Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Brisbane, Qld. 5 ~ \. \\'i,~ ..... .. . H~ T Hf~ box was very securely nailed, and had printed on it : "THIS SIIJF'. UP WITH CARE. HANDLE CAREFULLY. DO NOT DU.OP ." We all c•lhered rnund •a•d the J&ller,·•• dlrec• T \' pholo1rru11hers, tor hopefully, ne"'srecl .. c"n1cr"111en, No•. , . I don•t think pre~,; phutu~raphcrli, a •he'~ nhJecUon"blr. Dul h•ndlul of dlitln1ul1bed I do thlnk 1ht'1 un•n• cltltens, um• me. h•h•ted, I' rt •• n 1• )', tiler• emor1cci Iron• 1be I><>•, one of Ille mnll famoWI "omtn •n lhe wor•d– P••a-·• I.a Hello Hol• •and••"· hnu1hl hr nur -'rl Gallery for t69,0'!5. Th• dlre<lor of the 1allcry tMr. 1111\nesl 1enllY w•p•d the putrh o•rl's fare wll h II dnmp clnlh, and •loocl her up ••••..•t Utt wall. She had r.nm • a •nnc • •ay ~~~~lnlhe pa1~1:d ••l;,e:, d•rln1 a 11·alk•n1 &our lhrnu1h t:urope. and ,ave htr lo a friend ._, 11•• ahar• of the hotel bill. * Thtre's nn doubl •h•'• a fine lonkln11 1•r1, Moreover, ahe'a · hardJ, !!he wta, • nolhlnl al all urepl a lallfl cap. Her fate 11 wonderful. I found my""lf ,1arln1 al thal half-•n1llln1, enl1mall• fa•e for mlnnle, on end. ll waa :'!~1: 11 ta! ~.:, 1 !~a':'t thlflH my 1 • -e lo the rett of the plelure. Thl1 wa1 a mblalle, :M,.moulh opened wldff I.a llelle Hollandahe IJ ulldoublcdlJ a IDU• tupl-. Bui ahe I• alt0, I feel. a 1111 of a b~~~=~•dDn'I thlnll ah•'• objeeUonallle, d• )'CIU, .. . , . . . :. * ,\Iler The Oulch Uhl, •·e unpacked lho olhtr Frenoh plc&ura the Uallery hu 1><>u1hl In lhl• •pec,taeular Iran•· aollon. There was a ealnlln1 ol lhrH ballet d..... rs by Pe1H tU7,0IOI, which I un· deralood well enaush, and another l'lca_, whleh I didn't under• •la nd al all, I Price u;'i!:. Ulle of U,b pie• tun, Is "I'~ • parasol couci.e au, la plale." I looked 1h11 up In lhJ Fn,nch die~ and ll mrona ~woman with PanuiOI, Lyln& on the tkM'h." ll'b quite II rellahle dictionary, "° &here rlUl'I he any mistake, BIii lel me ""''" )'nu, you will nenr 1ee any femme< lllle lhb one al Surfers' Paradbe. * .,,: 1a"r~nr..:r.:::. 1:!t ln11 al lhl• particular C~!:'!,°·..":J:.,!~, me In a .., prf"llUffll' ,-ou .l'ft fan1IIIMr wllh the lun•le form!'' I •nld I "••• ....., ~ , uu ..,..,.r ....-n a fentalr foron like that one?" M1·11.ery nnd fame vlalted lhc Qllf.'!lllland An Oalln1 when "ftioci\rtl'ed a collection or palnllnws and aculplurc by recenl French mastera, lncludlng Plcuso, alter Lon• ~~~ic ~~.~\\ 00 uli/i~. 1 ~~~~~ CRblnel MlnlAtCl'l! denied thal nny public money h11d beeD e I .aid I h•dn'1. "-'h ,.,II," ,aid 1h11 dl,Hn•ul, hf'd ,·i.-itnr, "I ,x.....-1 II • ·Ill 1row on yun."' I said I hoD<d lo 1oodne.-• II wnuldn't. * 1'here ... • ~tudy ol two thllcln,n hy Renoir •me.~,. the hNd of a t lrl by Toulous e-t.au – tte tt16311, a •WI Jlfe lty \'laffllMI (Ull3l, and the h... of a man lty Ploa,i.O 115412111, clone In the cubist manner. I would nol CllN lo Sydney, N.S.W, C 11r111, 11 ~ a , 10 the llklllil ~ 11f C)t1l'l'll'i· 1:i~ul .l\n ( ,allL'r~\ gc11cr,,11., hc ncl :tl'tt,r "ill. for 1th. 0 p1nc111. ha,i: lu remai n un i;a11, li_c,I. ~pp1"i1inn . IC'adcr l1lllfl!·'" a"\..c<l l:4.h11..:a11nn ~linhlcr Pi11c, 111 the Quccn,1111111 1\ <sl'111 hl) \\hclhcr a,i) p11hhc I untl~ h:id lw~11 111 v,,i1 cd in the p11rd1,"c or SIX p:11111111[!' ,olu 111 l.oml,111 by gra1.1cr H . de \I . ll11h111 lor tslg .'1-l.~1 10 : abo whctl11.:r the d,11101'°~ 11:1111c had hcL·n w1•h held :it hi, nwn \\i,h or 1h:i1 111 1hc ,uvcrn111c111. ·1 he ~li11i,1cr ·: p!1cd 1lwl no publk fu11d, had hccn in v(ll\ cd aml lhal 1hc name h:ul hccn "i1hhcld .ii 1hc rcq 11c, 1 c,f the dnnnr. meel Ibis man after ..., ... ' "'to!t. "f!n::9 ... ~al/:t nver a,y •boUlder al I.a Helle Hollandabt, There ahe -• aUII .mmnc her entamallc •mlle al a 1rouP ol PU· 113men&arlano, loollln1 al her cloublfull)' over lllelr apee&aelel, ••I wi•h:• "aaid nne nf the l'arllamr,111 •,. I••• • little tettlly, "lhe pelnter had ' '"''\',"d al hn fn..,. .,. ... •rhe "mile of I.a Belle llol......... dee C1lrn1, Qlcl. lpURCHASE Of RUBIN ART COLLECTION --- QUEBTIONI TO Bll ASKED OPl'0511'10!'i u ;AllER'9 ,ion llHI SBA NF.. Au~. 4.- Quu• tlnn, " t,out thn purch1ue or the Rubin • rt collecllon !or lhe Quccnolnnd N•llon•• Arl Gollery will be o,kod IJy lhe 0 1>Po••· tlon Leorlor ,~tr. J. t:. o,,~~•n• ln Pnrllnmcnt 10--morruw. 1'he colleetlon of ai,c work!I ,,·rL, t,ousrht • l n L.ondon nucllon •n Moy al • coll nl 1100.000, The)' w,re &nld by Quocn•lnnd ijrn1.ler. Mr H. De Vnhl llubln. Mr. Duu~nn ~:a\il in Pnrlta• menr lo-day thAl becnUH! of the ft cuie an~ wtduprcnd pultllc concern M, to who financed t.he 1mrchnM! he would Mk lhe Mlnl&ltr lnr tcducollon tMr. J . c. Pl%'1.C~i •: lri U tn1t1 no ,,uhlic fund, ,, ,r, 1m•oh·rd '.' Arr you A\\''lf" nf !llt !iH.1l.r111c11I hy ~f\l • tery 1rn11tr c , Mr. f:. FHr,tUMltll rltrltnl11~ to ~:1)' whn fh11H1ccd tht purchrt\C f'l '1rl !hot the Q11t•en1-lnnd f,11 1 .trnm,n\. "has betll \"Cl}' LOlld lt'I 11,7' 1 wn, the donnr'11 nRme ,•. \thhrld 11t. hl1 O\A.·n rcttllfl!I or th:ll or the Go,·t rnm('1117