Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

PUZZLING over "The ludy with liw Parasol Lying on the Bench," a .£4217 controversial Picasso et the Queensland National Art Gallery yes– terday was City Council truck driver L en Fuller, of Windsor. Seven French pelntinrs which coal £101,203 at auction in London went ... on public display yestcrdny. La Belle shocker • not ay A STAFF REPORTER "LA BELLE HOLLANDAISE" by Picasso, worth a cool £55,220 sterling ... It was not her nudity but her high cost that shocked people yesterday. On her appeorunce, "Ln Helle Hnllundnise" paRSed public ln11pec- t1011 with flying c11l11ur11. grnndmotl1er. or sancJgate: Not BO however her drcdll<Jf people congre- "The pnrasol picture Is vul- "friend" in anothe~ Pi- guted out side the gallery gar. hnri·lble. But La Belle ., waltln~ for the doors to open Is too beautiful to be orr•n- ca1110 picture- The Lady at 10 n.m. slve. with the paruol lying on Public renct.lon to the new "NobOcl)• should be shockP.d th b h " ncqulsll10ns wa.~ fn vournble at this picture these day& e eac · on u;c whole. The main con- nnd I wouldn"t object Thi& picture Is worth £4217 tenllnn wns nbout their "ex• showing, It to my grand 1terllng. pcnsh•encss." chtldren. · "I can·t make head or tall Mr. •·uner, who dropped In "N t I I" o( that one." said Brisbane after work. snld : "Think of O fflffl0r8 City Council truck driver. nll lhnt mone)· ! . Mr. F., .I. Dahtler, dairy Mr, I.en Fuller, of Wlnd•or, "A1mrt lrom that. I cant farmer of Eldsvold : "I with a puzzled laugh, Jsec thnt Ln BcllP should lnm married with eight chll• Yesterday was a d•Y of orrc11d n11yuocty. But I ccr- drr-n. Ln Belle Is not Im• down-to-earth comment nt l1n111ly cn11·1 understand whnt mo.rul. lL looks n renl paint– the QucenslRnd Art Onllerr 1111yb'ody coulcl sec In thuLlln~.. nml the pose Is very Ra the public flocked In for womnn with the purnsol." nn turn l. their r11_-~1 look nt the "seven "Upside down" "Bui the pnrusnl picture Is wonders. nbnormnl. r ~lmplv cnn't The gnllery op,ned nl 10 I so11nht opinions In IIH' scr· £40110 worth In l 0 hnt.·· n.m. And bl~ :l.:m Pm. nn P~- gullt•ry l rom other peuplf', Ian Mnokn,·, 15, of Moo– tlmnte<I l000 people hod w111, l11clud,•d II ekrgr111:111. " lro11k11, n Brisbane Stntc High rn~:s,ed thrOUl!h l h~ ,1msh: gl'lllldmntlwr, high SC'IIOOI School !-ilUdent: "There's doms And rounct sonu.lhinl! student~. n bu~ii11:ss man, u nothh1g wrong with these new lo tnlk nhout 1 c1nlry fnrmcr. pttre11l:-., nml n pnlntlngs, nnd I wouldn't Raise interest 1"'~11,11· trom New '.l1!Rl1111d. ,mind showhtA them lo my l'he clcr.:,·man, pcen11g ~l!-il,c1. The "seven wunder•s" nrc , 1 u11.1.lcnllr nl tht• ,\•um.uij f,unlf't Rluhnrdson, 17, the seven French pnlntlnns with the pnrusol. , 11 111 : '" ll "s llarhara Ramare, 18, Elaine 1worth a total or £101.203 nil usislcle down." Swan. 17. Helen Johnson, 17. aterllnRI which the gn llerr Mrs. Doroth,• llolK. or nll Senior students of Ked· hu just acquired rrom I.on - i\larBn le: "That pui·usol !'"''.'~ s111t c High School, don. , . , \\'omnn means nothing to me. n~iccc~ lllnL- The) \\ere bought 11t n11c- Th•• nrllsl must hll\'C hntcd l We re not shocked by LR lion from the collccllon nr all wnmcn when he pn Inled Belle.. ll looks nice. But Queensland grn1.lrr M~·- Hnr- thnt. there s nothln~ , 11nusu•I old de Vahl Rubrn. 11ho Is "Bnl 111 Brllc 1, bcnullful nbo111. II, We cnn l see why now In Brisbane. . , · · · ' · It should cost nil thnl monc\'. At the galle1 J they ha,·c I herr 1• "'!~ 11 11 contcntmcnl J "The 11·0111nn with tlie been filled Into the currrnt about her. pnrnsol Is II pu,zle." Stale Centenary exhibition Mr. Wtlllum Mlllrr, bus!• Mlt. 1.1:,;co1,N l,EE. or or 10th Rnd 20th Century nrss mnn ol Snndsnte : · I!New Zcnlnnd. a member or French Art. like Ln Belle. but I would thr Auckland Art Society: So r•r more thnn ~o.ooo like n mcdlcn l mnn In ex- "I lhlnk 1hr nrt.lst had his pP.oplc hRvc seen this cxhlb- plnln thr n11a1nm)' nr lhcJtonsuc In his check whc11 he ltlon, pnrn,; nl woman to me." pnlntNI the pnrnsol \\ 1 otnan. Vester ay mornln~ hun- Mrs. Mar.lnrte Groham, • II 1s more ccccnll"lc." Brilbane, Pictures not for Q UEENSLAND'S new col• lection of French painUn11 _.,II lt1 "1pr1a4 • round'' th, aai1tin1 Art Gellory display when they ore shown to the ,ubllc for the first th111 Hal Tu11doy. The Art Gnllcry director 1Mr. Robert Halnesi said yesterdRY It was planned to Incorporate the £101,205 sterling collection In the present Centenary Year French art exhibition. The new paintings would be hung In suitable places among the different period• represented In the exhibition. Mr. HRlnes said It hRd bee11 decided not to group the new paintings together when they were first shown. because this might have caused a bi~ crowd to be concentrated In one part of the rallery. Under glass All the new paintings– from the Rubin collection– will be faced with glass be– fore the)• Arc shown publicly to prevent damege which might be ceused by people touching them. Mr. Haines sRld the new paintings had Increased thP Insurance cover on the Art Gallery's permanent collec– tion to more than £250.000. There will be a. private •howlng of !,he paintings at the gallery next. Monday night. before they are opened for public view next morning. Brl • bane, Qld. l JUL 1959 / MR. RUBIN AGAIN •• , • 1ner1n,,s STllll mHino l'oheep worth 1:20,000 have hcen hrouirht to Queen~lan<i h~· the millionaire J,?razier. Mr. H. Oe V. l!_t1hin. It is hrlieved lo be the most \'niunhlc lot hroni; to Queensland by one mnn. Thr con~hmrnrnt com• pri!il'!i rl~ht m m!,: wol!li ,h up tn 15110 KIIS, rnch. n~ 700 rwr·s. l11cludlng 100 pcdl~rnc nnimals purchased nt 100 ~nr-. nhcnd. fL hns rcnchrd R11b111·s Fairfield Slntion. 'rv;;~i; B~:~~\~.1~1r ~~~m she~,;~ f:HllOIIS llunclcmnr Sll.ld, nf"nl' TrfltHlif". N.S.\V. l"nlrfirtd. !,1n1ln11 nctJolns Alter Downs. n wrll-known 1·r111 rn l-wrst,•rn Q11r.f"t1Sln nc1 t)f'{)Jlf"l'I)' nlsn O\\'I\C"cl by Mr. R11hi11. Gan't• sfadon 1 Th,. Quccnsln11d Arl Gnl– lerr lasr mnrilh pn id rM.R00 ~lf"rl111~ 1ll l .nnrion for most nr ~1 r. Rubin's col lr cLinn of ~·\\~~~~f~~;~~'i~~d Bris~~ 1 1~~i~ll~~ I wrrk. :\l r. Rt1hl11 fl!l, who lrns n hn111f" nt Hnmlllon, Bri~hHrlf', nwns 'if'\'rrn l Inn.re crn1d111-( prop1•r1 lrs 111 Q11ernsln11d. Mr hn~ mndf" l'f"rrnt ~Ill~ In ,·hnl'II ,\" tnl11ll111• (200,000. Onf" nf Ih,,111 \ 1 .'t\~ n nr,,noo "lhf"rp SIH!inn hr C:R\'(' In Rt. Vl111·,•nt 'h Mnspllu l. S.vct11.r~•.