Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

26 MAY 1959 Briabane, Qld. some th ing in the way birth o n - A u s Li n Donne ll y, Q11ct'll~la nd mnnngPr of A11sl rnlin11 Fixed Trns ls, IS sr.11cli11g lllS rril'I1d!-i n <"ard With llrt:uls of "a !WW J:iSUC by tla• ()1m111•11~· Cnrpnration - the J1rsl ror n rnc yenrs– as u11dl'r : , ''J)PSITlf)tlOII: Jl(•trr .J:Hne s. Si1.1! 1lf iss1w: Hlh. 101 .. n at.io :· I for :.!, 11nl\-\'11L111g Jnr fh·[;t :? I year~. G rowth pro:-;pcct.s ll'l' snu11cl, but thr di rect.ors 'f.l\TCl llm l 111,·.v a rc 111mblc 1t this st:1g1• tn ~1,·e nny re· llnhil' 111Clic.1t1011 of further Issues.'' I~ ':::i~,c~ t'h ~as'·•~~!~~ri note of the ~15~:J:i~l~~, 11~\~rh'!!~ ~~: 1 ~~~:;:: • "I.a Helle llolhuulaisc." In : fad, in l.ondon it is gen - , ernlly rcgrellecl that the work b nut rcnmhuni; ln ' t:nglanfl. llut The Times . ~a)s: " \\'hilc m an~· of us ~ 1 i~1t,;~~F.:i~!~• 1.~~!~ 1 ~~;t• r~~!!d a permanent home in the Tatr 0;1llcr)', we cun h.tslt•n lo c1mgral11lnt.c 11uct>nsla11t1 upon so _ fnr– s i:hlcd n 1111rd1a"it!." \\ ' f;~~ec,};]~"11d rou;~ ~ t.rip :-;tan 111u on Frld:1y l'vt brf"n rui'i'n lng I.he Bri:-billll' ll i111erl n d brc:1ki11L! 111.,·sclf 11\1 0 the i•'ont:mrnt.c. Nn,\· ,Jo1i n .-:;;trat– Jgu~, m111m:.;t·1 or the Forc.t Cump.111y, tdls a ~nd story :1bout t.h t~F-l' nut nmntic trans- ~~IC~ 101~fi',t I\1n~·uuLt 11 ~at.t:~I them :,tnrl r d with a s1uw run clown h1ll- ~·uu've got lo do ::!i1 111.p.h . br to1 l' ~·ou pu t them mt.n ~PH r. One fel– low 1-top1wn r p1•e111l.\·, n:.::kect a Indy cl n,·•' r to g1 ,·p him n pu~h. l'Xpl:llnrci he'd ha \'e tu bf' pu:-;lwd a l :t; 111.p .11 .• etc Shr qoit.P 111Hh•rs1 c:,ncl. J k J,::O! lnT r1 hi~ c-;ir Jnni;:r d tn th(' 1'(':l l'- \'Js i<111 m 1rror- n n cl ~nw her l>r nrin~ down c,11 him Ill lll'r uWll c:1r nl t h e clrslrrd sprrd. 1<l1111k l '' . E;l~~;r~~n\ ;~,t ~~~:r::1~ .hh {'1•111<·11:t n \ ·1•a r ( ~nutlwill l'ar Tnui- in– ,·oh·r•s. Total o\'rrall Unit' fur 1111• run ~hnuh1 hl! t•iJ;: h t d,I\.., 10~ hour-.. Total tinw :t llnn·r tl ror uff:ri.il 1ttnp<o1 1•n rouh• wlll tw :.!! hour-.. 'l"ol:11 runn ln i:,: OmC' lo •·n,•f'r tlu· 1.:;no mllrs -.l11111hl lw 10'? h um·, , or fuur cl:t~·s a ml "ix houro. 1\11,·u1u- i:nt :H1 a ir-1•11,i;;h inn lo .. ,1:1 rf':' "rl:1 1:1~~\ ~ Cr11't1\~l~li Al·n :r; "J 1:1k1na p11rt rn C~Prcl!-e G rnncl t;l:irn !111\'P 1 1kr 11 .,,111\f' e:, – ·1lnit11111: .1wr,, I n 1 hr tl)lf'r:t · '1011:11 •1rdr1 i. i.-.f llf•cl f f} th e 1rn1qJ!- ln1 th !:- n u l(' k f'Xflr- r-1:-r tlw Arm, ~n1rm nh ..1:\1 1''- l h :11 t lJ( ph11111~ ri1 r111•111~··, Fin n.. •n nk f h P 1rn 1• ..prirt ,·n rrr. m! r h <' ·,111~ .. \\ h ll• 111,.., wr n • rnm – iJII..' np I !ir r•un ..,t h\' r :1 . ' n \\ f \\'t'IIHlf'J' 111.~1 w lH'I t 1111' d1•;11 nJ<I '.'l:1\ '\ th ink~ d)nUI l h :i l "' lrilban,, Qld. Paintings ''involved no public money'' 1111..1 0 public funds were involved in the purchase overseas of f"IIIII impre11ionist paintings for the Qu~ensland Art Gallery, the Acting Education Minister (Mr. Heading) said yesterday. l\1r. Hcadin~ said· the pictures had now heen paid for hy the anonymous donor . The pa inlin;::s. hclong•~hase or a number of lhe ,ing ln Quccn AIRnd grazi_er pl~~rn•·"lhls ollcr behind Mr, H. De V ahl Ruhm, them. the Art O•llerv ar• were purc hased at auc- ranged to bid. and. 111' rnet, tinn fnr fal g!M .800. , ~;~~f~~ :~•det,tcturcs, Mr. They 111cl11dcd A l'ira.<50 Mr. Heading , aid the 1"La Belle Hollnnrlalsc"i for donor's nCCer hnd been 111111· rsi ~- 5fJ.OOO. honoured and the lull Mr. Hcnriln~ sn,d 1hnt amounl of I.he pllrcha.se from lhc cnntcnts of sC\'Cral price had been received, Jc11cr, 10 T he Comter-Mail I Hnd lhe pictures not bten rdilnr cr11lrlst11~ 1hr pur- purchased I.he Arl, Oallrry rhn, c nf ,c,·01·al nola ble and •would ha1·e had nett.her the expcni;ivc 11lcturc,c; ::tt the re- pictures no~ the money. ce111 London a ucl.lon rl, was Mr. Heari111~ said the pro• clear 11101 1,hr back~round to lpo;a l hnri bren fully the purclrn ~c wa~ not ~cncr• exrtmtned by the Govern• all)' unctcrstnoct. ~-~•t~ . ~~!or• lhe purchase 1 "T he CacL is th a t no,_Pub\Je It was con,idered t,h•t the 1 runds_ arr. In volved, Mr. GAiiery would be l\'lse to H~.• rlins .sa id. take the fullest possible ad- An annnym_ous donor or· vantage ol the most 11ener– lered t<l pronde the lunds 1 ou• oiler in the history ol nece.•sary l<l cover the pur- the Gallery. i 71 MM ,_ Adel aide, S. A. ftcf P;bli~ -Funds For Paintings BRISBANE. May 26. No publtc funds were Involved in the purchase overseas of Impressionist r~;\~tt;:ft J%e 1 :t~ t~~e;.~f: tng Educntlon Minister (Mr. Heading! said today. He sntd th e pictures hnd n ow been pnld for by the anonymous donor. t.o TSf,e~:\~ 1 i';l::r•s,.~~l~g~f. H, de Vnhl Rubin, were purchnscd nt a uction !or £A 120,000. They include n P lcnsso • L.1. Belle Ho!~ lnndatse") ror .r;ae:1so. C1irn1, Qlcl. BRISBANE NOTES ,\Ill .. ., ~ /~" r hr Hrt l111.: f rluc~1 trrn ~11111!.t!r ' , lr f-ir,;,i ril n i: i ,:, ,11!Im \\ rt~k lh-' f l l1P 1q, p 1r .. • 111111 q p l,..l 1irf!!i t'lll'll– ln:.: , .. 1111 r fl !f ~;tllf>1\' 1•tll r.1q lhP f,,:.1 11 1,~ nn1h\n.: .-\ \,11 or p1•11plr- " 111 ~ .. \ tll,11 \t r.,Jrllv I l1r 1J ' \ 111 t t1. l,111 I llrv, Q( 1'()1/l'~t'. llhe n11 1~rl\('~.... ,,rrcrcd tro,11 1 ~rn.• ~ li1ck 1l f C'dura:lnn In nn nntl 11~ cornr,lr :-:"" It ,~ 111,;t Ali \\ r ll pN lla l}", 111.11 111r p1r t1J11•-. 111t• ~ gi,1 from the ;::11d \ , \\ hor.\ r r riu•y bt , bf't•nu"" I )If' ! I' \.l i.:111l1t: In l,r ~ h1l or 1 , 1 111 l.t-111 11C 1!11•111 when 1hrv ~tP li11ni.: \\', rrf1ttln frnm s;., t:, ~ lrn 11.:,..rl T hr pn1111 anc nr A berm • 111111 f l\/ lC' h 1.n rl Al £(i~,jjl) ~r.r11 1~ A 1111 ro,1 h' !H'r squnrP j inc: 1, r !-11r ,·11!1 v 11" ll \\A~ tu 11- d r d 11\ "" h \' Ihi" n,1111,rr hlmo;t>lf In ~r,1lr r11r :i 1·n11ph.! or rnc~ I• H/ I\ ' 'ltrl~ 1·., (r, II l.'i l!nlrl \\'011- 11,,, 1r lllr ' ilOfltn ·· ur lhC p\r. t11rr , 1rft•11••tl 11, h l\l r, ll c;i d- lnl! \\ 111 r \ r , 1 ,. n,1tnccr·