Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Brisbane, Qld. Question on paintings Quc,tions about the pu r– chot c ot the Rubin pa int – ings for the Queensland Notional Art Gallery will be a tkcd in Pad iomcnt today, 'I Ill' I \pp1r,1t 11111 l .l':t!l1•1 1 ,\ t r I>u!,!i.:a111 ,, 1!1 a ~t– rptr:--t inu!'t. 'l'llf' 1·nllr,·11011 nl p:11111111g!-> \\'ii'- ht llil!h l f(lr Ill•' \.!:lllcrr Ill I.011c.lo11 111 .\!ny IOI t94.HOII st ri l111l!. 'l'ilf',\ \\f'rf' .,old Q 11r ,•11,1nnr1 i.:rai'.H 1 , l--l nrolcl cl,.. \'ahl 1?11h·11. !\l r. Ducr;:111 f-au1 m llllllH' lll \'f'St1·1 cb \I t.hn I " IW· ra IJSf' 11f '1 hf' Attl1°1• :111ct \\"\rl - •'-Pl"''lld p11 hlw f'Ol\l'P r 11 n -.. 1n wilo IIIHllll't"(I 1hf' p111Tha ..:(• ' llr wo11lil n'-k 1hr F:rt11rn111111 ~IJ11 i:-.tf'f 1 ).1 I'. P I'//('\' 1 l:1· da r : . :. Is 11 \!'lit' 1111 pulllH.: l1111cl~ •,1,•rrP 1m nl\'l'ri°' ''Art! yn11 11\\'ilrf" n f t hr stnlrlllf'l\1, bra 1,.::1\lrr~· t rw;– tr c I i\l r, E. :\ F'f'n.:uso11 •. tlr• • r l111 in1-: to :-;1 ,v who f111an1·••d I h(' purdrn~,, amt ! Ila! I llr Qncc11sln11rt Gor<>n1rnr•nt 'llrt.; br t'II \'f'l"j' cood to w•r "\.Vas the a11n11ym o11!; dnnor"s ,w nlf' w11hlwlrt nl his thn t nf thr ' Brisbane, Qld. 'I, Mini ste r says art cost Sta te nothing , No publ ic funds we re used to buy pictures volued at £126,000 for the Queensland Art Gallery, the Education Ministe r, Mr , Pi u e y, told Parliament today , T iu· 011r111sitio11 l,t•:uh•r. J\t r. lh1i:,::a n . h:ul askr c1 \\ h1•t h1·r it wu~ trul' that no 1rnh– ll,· fund~ h acl ht•r n in – \'uh·r d . l\lr. Uu1,:,: a 11 h :u l a l~o :lsk1•d wh t't h rr ~lr. l'iz1.1•,· was a war1• or a s ta fr1111•11t a tt ri– h11t1•cl t o tlu• Art C a l– h•ry dia ir111.111 of trus lf•••s, Mr. t-:. i\ , l-'t•r,:: :us.un , 011 lhr- pur– C'lrnsc•. n a nu-Jy, " I ra 11 !MY the (lut"1•n~l:u1d Go,·rrnm,•nt has been very ~ood to us," l\l r. Pi1.1.t•,\ l'l'Jtlit•tl l h;H ir sud 1 a ~la l1•• 1111•111 was m:ult· it wa -.. ;u1 ind lra tinri lh;1l tlw 11n •s,·11t ( ;o,·r•r11 nu•11 l. h) its a f'f ions a 11d in – c-r1•as1•c.J rn11trih11tlnn s. hild !'>.hown 1-:n·alrr i11 - lr r1•~t In a nd a pprr – l'ia liun of 1111.• work of ht• Ar t ( ia ll1•r.,· th :1 11 11n •,·i.uus ( io,·1•rn1111•11t"'. Mr. l"lzzpy sa id 0111• r1·1111rst h)· tlw donor was Urnt his or Jwr nanu· should br "ilh• held lrom 1mhlh-atlnn, Ruh in Art Deal ,questioned ,} HIU SI\ \'- I I h...· \ i.' ,id\.' I 1 '\ tJpp11>.ll hl1\, \ 11 I . I ' I l1t:.,!\!.1!l . Ill " L d 1.' l', 11 • 1 1 , 11 ; 1 ~·111 11,11111111 1 '' ,,d i ,Jlll''-lh\l\ lh\." { nl\ \" I 11· llh'1l! , 1 b1111t llw J'll1-.:h ,1,1.· 1, 1 th1.· 1{ 11h 111 ,I I I 1.:,1\k1.'- ( l 11•1l 1111 tlh.' {) l!\.'1.' 1l,l.11hl 1 , .11111\\,I I , , I ( ,.dk1\ , I lh' 1,.11lk~l11lll 11 1 ' " r ,11n\llH.'. \\ .... h1ll lt.:h! rn I 1111,h111 11' \ I I\ , :'.'I 1h1; c'.,dlc1 \ hll l Jil l ...I ', '\ l,("\ \\ CIC ,,ii,\ '" ( i11i.:cn, l.111d ...:, .,n ::i ~l r 1·1.m ,hl di'. \ . 1 111 l{ 1il,111 . \l r 1)11~J.!,lll ,,nd in P:11• li·11n i.:n! 1nd.1, 1h,11, bc~·at1"l' nf ihi:: ... ,i. u1 i.: .111d "u.k · , 1 ,1 c.ul p11bli..: i. f'l1li..1.·n. 1 :i.., 11 . 1 "111 , tin:,111..c,I tlh' pu1d1,1,c. 111 ..• \\1inlil , t 1hi.· \1 1111..,(1.' l tot l d111.. ,111•111, \ \1 J. l . '' ·1 Pi Ill'' : • " \, 11 1111 1.· 1ha1 m, pl1b- lk tu11d , \\l l~ ,n,\ibi.:d'.' • •• \ ii.: , 0 11 ;1,\.111.· 111 1hc , 1;\l~ll\l..'lll t,~ ,1 i,:,dk1 \ \111"'· ll'l' . \ Ii I . \ , I r 1;.:11,,111 . .,k '- 11111111 .: 111 , ;,, ,1. h, 1 11na m.·ct 1h1.· piiri..·h.1-.1.' 1,111 , 1.11 111~ tha 1h..: (.)11i.:.,;n ..Jo111il Ci,,,~111ml'1_1_ ·1,.,, hc1.· 11 ,c, ) ~\)1,d 10 11:-t e ··\\ .1, \h(' a111lll \ 1IHll( dnnor' .. 11 ,,nh' "11hhdd ,tl h1 n.·que,t f"\1' 1h:1I l,r 1hc l nl\ 1.·1nn1c111 :··