Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

/Y;d Brisbane, Qld. A RT . G,;lll'ry·s f68.'150 P1rn.sso p:iinl,lng, on lh•• I I wuy from London b ' s '. P. hud a lowl)• kick-of I'. galJer '!I ~/!' t ~-r Ecli,ur Ferguson lells . 1 J It c~sso P11ln1,,c1 it in 1907- i,av~ t.he b31 t}~t?i,trJJt 1 ,r to square friend, pa n1.cr uni.I n wo~enson the " "llrry's fl 26,000 sea t~s o[hf/:.inUn"s is comini, by would I , inlue: lhe i:nllrry special 1111 e hnd_ to pny n £200 of frelgii• .:fsn!ii3_cforc a penny Bri1b1ne, Qld. ' I ,' ,', l , <Charge · them on Picasso' {T occurred lo me while viewing the revolting P icasso "nude" (C,-M., 14/5/59) that If an ordinary citizen were found In pos– session of such a plct.u1·e In pocket size he would be ch•rgcd with an lndlrtnble olfcncc. Why not chnrgc those re– sponsible for hnnglng n lnr~e ~:~~ 11 {~~ ~ 1 /J y~r S~e~/t ..9L'~l'Y At !cost private citizen s f~;[.~{il~~n11:;ri~~fil1°Pt~~1~m I~~= hlblt I.hem only In prlvntc. Our Art Gallery will be the noorrr for such adclltlons. - r. Stlrllrr, Elfreda Street, Enouera. 2 2 !' , . I ,. I Brisbane, Qld. * / D ON'T 101wll - nld pnlnt : M l__ Gnll,•ry cl in•,:lor, RobHT Hainrs. IPlls 11 , l h:t1 l h1•rr II bi• nn llllC'OllrPlllional 10,u·h 11h ,•n 11w l'1 18.,00 bund le ot naintinl-!!-" frnm llw Rubin col– h·,·1\on Is 111111,· IH'le. The Cllll.750 Plr·nsso and till' rn.,OO Dr~n • 11 •1 11 hr frnmrrl in shlnr-proof el11ss. TI ·s imus11:1 I lo Pllt vlass on pn ln1ln '·' · b111 Robrrt. ,avs JJl'Oplr 11·011\cl Prnbnbl)' br f.oo 1·11 rl,m:,; 11bo11t lh<•sr, works- nnd m,·lhwd l o Li\'c tlH•m n m i lt] ll)Ulllirw . Brisbane, Qld. JI' J • Recognition for living artists 1·0 nrn t:DITOH l READ with great plcosura CM 7/5 / 59 1 ol the l ' ., Gall y'• Queensland Art c/ urchosc in Landon o a :,oup of modern ma,tcrM Pi ~;~l paint in~s rt rr hC'yollcl l .>riCl' ~ncl then· ~houltl brl)"\'3 . 1 r II l 1he money " · qulh J i;~~ English (..io\'t•1 nmenl But. t ,c . 1' i pounds a spL•1ul:-. 1n1l wn~ ::rcha._c;,r and yf'nr ut~ . ~he t" old 111 ~str r1 prt:~f'l"\':11 \01'\ o I •l il.S ll\'\I\~ anr\ mo!-l ly ncv. cc 5 arLisl~. Id be n snd tllln~ fnr lt ,, on _ L i~ ,·h:or- Anstrnlia, whose yr · 1r 1hc . d d C·VC)OJlll1~. ' t~~~~ng nL\1\n.i \rnpr1rl~C!clll!n: i1~ -Francis L ymbnrnc, rark, 1.ondun. 22 M.4 r 1SS!J Brisbane, Qld. IThey,·re···wncr.. ahouI; 1 1 £55,000 picture I T HE Queensland Art Gallery's purc{tase for £55,000 in Lon• don of a Picasso painting, "La Belle Hollandaise,'' has created a stir in Queensland. Thf prier, pa id nuclion on Mny 5, is licl'rd to lit• n rccot'd fn l' a Picasso pirt urr . Many renders ~uy they a re h11rrif1Pd by tt1c plcturc-nnd by tile pncc. Hen• nrc some excerpt...~ from renders· \el.lt 'l'S:- "Disgraceful" 'I'I-IJNK tht• hnni,:lll~ o r the so-cullPd "Rrt'' 111 n u r Art Gallery IS l hC big~f'SL d 1s - 1;racc or ou r <·t•11lr11A.ry yen r: from both n111:d£1:;, rHst.RSlC'.' n11d wnstc or money.- l\lrs. c. rctrrs, l.adc Street.. cooqrnroo. "Insanity" A ~)~Cl';~,i:k~,11 1 1,~it\~ 1 '-iu~; nrLIM.,<; sl10wcd n ctri:lded !'ltrcnk of imm111t~·. TIH' recent r11·qlWiltlon nf t h e P i<'USSOS. fllllt: h p rocln.J ll\{'d . show~ tlw sumr cr11 it·a l 111t>11ta1!1,·. Thi• thou!-i:rnds wltlc-h f'll– ril'h 1,n <fr11lr rs r·oulcl hr l,tPr be• spt•111 to c•1wou1a1~r· m1 r own 1\ ustrnll:111 Hl'L\SLS - 1.\Jr",. l :\I. E. I.I \'r-"':l,.. . '111~:;:-II I. "Ifs the price" I :;:,11~tst~l\~;~,~t~·l!~1~~~1;;; hr ~hoc·krd 1w· 1 tw 11t1dC' "La llrlll' Holl:111claisr." T llr prkf' pn1Cl pn\11!111g Is lilP 1hlnu . - '.\lr. l,1•s Howen Slr1•rt. Hnmn. "Biggest scandal " JT -.1·1•111.-. 111 mr• thr b1c• L!I'"' "t·nnctnl ... 11wr I hr !-inl:11, i.: rnli. A pr,., !rh'11t 11( <"'l~r nn\'n l A1·r11k111,· 111w1· 1•,d l"d one nr P1rn~,n~ rt\111'1\ I!- ',iSI V S(l lln rr frrt ol rullbi:-ll' ' I ou rt'(' wl! h ('0!111 Nnh!'llltl! • C- - ~1 .. 1!1 f-1 /fi!'li thiil lllr,· ,, 111 r• n k•• la11c.ht1•1 whr llH'r 11,r, :,;·P 111.:!11 wn · Ill' ,,r no1 It. :,,;., Hld dt·. C'nlo11111lr11 ,