Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Brilbane, Qld. "Culture cargo" at month's end Q UEENSLAND'S £94,8001t9. "cargo of cul-' tur•"-1lx iml)fll11ionl1t polntln91 from the Rubin collection-ii due to arrln in lrl1bane at the end of the mont_h_._ ___ The paintings are lrav- be lost in eytttng the paint• elling in the Blue Star tn;'ht I!;, b&~~i-y director freighter Queensland <Mr. Robert Haines) sa_ld Star from London. last night there hnfd bepee~pl: steady stream a The freighter ls due to through the gnlle8' yeater• berth In Brlsbnne on June day to view hthe exhenl~~~~ , year Frenc , ~8 or 20. opened on Monday night. These palnUngs were The exhlblUon would re- bought at aucUon In Lon• mnln on view until the end day last month by the State of July -from JO a.m. to 5 Agent-General <Mr. Mulrl Pm Monday to Friday. On on behalf of the Que.e.1.1 5 - ifmidays and Thursdays the land...Art Cll!,llery, The:v,·ar O gallery would remain open from 7 e collection o ~ from 10 a.m. to D.30 p.m. and wea.lthy Queensland grazlei on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 5 and phllanthroplstl Mr. pm Harold de Valli F•1b n. · · St.ate Government ha& sat that no public funds were Involved In the purchase of the pictures, and that they were paid for by an anony– mous donor. Soon on show lriaane, Qld, , " . . , of the Art S UPER 11n•, c1img . oe~n6 o"l\cry's Pi~-~~f,~ of nrt nncl otl1c~ubin ~oncctlon (rom th •· Mn lor 6 Sir HcnrY will be h :_ ld c~ tf' 1 ~~ the honor\ Abrl smnn " I 00 nt the 5pccln nd thc:<>'ll llc 10 I\ members of ~review. inclu~;~i nd:,y--July 7- parllnn , nt. ·Ill . have open RO, the public " ! JUN l95i lriebant, Qld. Cairn,, Qld, 4 ,wN 195~ I PAINTINGS t'OR SHOW BRISBANE, June 3. - Stir paintings wnrth f&l~.C94,800 will be on vlow to the public at th• Queenol•nd Art Oallery from July 7. Thev are I.he work• ro– cently bought at auction In Loadon. The aollery'a new board or trust.es decided to-day t-0 open the palnUnp for prtvat.e llhow en JulJ e and for public ahow on July ,. Bri1bane, Qld. ~ JUN 1HR A11tlc111es co1ne with TIIA'I, J•leasso: A SMALL group of G allery br Q11rensl;11Ht 1-: rn - rower! 1111Uq11es will nrrl\'C Brisbane, Qld, 21 JUN 19S9 Our • valuable here arrive on ontiqu~s, including :.drr. Mr. H . de Vnlil nulrn1. (lll the q ,wcn!-1:rnct S lrll'. I ~ilver insured for £3000, Th ' \' will b Pxli ibitr d 111 Till' r ~l.1ihit ion will ll~ will accompany Picasso's ronji~iiclioll \\~l h lhr :if'\'t'll .,hnw11. pnratr1I~· nn J uly h, '·f.a Belle Hollandai!ic" 1·mpi·r~sionls l Pll lliti:iJ!S ·111d will bi_' ript•n to the pub- when slu, arrives in Bris- bou~h l from :Vfr. R ubin ·:- rol- llr °' 1 Jnh 7 . bane on June 26. lrc:l.1011 a l, nuctlon by lhc Mr. r.uh111 lu,-. n. l:;n lent 1: T hr- :llll l(jUI'.... luwr bf'l'll ~•Iller,\' for r 1 n.ano ~(Cl'ltll:!, sm·,11 1·11ll1•1·1 1)1l or . Ch i11r... c lrnf to 1hr. Quccnslr111d Ar t 1 T h e paln l lnc!i n11d 1hr hor - r ort,•ry HIHI 11 1,,11 f ti;;Hr es 1111111111,u1111•11111111"11u11,,0111i'l'ffl~n11111••n1mmm11111n 1u 111111111111mu11111111111m 1111111111111111u11, pictures Friday STILL 11/rrorul,u/ irr the my11tery of "wlro 11ay11,'' a ,:argo of l'irn11110 aml otl,er tmirrlirlfl.~, lm11g/1t in Lon,lo,r /or £118,.'WO. will arrivP irr llri.~l11111e next Fri• day /or the ·Qll'!_f'nt1lmul Art Gallery. A1t11e snme time. n 1nvo11r- 101 n ch;;;:;.;ble gill. They will ,, 0 011 show nL . - nblc picture 11111 rker Is estah- Any cnpltnl ~nln 011 t.he the gnllery 0 11 TUesdny July Onvld Muir outbid lhc world llshed, nnd there co11lrl be n .sn le of thr pictures would 7 · • to get the pictures when t.n deduction on I.he bnsls not be rnxn ble. · thny were !-lold in London. - · 1o; 1 ~1~~ ~~i,\,,~ri e~~~~I~~~~ The Clomnment knew f t9tl d 2() ·1 C lhat an uanonr mollH 0 , 1 An · ·t 1 cntury donor" l\'Otl)d repnv the Flench nrl now being ro,t ol lhr. pnlntlnK• which •hewn nt t he Onllnry. c•m• lrom the cnllertlnn Gallery director t Mr. nl Queen,land Jrazlrr and Robert Hnlncs1 •aid : "I art collector Mr. II. de really nnr,I n new lele- Vahl Rubin, now IMnr In phonr llrw t.o answer h1• l,nndon. qulrJrs lllmut thl'St• 1111lnt- lng•. Public Interest I• lh• * a-rr.atc~t wr lun e known. "The pnlntlnit• will be ll t, genernll)' ncceptcd shown 1111dcr glnss. Then' thnl 1hr donor nnd the guRr– wlll be no oth er protr ctlon. n111or nf rclmbur~cmcnl. to \VL• hn vc I he spn •r rrnrtv," tlH! Q11rcni;ln11cf Oovr rn - . Irnrnt wns ~fr. Rubin. The highlights I M1·. Rubin hns mnde . ,<'hnrlt nble 11111s to nt.hcr Hlghl hthls nrc P lcnsso~ Stnl e.s. b111 Q11cc11:-:lnnd from "Ln Br,llc Hollnnrlrc lsc," n which murh 11! his 11•en llh Illicit• bnugh l fnr £UH,750, and l1ni; comr. so fnr hns 1101 U hnllct.. study, "Tier Thl'eC ,llijUrrd , 1~11, r1r11 nlly. g~nfgr5ooby D PJ;tn.-;, bnuA,ht T hr Ph'n.,-.i;o rlr nl mny hnW! .. · · hctn hl~ npponun11 y In clo Quern, lnnd Agcnt-Oenr rnl 1.,omethlng for Queenslnnd. - ... -·- -- - . ~-