d rg~~; decora ted in O nllic effect.' nnd Nnnhcr n Commnnd 8!lllti WIii piny. 'fhr fio\'f•rnnr ISir llenry Ahel 1'niil~ ' , · wrlcomr Ihr Fren, ., Am• ba~!'arlor 1~,. Renaud S1'Mn ,, who wll) open lhe exhlhlllon, II Includes 05 works -1 C~,~:~.u~,~d· t~~~~·~:.~~~: .~c 1 r~; arr I rnrn O\'r r,;ca."i nnd thc1 otll,..rs urc rrorn AustrallnnJ collr ctions. /\JJ intr rsllltr 1·lsll or n.t lhc/ ~fc'~"lr'~~t:~~I 1); ci';•,~~ l. n : "i;~I hn~, lrn s,•w•rnr pnlnt lngs. 'l'hr cxhihitinn will rrmo1 nl oprJJ until Ihr r nd M J uly. Bri1b1ne, Qld. Migrants to stage big City concert "NEW Faces of 1959", one of the big mass entertainment features of Ccntr.nary Year, will be presented in the Festival Hall on Wed- nesday night . l11111drrd:,; nl ri·11Jclrrn from A rli~I ~ 1) f p\·rn• 11;1t i1 1fl. rl1:-trwr '-d iunl'-, · • • _ , ' I t \\'Ill rf'l\lrl\ l:1tr r tn :il11.,· l1 \'1 11g 111 Q11(•c• n~l :rnd H:1wth 11 rnr Park , whNc n will ta kr• pt1 1'l in ;1 ,·a ,if't\• ft•1 r will br- nprnrrl nl 110011 . h\' Mt ,f. lfri11:-,1n11. 1\1.L.t\ 1·1 111crrt pn,:,.:r a mm<'. I t will br n hll!hl11!l1t ol l11\Hlll!l'nllnn \\',~r',;: , On :\tnncln,·. ;in r xh ibil ion r1f Frrnch · pa111tln~ a nd T odny wrrk Qll"f'll~l;IIUI h~~:;b~~:; ,~;!ii o~\,1~'1\~1t the \\'!II hl' JOO )'"""' nlrl Other events Qi}~ 1 ~~ 1 .. 1; 111 ~t)'~~r',~/1 11 : 1 ~~ 1 a, fi~ 1 ~ Othrr Crnt1·11nr\' e,·cnts o[ Sr:11r " " ·' cn;,,r'tl f'd 011 .Junr fhr wcrk will be::_ 1i. I li-1!1. .June I: E,·cm nJZ fuJH:tion Twn 1·rJt-.hr:1t1r111 , ll,i\·r n1 \Vacnl Immigra tion Ccn- lH'Cll 1!'-f rrl frir T!H• fH'1 tw l tn· !lw'11rt111r. n b1·nn rtcn~t, dn tr nr l hl' C<'nl<"ll:H ,\' . nf u mi~rnn! in lrn t quest. Ort 1c:w l opc11Inl! nr 1111• .J11n1• 2· Vl:--1t of ton mlg- Qurr•n.,i;tnd ·rntrnarv 1-11:-1- 111n1 1 l1 llcl1r 11 tri PnrlJarncnL lorll':d E xh1b1! 1<Hl :ll !llf"' Hou~r. culminntlm:: In a p ic- ~t:;.''~{'i;'rt::n~il h.11!\'I I~\' n:--f1'f~X ~;;;r}i1~\:~h,.,on InIhe Botanic Gnvrrnnr 1Sir Hrn r)' Abrl .hrn1• ::: Prr,'-Cllln tlon to S111 lth 1 tlH• Prr mlrr iMr. Nicklln i ,\ "PJ1 111,..r- r ,,: I,11tlt'l1ro11." nr ri11 rirlclrr~!-. nf loyn lty, ll!'l'nm.:r d h,· 1hr Horn I H1, - · ~r\\' face~ nr 1059" m the Q~',:.~~1 1 ~l~~;;j°ci~~~~~~~ 1 rr~!2d r-:i'~~ F~~,'i~~:• 1 ,t ~i1 ~~R~.~ 1~ari°1~~li~r1- lol'lt'fl I As~o,:::1:11 1..,:1 . tum l'<'rr nrnny of 600 people. "Fly a flag" N/ t\;~~: a:i'1. Fe,;tiva l or . T h,, Prr m 1r r 1 ~f r Nlck- .June Ii: M1crrrnt rPtminn 1111 1 \,·nn t,;; r\·r ry r1t 1i'e11 to 1w·nic 111 he Botnnic Gar~ II\' n fine nn Junr Ii. drll!I. ~lr :'-/ll'klin <nld that T he fln~ship nr the Aus- Q11rr11 ..1,ir1el ., h ni1lrl br pu t In 1rali1111 Pieri. H.M.A.S. Mel– !f', llrr ~rirb 1 11 cC'IC'brn tc rI1c hnurnC'. \\'Ill \'l!ilt, Brl.!-bane cln\' tor ~,~ clays from June 11 T o,rlu\· 1h,.. Hullmh:i crn - fnr Ccnl~nary t"lchra tions. 1rrn1r)· ("r1mmlttrr will :-l,H!:r OtlH•r 11111_! -:;. nf the fleet, ri prot"f'<.!-=l()n :rnd rr, r wlll \'_1..,11 Cn lrn~. Mnckay. ~fnrr l imn -rn rlnat, urf' nnrt Cdnch:lnnr . . r xprr trcl rn lrnrf' Qurrll!-- Main Air Porcr pnrllc1pa– pnrt Hnt1rl, ~l ura :·nr, nt 10 lfl 11n11 In Iii~ Centcnar>· ccle- 11111 , prnrr r c1 In \V,·nnHrn b r:1 11011.c; \\·1II b e cl11ri 11g the n onrl, nnd i hrnut.? 11 ·;inwm 1 ry1111lr or Brltnln \Vrek in 1-1111 Anrf r-..torn m~c:lric, t,,hop- sr:1!t"mbcr.. . . 1)1111: rrn rrr :;.. f"n~-:~; ,~W ~~n~"~~d~;t'~crZ}r j At llnwth ornr Pnrk lhP tn Bn!-bnnr t'l take part in prncr~~1n11 will hr ninrri h,· 1hr SrplC'rnbcr rclcbrn tJons. Bri1ban1, Qld. 1 JUN IS5 9 Gave 3 works to £250,0ftf) show A 1)1 iTC'II r•l1•r1:.,·n11111', l11111wh•di:o or Rr1 yc~- 1·,•rcla~· ,111,1,,,1 thri•,· 11111ri• works In llui QueePR- 1111111 Arl li11llcr,,·'• ( '!'11l••11ar,1' t"r<'llf'h cxhlhltlnn, rx·,•:::~ t ln~~: ·,:~11 1 {~;.. ,.,:·!;; 0 :~•, 1 :~! llr rnnta,·l;;.i;c « tr1llrry iln·lt:1llon nnl~•" 011rnlni: rllrrdor IMr. Robert lnnl;:ht :tt A.l a h~· 1hr J111lnr,1 arul nfferrd ;1 Ule r;~.~:~';::, :-J,• 1 ~:~~~-~-.adnr i:\I. :11ul twn pnlntf'fl plat~ hy On !':tlur,la.,· tnnrnhu: 1hr "-ltmc artist Mr. l'hr C 'nurirr•.,t:tll 1,uh• lfnlnr-. 111Tr11tt"d, 11,tu~,1 a 11hnt11s:rn11h nr an .\t. Slhan will arrh·e In :~:,~~:,1 "fn 'i1~~· ,!~•1:r.:1't1:,., 1. 11 • ~1':!~I~•,~, ;~.~II ;:i; 1 ~,.f ·::1· 11!:: S11rrna11 l'al'k f'rr ,h,·trt• i:tn mini, h•r i lt11' IC,·\·. II. r·. S111Jkcrhorr1 r,•1·n::nl,r1I lh•• ta pr,tr.,· a, 1hr uor~ nf f.'rcnrh .1 rtf._l .frnn f.11 r:1 t. ""'" of the rxhlhltlnn at 4 11,m. Thr c;1llrr.,· wlll t·r•npen 111 in :u11. tmnnrrnw, 'rhr. r,hlhlllon n-111 hr on !11hn1' 1 fur tun mnnth1i,