Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

''La Delle Holla1ulnlst~" B"l ~l3ANE: \\'ill """ll h<' II cit1· c,f nrl crltl,·s. The Stnt c 'Gallery's windfall of plctul'Cs fl'0m the collect ion of Mr. H. De Vnhl Rubin hRHhecn dclivcrrd and will he publicly displnyc•d next week. People will sec Pahlo Pi1·11ssu•~ pnint• · lni: of " Ln Be-l ie Hollnndnise ," which n bi I of ffi~.000 bought for the ga llery . Thry will view it with udmirnt.ion or uwc. or in sheer bewlldt•rmcnt that this single little work by an nrtlet still livin~~ should have acquired 110 much value. There ie sure to lie pr,ssion– nte argument over Its me rits, even though Quccnslnnders have been assured lhnl lho price pnid for it, nnd fo r other pictures thnt have cflm<' t o the gallery from Mr. Rubin's col– lection, tnclurling 11 £22,000 Degas, will not hnvc lo be found from th · Stole's purse. Some people cn n he stirred to 11nger when I hey hl'1Lr praise of pictures In which they themscll'cs sec lit ti c worth. Doth Turne!' and Whistler in their dnv we re accused by r put nblc critics of "fllnglng 1iots of paint In the public's !Ree." Ptcnsso' 8 " L,1 Belle Hol111n– d11iee" I• cert ilnly not n pot of pnlnt, She 1s nn unabashed nude. If she shocka some people they can console I hem• selves with the thought thnt nil other art galleries in Austrulln envy Brisbane's ncquisltlon or an cnrly Plcneeo that sent bidding up to the highest price ever recorded 'or Iho work of an artlKl In hie own llfcti m!'. W ELL, our £94,000 cargo of art hos arrived sole and sound. Thr R vc n tmprrs~lnn• 1st 111tlnlingK wr rr dcllv– rr1•d p:irkrd in n vr ry big Wn<H'tl'll ('UK(' 111.,ldc the blR wouclN1 cnsc were hC\'en ollll'r imtu llt•r woodc•n Cllt.C!4 wllh II pnln l• In"' In cnch , nnd 0 11 l it · Eiidt.' of rnch or the, " cn.s<·~ wn~ wrtucn In hlR 1°11crs :, " VALUEABLE PAINTINO' Nnt to mention. nf couri,e the prlcch•ss spellingI THrs 'WOMAN' ON THE WAY 'La Belle' was once 'cheap' LON DON I Spccial 1. _ Ouct'nslond ,hccp fo,mc, Moio, Harold Rubin r>a'.d £6000 tor the Pttou o pointing "Lo Belle Holl• ondoi,c" wh,dt he Hid lo.u ...,erk to the Quccn,– land Art Gallery for £55, 000, ~II ,J,ii k lh!hu. \\II" t 1111111, 'Iii, "' 11 ' " h • .,,,1,1 111,, 11.11111- llll! II ,\l 111111 l1 11 h11: /fr If.Jn l lh • p,dl1l ll1'.!·t. /IT l'lll 111· 1111 il l ,I 11'111 I IH \/11· I·\ 1 •1111:s: S lu1H!111 t1 11111111 'II\\ 11! U1•1 l111 ..111cl I ll ,I Pt!" l fl 1J, ;1-. 1/\\'llf'I •I ,, 111orl1 111 ,.,., i;·di,, 1 \ I ho u~•~ 1• lh1 p.111111111/ , , ., 11 ; ,• :i 1 \~'j ~: 1 11 11 f 1 ~~~0 11111;1. o l Ent: • ·• ,·tl 1' \t}111l1• ;1: 1 \\l tl'!cl ::;:•;~:.:'li'IP:'u ~L•" IJ,1/'. l11 pl1)