Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

6 IJL 1959 Brisbane, Qld. 1000 WILL SEE OPENING OF FRENCH ART DISPLAY . 0•• lllo•~••II IIIIHIIN hn,.,• brrn ln,,11,-.1 lo Ill• ••••l•lf i,1- lh• lli,.•l11y ,., t'ren•h pninlinl(N ro•ro•nely •Nl•lrHI lly t• Qur"n"l•nd A.rl Gallt•ry. /' Thr uhlbltlon •Ill iut at the ull•rY tu• w"••lr, ...U, ~ . H , br up,,n,·d al 5.30 p,m. daY. to· ~1t1l".. ~ ·. today hy the Governor, 1'hr Rubin paintln,:s Normal • •ff~ Sir Henry Abel Smith, will br. on vh-w 'tu tlw hour• are Imm IO m. tu 5 11.m.. and a ,ra ry The new paintings, public rrom 10 a.m. to- is 11p1•n on Saturday worth £126,504, were morrow. from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. p'"rt of thr. colle•tlon The ,:allery will r<·· i<R!I from 2 p,m. to 5 uf Mr. II. De Vahl main open until 9.30 p.m on Sunday Rubin. p.m. tomorrow. A catalorue or the 'fhe)' 11re h"ln1 huni: Houn on 'fhur•1lo. paintin1• wlU be on with the Centenary and on Tu.,.day aml sale at the gallery for Exhibition of Fren"h Thursday uf nut 2/ - a copy. "COURIER MAIL" Brisbane, 7 JIJI l S ~ 1000 Looked art over, some laughed A CROWD of 1000 people attended the largest private art opening in Queensland'• 100 years of history at the Queen•· land Art Gallery last night. t.urte to the anonymous Their opinions ranged ••d- by Lady ~tar. anrt Larly dn.',:j!l;/fpi~/~~~s";~.\tt'e~ause from: ".Jusl how much Mays mother. Prine•ss Allee. contrnvers\', Some fool• will will the public stand," ln Countess of Athlone. scoff. Wise men will keep "wonderful." Agt,~i'~;eu~~~~ )~,'u~irr\~lc, [l\~~ ~~,,~~ll~'c s;/,~' f~~fs i\~/;g The subjects nl their the Treasurnr <Mr. Hlleyl, will come tn , rnff will crlUclsm .vere the seven the Education Minister 1Mr. remain lo praise." French painllnl:s, bought for Pizzeyl and the Lord Mayor Sir Henry said: "The plc– UOl,203 sterling, which the (Alderman Gronml. turc that tells its own, story gallery has acquired [rom "Indisposed" is often le,,sr. Instructive London, because It has no deeper or The pRlnllnss. which be• Although Mr. Rubin Is at inner lesson !Al reven.l. longed to the collecllon of present In Brisbane. he was "We have Just rccelrcd a Queensland grazler, Mr. not present. He said last mnst ~encrons gift which Marold de Vahl Rubin, have night at. his Hamtlinn home will add lo the stature o now been added LO lho CUI'· lhllt he \\'8S "lndlspnsrd," this ~•llery, ) \\'01tlrl like rent State Centenary exhlbi- The newlv-acqulred Frencl, say to the people of Queens– Uon ol 10th and 20th century palntin~• 1,, 111 be open to the 1Rnd how drrply grateful we F~~~~ Rr\iew acquisitions public W<!Rl' from 10 n.m. to a re to nur hcnefnelor." were officially opened at 5.30 9 . 3 o p,m, "Envy us" p,m. yesterday by the SlRle Chairman nl gallery trus– Oovemor tSir Henry Abel tees tSir Roslyn Philp 1. in• Mr. Plzzey, moving a ,·ote Smith, who spent an hour t roducing u,r Governor, said: of thanks to the Governor, at the 'gRllery, "The rrustees want to ex- ~•Id : "\Vr ha\'r ncq1\ired In Sir Henry was accom an- press publicly thetr grall- La Belle Hollnnclnlse some- . ,, lhln~ that \\'Ill be lhe envy C89909 nl Australia, This Is R \\'Oil· ricrlul ni~ht sn la r ns Qurcn~land i~ r·onccrncrl." "La Rrllr Hollnndnisr," by . 1 "F P lcns!-n, cn~t r5!1.~20 nt, the Belle"' .~nd t 1e , emm~ nu auction in Lcmrlnn , :rnrl I~ pa.t'Minl - bof.h h\ PicRs o. Olli'? nr ti1r. sc,·rn pni11tin1?fi l\lr. Frank 7.tppel, , R thr g;Rllr-n· now nwns. Thr. 1 dr:\ma 111 odt1crr, nf Bn" et1 other ~Ix Rre:– Hills. so d : "La Belle ..,Iii ,• "Trois clnnmisr, a la paintln~ which, If 1·011 ntdn I rla.-sr rlr dnnsr " h,· Drcas know It. wsu, h~· Plcnssn. you 1£22,mrn 1, "Cncn'and Blrllr," mlghl, very "'~!) accept. ns hy flrnoir , r702R,: "Trtr de an Olri Mast er. , Fillc." h;· Tnulo11.sr-t.a11r.rec Mr. Andrew 1•.akin. •~icd,\· 1CR024, : "Frmmr nu pnrnsol a l stuctcnt., of Bn,tc! 011 · . • r.ntwhrr ~11r In 11ln~c." by Ike L• Belle lo n cc, tnin r~x· T'lcnssn , f42 17 ,: "Trrr. cnt, buL 1 hnve ~ccn pnln • rt 'hnmmC'," b\' ru·nsso inRs thnt I like • lnt bctt r. , r1ntr.1 · and "Sti ll ltlc" by " About the wnmnn w 1• h v 1~m111Ck c£2filO , -• • t.hc pa rnsol-1 llkr alistrinct __ · art, but not when \\'CJ get, lsshapcn rnrms which .rnrt : to mekr :1. picture rt lr11 - oui::." • ,., "Thrilling" Miss rnmcln nctl,. nf soonnh : "Ln Bcllr Is n \\Oil • dcrful ptrt11rc. The: \\ 1 n1r,• n \\'ilh thr. 110rnsol Is rcrl;> nly • ~oori , plcLurc, hut nnt :omct hln~ people would like. VH It, Is t1cf111itel1· n plclurr by a ~rrnl. nrllst," · l\tr11. l\laid11 Wnllnf'r. ril Grccorv Tr.nncr : "Ln Rrllr ls ,\,ni1drrful. H I~ mnsl th rtllln~ rn hn\'r thrsr pie· t,urr~ hcrr. Thr wnnrnn \\'llh e •Jarn:i-nl I~ :.1 \\·nnrlrl'flll cnnipo~lt Inn . wit,h rolnur nnd, teg~!;!i-i~rarcl nr 11m;nltc1t.e<1 con,mrnt. wn1- 1n.hnur "C. Brite"•: "!,hr'rl lnnk fnr het• ter In n cl!·r1-::;lna-cown .... "From I hr ncrk up, she i,. \\'nt1rlcrl11i. rrnni the f'CCk dnwn. :--hr'!- rlrfinltrl~• mtd" 'Thnl ln re Is sn sooth· i,,'g'' , , . "F'or n lemnle Jorn, It i;lmph· cnn'1 hr t.r\l~. Grnr,,.nl frrltm: Aho11t mtlSL nf tJ,r• nt J,rr pnlnlln~:-. cspecls il;· thr Dcanc. and tl1r Renoir. , ecm cl rn be Lha L the-· l\'frC much more pre– ferred for hanilni tn the home. ,, 6 ,,,u,,,,,rii~,~'~ 111 ':~,,~,,~,:,~,~'~'~'~'~'~''''~'~~~~!,,,~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1,, 1~ 11111~ 1~ 1~ 1~ 1 ,!,,,,, 11 , ave 3 works tn £230,00f) show A l~lJ'l'CII dt•ri:.nnan's knoll'lc,li;e ol nrt yes• ln,ta.1· 111hli•1t thr<•f! 11111ru 11'11rks to th,• tlnt'llll~• h'.'!•1 .-\rt (i11ll1•r.r's ( '1•11t1•1111r,1· Fren1'11 cx hlhltlon. I he !li-\\ol'k, r2:.o,11011 exhlhlllnn will hnn~ ii " hl' / II<' 1·nntnctrcf the finllcn' hn·l.t.1tiun onl.v" 011cnlni1: rtln!ctor (Mr, Rohcrt l!llll.J:hl at H.l!'i h.,· th<' llnlnr.s1 nnll ntrcrcd a Ule 1· n•,wh Amlms.,arlor IM. . . . ' lt,•naufl Sihan J. .rnd hu, p,1inl r I pl:1lC."i by , On ~aturcla~· mnnilni,: tlu.- ,anu?. artist. l\lr, 1 hi' ( unl'i1•r-i\lnll rmh- llulrll's lll't't'(llcd llslwcl a 1,1tnloi,:rn1,h or an M. Slhan will arrh·e In 18Hl. h.,· fi ~rt. t:11,c~tr.,· In - nr1.. 11:uw al :t:rn 11,111. tu- clurlt•d In lhr t•xhlhillou. cla.,· and wlll ha,·p II prr.- Sor1?1:t,11 Park l'n•~h., h•r-1 ,·lt•w of the 1•xhlhlllon nt ,t Ian 1111111,tcr I lhe let'\', II 11.111. C. Spl,lkcrhnt•r I n•1•n~nl~rci 'l'he galler,• will re-01JCn the t_apc~tr·~· n~ 1lu• nork al 10 a.m. tomorrow. The nf hench arllst .lean J rxhlhition will he on sholf l.uca t. (nr two month~. 111111n11u1111111111111111rnuw1m111111111m111111mmu111i,u,u1111,,u ..1111nu11,•l't1!1tllUU!IIIIIOIIU!!lll<ll1JlllllltuUIOIIUH 1000Went to see .paintings. QNE t h o u 8 11 n d people cro~d Into the Queen • lanrl Art Gallery late yec,. terday afternoon. They were the 1uesta of the president cslr ROSiyn Philpl and the trustees of the Onllerv nt a preview of the new French paintings bought recently for £1~8,504. Among them were the Governor I Sir Henry Abel Smith). who opened the show, With him were Prin– ce•a Allee nnd Lndy May Abel Smith. who wore n 1::rh~~: f~r~::~t r.~ 1 ll~'l ~~f~ vet ~rrss. Tnlklng with Lndy Mnv Abr l Smith wns ~I~~~ P~:. 1 fs·,"' 1 ~1d~Pirc:r~ifr white l\nd block fluted ha( Velvet coat In a mldnl~ht blue velvet corit wns the Lady Mayoress <Mr.. T. R. Groom) with her huebRnd, Just back lut month from a two-month fliRht round the world whtch In– cluded visits to lamous 1al– lerles, was Mrs. Ian Perry, who WM talking lo Mrs. l'leg. Roberta. Part time Rrtl•t Mrs. M•I• colrn Carseldlne, who pinned ll chnmprigne coloured h ydrnngcn lo her dromntlc b!Rck suit wns n keen viewer discussing La Belle Hollan– dnific wlLh Mrs, M. E. Wnl• ker. lfho wore R strlkhtR Ink blue Jncket suit with n smnll matching fur felt hnt.