Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

BRISBANE OUTCRIES against a Picasso nude IC.S.C., 6/7) remind a reader what Sydney Smith said about smel– lers-out of Impurity Smith, nn Ent?llsh es– sayist and divine, who died a little over 100 yea•~ P8U- wrote : "Men Wh08C trndc rat catching love to catch rats: the bug de– stroyer seizes upon the bug with delight: and the suppressor Is gratlOed by finding his vice." Brisbane, Qld. Can't ignore "La Bel le" OOPS the secret or "La Belle Hollan~air<e's" g-rcnl"nrsR lie in the met thnt, hnvt11g !i<cen her one may either IO\'e her or detest her b111 one CAfl:NOT lg11orr h1•r? 7IMrs.1 E. Maher, 158 Wharf SI., Drlshane. • 6 Lessons . . . About those Picasso l ml ntlngs my wife, who Is 1ersclf an nccom11llshcd nrllst. nssured me thnt nny nol"lce With n 11nturnl flnlr for drawing co11ld hnve nchlel"ed ns COOd n result 11.li PlcMso ctlcl wit h t.he n11cie nflRr nlY>uL six lessons from a mnn such ns DIii Dn rcie. who wns my \\1fc's mentor.– ~e1•ln V. Byrne, 81 Plumer st., Sherwood. p· occuncd to me ll"hilc vi ewing- the rr vnlti ng Picasso " nudr " / .-i'vl ., 14 5 'fi9/ thnt If nn onll11nry chizcn wcrr fo11ncl In pm,• ,('sslon or such n plct11rr tn lOl"kCt size hr ll"0lllrl he -11,. ,·~rd with 1111 lnrllctnbic ,trcncc. \Vh\' nnt. cJJ11r1tr t,ho~r rr.– ·pnn:,;lblc for hn11gi11~ n lnrnc ·pcclmcn 011 our ArL Gn llcrv vnlls for nil Jo src? · At, lcnst prlvn tr dtli.cns :nn ,·lrn: pornr>j:!rnphlc plc– llf(',; nrn11ncl with thrm cx- 1lblt them only In pdvntc. 111· ArL Gnllrry will be the ,oorrr rnr such nrtrlltlonc;. - . Slllflr r, f. llrrdo Street, :noga-cra. Brisbane, Qld. PICTURE WORTH £55,000 , BUT HE ' WOULDN'T GIVE 2 '. "QUID" FOR IT : Q UEENSLAND'S J'.!M,000 >1lerlln11 tttri:o . of cullurl' rcnchcll Bris hune ~:c;;lcrtfn~• -in chnri:c of n man who "wouldn't 1tivr · hrn r1uid" for the chief item, tt £:ia,000 Pira.'!So puinlini:. 11,!r" 1il 31 1~,:::~· tn"· 0 r~~ The 1•11r1:o ron• iallery·, curr.,"nt C.:en- t1l!il,. of ,r,•r • Im- trnary t·rr•nch r,>hlhlllnn, 11reMMl011i.t tile, 1rc11. ::·~•:~hlhc•~r~•~•:,r ;;1",-'. 1 ~r:. Quecn1lant1 Art Gallery ll11lnr, ,ahl. "huusht" the paintings s1••:( 0 l,\I, (ii.ASS rrom l\lr, II. de VRhl Ku- Lah•r. the\" 1111111!1 hr. bin at • IAlndnn auellnn hun~ In 11 ,j,cdal ,ccliun • Jut rnonth. nl t hr ~•Iler)·. Spr.clal ~•cure In n trl11te- nnn -refleelinc ~I••• h•d lncked shrn·aic loc.:kcr, the htf'n urdrrr,t ln prtwcnt <talt!d palnlin«~ were people tnuchlni the hrou,rht lo the Drl•hane palnlln~,. They would hr Rh·er ahflartl lhe C'Jut,en~• ~~r~:,\r_., l~r~~at~!~u1tt"':: Janet Star earl.¥ ~ ·r.t.lf 'rrln y. nprnr,f to thr r nhllr rrom HJ:i\ \ "\ ' (i( All It tnmnrrnw "·rrk. The: pnlntlnas wrr«- .\l.. o ntumrfl thr lcwulect In 1,onrlnn undrr c111rc11,huul !"itar \\'hen the e.,·e5 or arnwd Srnt - .. ht' flnt·kcd ,e,trtdn.,· land \"ar,t ttcterltns, anrl \\rrr n small 11:rnup or "'ffe hca,·11,• ,:uarclcrl nt r,~~1. 1.~:. 1 ,'j"'•,~~·t~~M!~ ,;i~,:~.~ " 11 •r'i.";,!• .~~:;,• 1 :n•uretl fur 1 ~lr. lluloln 1, lr111l1n~ In tft4,ROO. thf' inllf'n ror dl'ript:1,•. Pnllre " "ill pruh~hly an,t a 1mlnt111~ ur 1hr Id I h the CJ11rt'n1t1l:1mt ~l11r In S\fl- P~f~u~ : r~i;~r '~ni:atlrd I nc,· llarhnur ti,· .John frorn l~c •hip thl• alter- Allcntt 1 which 11111 hr noon, I p rr "cn.NI '? l'rlnt•('•" I The man ll'ho had the Aller ,II 11 ,1.m. 1111111). l nh or keeping the p•lnt • l'rlnrc-. Allee tra1·cllcrl n,:M uft nn the \'O\'age to Austrnlla In 1hr , e'-'rifl nut" wa• Chief Ofllrei- H . earl)' this 1·0111-. , Sprou1 .'cran. "t,,.-..........~.-.-_._._._._._.,,. In Rrlshanc J·estrrrla~·. ,: h• Mltl : .. ,.\'r. ,.:er.n a ~ print nr 'l,o Dcllr llnl - I. lan,h1lse' ilhc r1ras~o1 ,• anti I wnuldn"t rh·r twn ~ quht lnr It. Rnl that·•~ only a personnl opinion." ( DAIi,\ ' ( "llt:t:KS > C.hlef Offh•cr Sproul- ~ Cran .altl hn h111I matte I, ,t1llly chr.rkir. nn the lcu-ker ,, ronialnln,:- the plrturr~ to•, make sure llrnt lh lhrr.c :, lncks were src•urr. Whilr ,• the Quer.n~hrnrl Star wn~ ~ In port, thr. lm·krr had•• hr.en guar,lrtl rllhrr h,· :, shore polh'e nr ,~rrw mcm- ,• her!'. I , •: The nine St1u I. m· "' •• Rrl!'ihane mana~rr 11\lr., 1 \\I. A. Crnlc , snld la s t• • nh:-ht t hnt · wuterslrlrr~ 1 wnuhl !-11lrl nunlm:- cari;;o 1 nut or lhr Qurrn~huul, • st.:,r Al R a.m. iofln,·. But •' thr rratcrl painting? wnuhl nnt he !!ihUtc-d nntll "a rt~r • hJ~t~.. •~ ·rah:; "nld lhRl thf' Qurcnslnnrl ~t.1r'1. ma.-:.tf'r <f"npl~ln II. \\"h ltr l woulfl nHlrlatl,· h:uul tlw ~ rmlnllnJ:;'- 11,·rr to a ~ c•,llrr\' rc•i1r""'"nl:itlw• on ,• 11".r w'tiarr nt '?.::n ,,.m. 1• l 'hr J:allrr~· rllrrrtor ,: (~1r. R'1hl"rl llnl111•, 1 ,nlrl •, 1 11 ,.,, 1 nh:ht th:il lf'lr,·l'-iin11 :, :1 n,1 nrw,rrrl 1• wn11 l,I rrc•nr,I thr 1111 - ~ 1 ,rn t hH~ nr Ihr plc-l 11rr~ al •• lhfl 1:nllrr~· nt :t 11.m. 111 - ~ ,In, . ,• ~.-. -·-·-·········----· . . . .... 0 1"11 art nlllc Dr. (iNlrurle tanittr ~a.,·o1o l ,il Rcllc Jlnll:111flal1o;r n111 ,. never lrn \'r r,l11trd-Plrt\.."'''' m11~· not hn , r 1":llntr1I hrr frnm llfr. 11111 (lur1•11 lim,I ar– tl,t Arlhur f:rnn R.-:1d ha.llliii ::~r,~;~~~!~~r ~~rr n~~(!(•~•~,f rmlnllna-~- Rrnulr'~ !ltudy of hlq tun , ,111:,., In rhllrl– hontl. 011r or the rhlldrrn, hr hrll1•1·r,. 1, Frtneh rllm fllrrdur .fran ftr nnlr, who tllrrt·lrll ll11' fllm "F'rrnch c·nn-ran" 1111w "'hnwln,:;- In nrl..,hnnr. i / I " I\ i•tn)'o, or \\t)1n-n 1t ✓~ .' ,.. pn ln l bi 1i, 11,,.. It) \ 11 1- \'111,• 11i1, ' l•1t1 rur 1IH' l·ondl 1 :,.,c,•nd- 111u 1111(1 !'-rlOhhl h 10 11, of Ill J 11ly '; rtl'l J'f'\' lt~w . 1"111\\ rl11 t1 1 l llll-1, trJ bt• t11ltl 1hut t h t• pull! ..... upm!on or tll1· J'i'l'f'tu·h p:s 1111 lllOl\ :u flllll'f'tl by th AJ O dll•I ,. dm•i- 1101 mn ll C'I" 11111c h C)Ht•lltlf'd •t'tt•II IJUI OII ). Evhlcntl.v. some 1icoplc hn \'C l weird COllCCJl or nn . o r the pn lmlnu~ rrcc11tly ncq11lrrd bv the Art Onllcl"\· nt n cost or J:I 26.000. Pnblo Plcns.~o·s Wornnn With Pnrnsol Lylnu QII th1• Bench. ls, ns I sec It. nno1hcr hiclco11R rnonstrnsltv. I' bellcl"1' Urnt thn t •noncy could o,· should hn vc been 's1> Ill for n us1,ru1 Ill!<"• po~c.- t·. C. t"oord • Scnrl>ot"OUMh • II • Oueenslan~ Art Callery MIit f1,- r ln • r,I I 11,1, , "" rlor 1 ,. •1t1Ul1i"llll''III •II 1hr I r11l,t1•n r \ h lhltlr1n 111 I " '"' h \ · t In tn rlurh· ,,.,.,.,1, ,,11,, •1 1, .. ,. 1 1,,11,n r~•nttnr• llu 1, ,ttn , .. 11 ir " J'"II nn I 11••11 11 , llh ult Jn ~ n1 lu •• Ill I' rn Brisbane,