Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Brisbane, Qld. ADA . ON TAPESTRY... FRENCH ART DISPLAY read:,, • art show Q UEENSLAND Art Gallen director (Mr. RoberfHaincs ) and staf£ are nnw arrang– ing the gallery's Centenary l<'rench exhibi– tion, which will be officlnll~• opened on Mon– day at R.I 5 p.m. . It will be opened by the1-could- noL 11arne the n11011r- ' ir'itri 1:J\tr~l~~~;;itsfga~~'.S·1mous donor of tmpres510111st The exhibition Is valued atl paintings purchased for Lhe £250,000 . and will co11t.al11 94 Queensland Art Gallery, Lhe works of art.. Trcasurf'r I l\•tr. H1lr~·, sa.ld The taprslr)', hi,hly to T!1hee cpxlu1bib 11 !ctlo 0 nn wT•11 1 1 105 opne_~.'. yesterday. cnlnur,d, Is !Rl fl. Ion~ and 6lfl, ..-trlr, Thr i•llery has ln!lurrd It fnr !fl2:i, ., . di ., "Thnl wns a cond1t1on ol and wlll be shown for Lwo Lhe olfer. and we must months. Public hours wrek ly stand by 11.:· ~lr. Hile\' said. ~!~ bii1ct;.i;,ue!~ 1 "J'· s'it~~~~i- The pnmtings, bel~11glng It ,n~ made at the tap, e11tr,· raritnry of Auhusson, France, which dales bar.k In lhe 13th Century. The :~~·~m~!~ir 1 :: 1:r~::r.r~-'. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.: ~londay to Queensland grn1.ler, Mr. and Thursdav, 10 a.m. to H . De nhl Rubll\. were 0.30 p.m.: nitd Sunday. 2 (?Urchascd nt n11ct1on !or p,m to 5 p.m . 104,U00 sterling. Donor secret Mr, Hiley repeated no public Cunas were In ,·olvcd and that the picture. The collectto11. assembled had been paid !or. lrom public 1rnd private gnl- \~~~s so~':~~,~~~fe ~~f,;~~( 1 ;,; from overseas, Includes top examples of French roman• tic, impressionist, and ab– stract artists. The State FRENCH OPENING MELVILLE HAYSOM The Centenary Exhibition of French art will be opened by the French Amba11ador, Monsieur Renaud Siwan, at the Queensland Aft Gallery tonight. Admlttnncc· to t h r -·. 011enlng Is br lnvlt11tlon . .: II,· OPJlfll'ltllllll' nr only but thr s how will be scr 111 1 110 ( 11 ;;,. 111 (~},~\trnb oJ>t•n to ,the 1>11bllc from sh~·\',t! 011 ~,L,IIHlln~ ,,, . tomono" · hlbltinn , l111uld fulfil tltr Thu cxhlllltton Is the lll'<'d ol Brlsl)lln,· urt lll'L MOIICl'Y's ,nnJor con- tun•r1; hul ll I~ fl pit~• t.rihullou low n r d s L1111t 11 rannot 1,,, ,cc11 In Quccnslnnd 's centc111iry 1111 the 111111,11· 1111t r<•11trl' • cckbrntlons. j of Qur ,·11slnnd For the f11·st tim e In Thr rthlhlllon whlrh Brlsbunc n exhibition will hr 0111•11 tn the hus Ileen ussi•mblt'd or puhllr tomorrow at 10 Frend1 nrl co\'crt ng mon• a.m. will runt11111r fur thnu 100 >•cnrs. two months. 1 It Is !flllhcrccl rrom tlu, I A11strnllnn gn llcrl<•~ nnd prlvntc collcctlnns. II doe• nut cllspla)· I :Ill)' onr ltllrUculur prrlotl hut lnrludtd ex• rrllcnl u11mplrs of th• w o r k of rn mou1i1 p:tlnlrr., 8hnwln~ lltt :art rnovf•mrnb (rum prr -lmpr<••slnnl,m to ihr prrsrnl day. Seldom 1., 0111• t·on- r,·ontNI wit.It un nrt ~how In which c•11ch offt'rlnu I• I 011 s111'h II ltlu h scn ll', Mnuy fumous poh1thw , wlln."1• 1111 mc1' hRV • bl'1'n r11111lll11r 10 " " 11tro11r:ll- 011t lh~ r •·nrs. nrc In• r h1<l1°d. Hom s r n r 1 uhllc vil'wi111-! , nrh v;,•t•k will tw : T w·~dny, \Vr dlWl'lri 1n . Fri<ln)· 11 11<1 S11turt111y 1n .un to a µ,m Mondny 1111(1 TltursdllY. 10 11.m . 101 lJ :10 p rn S1111d11y. 2 r,.m . lo!, pm , t J'idllrt' ~how~ ~aJ• 1,·n· :tttt•n<l:tnl Trr.,•nr II YII h:rn~ln~ :, ~Jodl~lln ui 1mrtrall of Moro:tn Husso•II I tntM1 whi,·11 lnanrcl 11,· Ur. Evatt,