Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Cairns, Qld. IMPRESSIONIST PAINTINGS ON SHOW SOON 1rn1~n:\ \;I:. .t1111,• ttue,•nsln11rl'~ ,,,, <'II it111l11•,. ~111111-.1 11:ilnllnl;' worlh [!l l,11110 icl1•rlhu,: nrrincl In· IIH' q1u•1•11!-l11 11d !--la r ln•d:t~• aflt•r lwlni,: lnok,•d art,·r 011 th" , 11~-– :tt,:t• hy 1, man who ''\\ uulcl nul 1:iH t\\o 1.411ill fur It.'' T ill" i1,1!11 t 111g-'i ~:i:i.11011 ~tL1 rlln!! l '1t:t"~o T h Qnef'mla 11tl At! nallrn· hn11g1i· 111(• pal111111t.:i. \!'0111 ;\lr H . d V.dd n ubrn at fl L11ndnn 1111c- 11..11 111 ..1 nltllll h T lw pa ln\llq.:.:-- Wt'l'f' ln,ttl~d 111 Ln11dnt1 in fl I n ple lockr-d l!I ow– HJ:!t' lrn.:kt'r uncir.r Ihr. e\'t'~ nf 11rmcd Scnt.1a111t Y11n1 delCCll \'C,!; ,rnc! wcl'e hrfl vlly guBrc!rd 11 1, ,ill porl 'i nf 1.:nll on t.he way 10 .i\ustral\n. Tiley were 111~11reci fur rn4 .Btl0 1iilt•rline wi1h Uoyd~ uf l.nndori . l.nr1d puli!'C w\11 prnlH\bl~• provirl1• n ~unrd when thP pain1- ln!.!S urc 11nl11uck d rrom 1hr. ship tn-mon O\\ nfl en101,n. Ttw m:111 ,~ !1n looltM a{lf'r thf' paintInc:-. 1111 hOA ril 1,~rn~ Ihe chief oHlcer , )lr. H. S proul-CrnnJ. Ht .,ah! : " l 11:w e ~cen H pnnt of 'l..a Belle Hnlln11dal~c· 1 t lw Pk:H~~o, and I ,n,uld n111 ;:tvr two quill for 11.. But tlrnt b, only 1 persnnal OJ)\ll- 1011.'· The Q1lt'e11,-:hmd SI I r's nrn,:;– tN w \11 offlclu\l v htt11d Ihe p11 l11t1111:s uvt>t to. tt .,:allcrv rc– pn''il'l11 ,1tl\'r Oil lht' wlrnrf I0- 11111rrnw nf11•rnoor1 The ~allf'r)' cilrer tnr I Mr. Hrilir.rt l-lnt,w:-1 :;;nid tn-n\glll t lH• painIim:.~ would Ue on \ irw 10 !lie puhltc 11·0111 T11es<ln~· WC1'1L Cairn • , PRIVATE ART SHOW Cairns, Qld. ' , ;LJL l85S NEW PAINTINGS DISPLAYED J'l ' Ul.f( : 1,..;1•t,CTIO;\' 1,1~ t-..:. fii\ :--:E, .1111'· I ' I ,, Hrllt1 lt nll 11 nd111, ,• " b\' 1'11;1..,~n. w n1•1 h i: ;>!1,'.!2n .~t r r111·u.:. pHh!> ·d pUl)}ll" l11!-.prc l 1011 ! n-dny \\ \.n fl, lni.: c·olollrh But 11111,1 twr Pk,1:.:-..n. ·'The Lncly with ,11~ Pnra~ol t..Y'ml! t•n rhc He111•h .'' \\·orth 1~4".! I';, 111UNI lo lmpre!'<~ 1m f>SI l111:11ed 1000 people who ,·tsltecl 11e ~:tlh-rv to~ctuv Thi:.• -~<'ven Frt•nrh pahit ln~°'• worth £ IOJ.20:\ strrllnj?.. whk h. Ihr l(n JIN\' has iuM ;1l'Qt1lr~d (rnm a Lonrln11 nur1tcrn , \\ere 11111•11 lo t llf' p11hlk for the fir~l time. T his mornll1 1! trnnc1re<I~ 1•f people con t.:reL:itl ~c1 outside Ihe Jlflllr.r v wuit.illl.! fo r lhe doors In open nl IO 11-111. P11 blk rt!:tct\on 10 1hr nPw µtt1n tlngs wufi ra\'• nurnble nn lllP w hole. The maln contenllo11 w11s ahout. tl1et1· cost.