Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Silent on those paintings ..M H. l'.\l:\'1'1:\(,,-"- liU • )l'llf • 111,I (1111•1•11,1111111 ~rn,io•r, llnrolol oh• \ 'uhl Hnhin - l'li•w h111111• tn Hriv h11111• "''"'l1•ril11, - hut \\011111 . lhrtl\\ ·1111 lii.:ht 1111 (l11•••• 11:-,,ln1111', <.ri•at .\ rt 1;:, ll1·r) .\1),1 1 ' 1',\, I !11111' \\ nl\l In 1l )ljlf,II d1 111l. 11. tnr nd1 11111! 111 - 1h 11 1p1 f -11111111 11..!',t'\ll qtl"l l\ , hut I \, I'll 1,111 Ill ,l pm,lfl{li\ ' , 1111\ I 11111:.: \ rt lit• ~p,u>• q111l'll\ ,110 lw-.1- I.\III , 111' ~.11cl h \\'Ii , 'I1rrct nft1•1 11 l011~ II Ip .. t,11111 L111u l1•n \l(l ~~·dnry ~t 1 Hubin had t11•<'n 1 k,•\I 1f lw k11rw whn w11 -. , hf 1m11111111·cl ht'1H' IRrl1 •1 "'ho p:tlri f lflt.:.!O:t ltll' p.11111111•.,: .. hflU\!hl II\ :\t,1,· 1or 1hr C-)111• n-.,1111ct Art G,illcry u1,:~~l1, ..,~- S1~mQ\\;~.n~ra';~·~ c;o, rnu111111 111 Lnndun. 1'h1•,· l ,11nr frnm ~tr nuhin" 1o)jrllll11l "All over" ·1,11;<1111~ 11 l1o111,:,1dr hl."il ,\RJ llllJ.: hh t ~ ,nr. :\l r flllhll\ thnm:h' l1•r ,1 lune 11mr J'hr11 'll1H" ht' )II!' 111'<'~ hrt"11 ~11,rn n yr1 !'' lw a ... r.f"d llr '•' ·•·" toltl 1hr pa111t111r. ... "01 lr1 bt• llnw11 pr11'n t"l\' ,t 1 ll\l' Alt O :lllf'f\ on ;\Jonnri,· ,u1<1 p11hl1rl\ 11•1 lhC 111;'1<1 111nr 1111 ·1 w·,ttn , ··Oh . ht· :-tnlle<I 1\:11 1 1, " I t hnui:ht by thr 1111w t :1r • --=~ ri,·rtl It would nil hr '""r .. I Afl rr morr p1nl11mH'd lhlllklllJ: Mr. ll11b111 ~aid he would rll~Cuh, lhl' •11n1u-r w11h Qurrn.c.ll111rl Ov\rrn• m rnt rrprr:-r111At1, fl\ With friend Mr Hubin .!tlrppt•d !r"'rn n plnnr "lttl hi, !rlrnd. M1,., J11l1e ~! 1111 •r. JO. II < h:tr! nnnnunrNI plnni- 1n m11rr,· hrr 1t1 }-.ntlnnd 111 .. 1 .Junr 4 - n , ht~ f1f1h \l'lfl" J-tr \\1lJ I' 11 (,/Uf'''ll /,111<! u.•r • 1r111 h111 hur 1noli It rill ~, ,.., ll'fl\'lllC t l1r fllRIH' tlr ,·n11u·,1 rt hn ch -,rcl fo h1 w llrt 11riha c n 1.Jh•f'l1- k11nhhf'rl C'll llf', :lllri SI lntl \"qtlf)J !Rril<t III'• 1·:1r 1,,•1k l11r11 , raa:ht :l•~:~~ 1\ 1 }1~11~~,~~~;1 1 ~~ 1 /;;,~,!'.\. JI .Hlltltnn Ml H11h111 i,.ntrl l1r l'Y.· iM./;':!i!~L<"'J prrtrd 1r, st ny Ill Dl l'-hanf" "l11rld11111rh' '' 11 llan lrll Au trnloa !or ~ Lt111dfl11 n11 Apt11 1 The Qucrn,lond Art Gol– le ry will bn do,ed to the public all day on Monday while the gallery ,taff " hang" the French point. ings f,nm the Ruhin cnl– lcction thot ho ...c or,ivtid hnm lt1ndnn. T l1r p n111l111~1; fnr 1.1·h 1rh c1n1 .2n:i wnc. PillCI t1·11J h" f!IINI Info ')\f' Q llf'"'ll~ 1 1"1 1 ,r! r.rn ,,.1111 n Fxl11h111n11 rif J'll h nIHI :?n·11 C"rt\1111'\' Fl r111'!1 Arl. 1·!111 h ,, 111 hr rr . : • 111 ;1r•·nmmnrtil,,. • ·t Ill' l::t!kr-:., l111h1n ilt" • (1111"-II 1n11 v 1\1 hf" nUtcl:lli " 7r:.~r\~ .t~~; l~~n~~71'."~r1~ ~~I~ \~ll~l<l1;~r•;. \7~\' ~:::J•,·;.\~\.l)r ~~ nprn ,,., !11\ l'"rt 1"11" '1 \ ;11 ,:; J1111