Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

THI COURIIR-MAIL WIDHISDAY JUMI I IHt }3 "Culture cargo" at month's end QUEENSLAHD'S £94,800st1, "cargo of cul•' ture"-1ix impt"e • 1ioni1t pointing• from the Rubin collection-I, due to orrl•e In lrl1ban1 ot the. end of the month. !he flaintings are lrnv• ·~b-e-lo,_s_t_l_n_p_u_ttlng the plllnt clhng m lhe Blue Slnr lngs on exhibition. freighter Quecnslnnd The Art Onllery dlrcclo S f I Mr. Robert Hnlnes, snl lnr rom London. ln•t night there hnd been The freighter Is due to slendy stream or pcopl b I through the gallery ycster crt 1 In Brisbane on June day to 1•lew the Centeno 28 or 20. year French exhibition These paintings were opened on Monday night. bought at auction In Lon• Tho exhibition would re• dny hL5t month by the Stal• 11111111 on view until lJ1e en Agent-General t Mr. Muir> of July from 10 a.m. to on behn.lt of the Queen•• 1>.m. Mond11y to Fr1dny. On ond Art Gallery. The)' nrc Monda)'• and Thursdays th fnim the collectlon of 11 Rllllery would remain open wealthy Queensland gnul•r from 10 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. Bild and phl1nnthroplst{ Mr. on Sundays from 2 p.m. to 6 Harold de Vahl Rub n. p.m, Stote Government has 111.ld lhat no public funds were lnl'oll'ed In the purchase of the pictures, and that they ~ 1 ';,'J, ~~ ~of.or by an anony- Soon on show The newly - constituted Queensland Art Gallery bonrd or trustees will meet ror the first time t.hls after• noon, lllld Is expected to de• cldc where rind when the pnlntlngs will be hung for f:1~\!~1. exhibition after their l,lttle time Is expected to valuable liere on pictures Friday 1\\- . s Tll,I. . c/11·,1111/,,,/ i11 f/11• 111)·~1,,,._,. 11/ ",,.f,,, 1'")'11.'' " ,.,,,.1111 11/ l'i,·1111110 .,,,,/ 1111,,,, ,,,,;,,1i11,:.,. 111111µ1,1 ;,, /_,,,,,1,,,, for £ 1111.:;oo. 11·ill 11rrir1• i11 llri11l11111,. "''·"' f'ri- ,fo,· ,,.,. ,,,,, """""·' '""'' -lrl , ;,,11,-n·. Al 1hr "'"'"" tlnar, " l11'- •1111 · ,,1 " dull, n lJI• NII • · ' • uht.-. 1n 1 ·111 •· nw1kr1 ,.., . .. r, b, 11\ 1np1tol ..,.;1111 011 thf Thr will 1 ~n on ~hnw 01 l);H lfi Mull' o111tb1tt 1lw \\lltl•I 11,-hNt. •rt lw11 t1111hl lJt.' 11 ,-iil1• ul 1tu• plt~turr, ~l1r a\h-rv n 11 T 11r,1t:iy, .Jui. , 11 orl 1hr 1 ,,,.11arr• "'"'" '"X cl<'<, .•• " ' 1111 1111' bntl, 1,ul I • 1.,,mlJ\e. 1 1111 1\ ' wrn• i,.1\\(1 1n l .1111,l,111 'fhr (~o,•rr111nr11I k11r\f lhl\l 1111 " rtlHIII\ mou~ tln11or" " 'onhl rr11t1,\ thf" 11t1'il or thr p:dnlh11, '4hlrh ram, rrnm thr rollrrtio11 of ()11rrn11i1huul cra·,lrr :11111 nrt 1•nllrrtnr Mr. II, ,lr \'Ahl Uuhln. '"'"' lh•lnc 111 l.umlnn. T h r ,· w ill llf' ,1 11111w, nrcl for 1h·r c rn1 rnar · ,,x)ith\11011 nf l\'lt h n11rt :.!Ot h '('!\ ur~ Prrnr-11 n1 I nnw b1•\11~ c,hmr n n1 1l 1r ( tnll,•1,·. fi :1llrr,· ,tln•l'lor I;\lr. 1(11\wrt i1:1iur" ) ,m id : " I r1•11 II~· t1t•1•tl a fll'" trlr- 11hnnr litu• to ;111'-W''r In • rp1lrl1•s a h1111l thr ..,• p:1111l• lni; . r11hll1· lnt1•r,,.. 1 , .. l h f' 1rrntr-.t wr h ~ \·t• kn1m11, "T llr p , ln\ 111~~ ,, 11' h•• 1-h n \\' f\ 11 ·Hlr r t:,l,1~ •111,•1•• will hr 111 , fllhrr p111tr1·11nn \\'r h :i ,·r I hr .. prwr rriH1\ * II l ~,•111•1,d l\· ,11,11 1hr rinnnr nncl h,. u11nr ,111111 nf I ,·1 mh111 .., n\f'll1 I 11\1• Q11,.,.n .. lnnr1 nn,•rrn • 11w111 wn " 1; n uhln The highlights . 1, 11111111, " " 11,,.1, d \.1rtlnh!1 •.:.111, 111 1,IJu• H 1c h\1c h1 11 , 1 1"'11·,1 ,,·.• s1,11r , h111 •...J11,.,.,,.. 1.,n,1 l rrun J,;\ Rrllr H 11\\;1nil:i 1,r :.. '-' hi• h 111111 h 11! lw \l,rr1!1 1,11rl r t,n 1ch1 (01· !HHi!,n ,111rl IH• ,nmr "" 1111 hil' "''' :'I n:1 1lr 1 ~1·1rt· Ti,, ·1t11 rr f11,.11rr tt i,.n!lltl1t·t1n11· p ~.n, (" h \ J 1r c,1 •, hfUICil' fnr : 1 7 :',110