Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Bri1bane, Qld. t'' JJ11 I • , THEY'RE TALKING Canberra, and the c O m m onwee1lth • • and why it can't finance Queensland as it does the other States .. . former Brisbane man Stanley Smith's £20,000 bequest to his old school - Churchie ... what fish can do for charity ... Louis (Satchmo) Armstrong in hospital in Italy ... the arrival in a crate of the beautiful Dutch girl, la Belle Holland- aise, _at the Art Gallery tomorrow. "ADVERTISER" Adelaide, S,A, ? ~ J\l\' ' ·1 -"~;i~;~i~,~~ 1 '. 11 J ~':e11 Ii ..- ' pl'c!'-."-IOl1l!it. p:llntl11g,.;, 111- :,-un•d for J.'H4.0llt}, arrl\'ecl todnv for th1~ Qurcnsl:uat Art ·oallcrl·· T lwy 111c~i1?c ; 1 f55,00II (' casso, ··Ln Beolc I 1iollu1Jdd'lsc." Pr'e~i'8us Art Works! Guarded on Ship IIRISIUNE, .'iiumfoy. - A 1·1111sig11• mcnt of 1w1•1•11 im11rf!.~sim1ist 1mi11ti11,:.~, iflcl111li11g " £,'j,'i,00() .~1,•r/i11g Picfl.~s,,, reaclu•tl llrislmm• ttlffoy. Q11ccnslaud-Art__CJ.OllCJ"Y bnug-h t th e µnlnt in.,:s from ~fr. f-1 . De\'nhl Rubin nt n London nu<'tlon ln -;t month. 8rc11rc 111 n lnp!c-h1rkro i-towng-c lorker 111,-. 1rn1nt 1n~~ ;trrt\'('{I tu the Qurpn:-lnnd Slnr rn rl\' this morninS?. Tllrv were lo:1 rtl'd 111 Lon. do11 11i1ctcr the r~·p.1; or Sr..:ol • lnnct Ynrd ctctectiVL•s. The mnn m c•11nrl!l' or the t~:~t~,g~~fc:r ~'m~~~ 1t 1 ~;')r~~1~ Cron. wlw snld todny: ' 1 1'\'c ifii':an°ctn~~ln,\1,~r P~~~l~.~~rll~ \\'ntlldn 'I gl\'(l two quid for L." Bri1bane, Qld. !UH 1g5g La Belle hP,re on Sunday Q lJ t; t: S S I. A S ll'S £94,000 Ruhin . 11nlntlni:s will orril'e in :· llrisbnne tomorrow In the Blue Star Line l rrii: htrr Qneenslnnd Stnr. Thr\' wi ll t>r t1andrr1 n,·er tn Art. Gnllr1T nuthori ucs on :i.tonday. sh,...\,·11 prl\·atcly nn ,Jui.\ l'i nnd puhllrly from ,July 7 ·1;/H, pnintllll;~-'-IX " ' 1 .hcm - include 1hr 1:;5_000 Pablo Pknssn nude " Ln 11cllr- Hol· lnndaisf'" and tile C!:!.000 "T!trl"i:' Dancers" by Ect~ard 0 (1~:lS Al l are lrom thr 1111pre~· s1011ist rolleclion of wealthy Bnsbnn(' grn.1.lcr, Mr. H. De Valli Rubin, whose painting• ,,·rrr !-Old In London in May ror £105.240. Sliver, too An ":11Hll\\'/1111U'- dunor " f1~~ri1~·~ ll);i i~;,~~1}~~}1? b~e~!;; the cost ol the Qurcnsland purrlrnscs. ~1r. Rubm now hvr~ to Lnnctu11, blll Art Gallery 1111t110rltlcs bel!c,·r he ma,v be fl\'lng to AustrnlJI\, t.n be in s'ri~bane tor Monday'g hnnrhnJ: over TI!~ ship is also bringing a parka~C' nf antiques. m– cl11d111g sth·cr Insured tor £3000. Tlil':,,r ll:\\'. been lr.nt to lhC' f.)urt•lls!:rn d Art C:RllCt'l' b\' \ lr l111h111 and \\'Ill be rXh1b1trd with t hr pamtings. 11 I" r-.:pr<.'trrt th:11, both p:wlrn~,.~ will hP d1 ·charged at J-1nn11l1n11 \Vhl\rf early on ;\l n11rt ,1,\' nl\CI hr hnndcd o,·er on tJ,,. whnrl For Princess An olt1ri~rittu'1'i",v 1,0 De ;lt Ir:1cirrl b,· the Gnller~· Tn 1;-,•.r <'.'- nonrn president 1S1r H!°',:l."n Philp, . Art G:,,l– !c1 ,. l111rrt.or •~tr. R. Hn'tncs ,. Ertnration Minister 1 ~tr. P1z1ry 1. Education D!1re111r Gr11rr:tl t ~1r. " "af,– k •11 1. nno 1!,r 1Jluc Star Lme Qurf'!P'lanrl m:rnncer 1 :\-tr. \V. A. Cra1r.; , ha!- been ar• rn. n~"r1 Jnr :?.:>O p.m . Al an Pstrlirr lunrt 10n on hr Q11rr11).!and Star, a l II .r"~ h~, 1 : ll~~n~~-711\ra flr:~~~~~~~ "' r nncP!-~ Alier. Count~ss I ,\ 1l· l"n... who ramr to , w·rni-;lanc1 111 Fr brunry in hr . !up Thr prN!C11l rtl101I Will t)P. 1arl 0 e,· ~lies Allison Craig, l:i1ich!"r nf Mr " ' A. Cratir. Sydney, N.S.W. ) ,1 "i 195 '1 SB IP BRINGS £94,000 CARGO OF PAINTINGS n1u -... n , , 1 ~ 11 11,l.1, .- th 1, ll\1111lllll! "Ct' ltl'(' in ii 1 , 1111111 1 1r1pk l,,d ,cd i.t,m.q:.c loder. ()1JC'C'll l.1ntl, ·- • • • 1 I hn \\ ,'It' l,1:ulrd ,n I Pll· .._ 11:.:1 \ ,q 1111 1'Jt''"JP ll t· 1 d,H 1 \\,i!i. hfd hy :,,..._·n1land 1'11,~ i !,1.:-- 1<·hlh,:d H11,b.111L' \ .1rd 1klt·t·lin• .. and ,, cr1.· h id ,. lh'.i\ 11\ }!lto11.l ... ·d :it :ill rwr1' I' 1 11°1· • (,, ,1 1 I, ,'t \1 • I , , I 1 1 I,·. ti,·n nl •l'\t'll ;:'.i1~.' 1 1_11 I'll tlll· \\ ,1} l\1 t\11, 1·• 111,• n:; I tin \\1·r 1• i·1--111c\l 11 \~.,. t 1 1 I t)I II I \\ 1t h 1 1,·,· 1 ·,i,l 1nil I ,•nd, 111 I •I' \I !lf\l 11 I 11 ..., (.h11•t'1l•I 111d ~ I.II 1 ,t11.hin m.i•ll.·I'._ t :1pl.1111 R \\'h.111.: \\ dl 1111t~ 1,dh h:111, I 1hr 1n1n1 I . 11, a ~:'dkn 1cprc-,c11t,1- 11n lhc ,,h.,if Ol ~.J n