Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Public critical French art "Hateful", "beautiful", "fit to be burned", "en– thralling", were typical comments when the recent purchase of French paintings were shown for the first time at the Queensland National Art Gallery this morning. 'l lH' conrrovc•r~y O\'f'! Ih,• vnlunl.1lt· collrt'l!Oll be1.:1111 when llw ~alter)' doors opcnnl to t ht• ~cnci:nl puhlic ro, the r11·s1 1lnw nt JO n.m. olhcr w«.•l'\,; rla~·:--, 10 a.m ! ur which t.hr rctc·n t ac– to r, p,m .: Sn t11rd:1 ~·.'- , 10 1'tlliSi LiOll!-- nrc a l)lll'L will a.m. 1.0 :, p.m .. Suurlu.\'S, .f•11nt.int1c· unt ii the encl of :! p,m. to ii p.m. 1,rulv. Scv,•rnl hnndred proplt- 11 rrlvcd ill Litt• fi rst l1our. Bv earl,· afternoon I000 propI<• liad l'isit ed till' ~n llcry, at th1• rnt~ or abo111. ~00 "n hou1·. A countryman. Mr. It. c. K emp, or St ' (it'Ot'~e . said he would l'tllhct· hn l'C Lile shcPp llint could be l.ln11c ht ror the umo1111L pnid ro, Tl,c Woman on till' Bcnch– £5271. A i\lt·lb!Jtlt'l1t• l'isitor. sold : " I tlt lllk Picus~o p i\ 1tll !IH!:- drcncl[11I." Grotesque attitude !le was mull1fi• •d he confronu•rl t lw morl' convcntiunul D C' i.: n. ~ Three Du nc,•rs uml R1•noirs Two G n I ·. 1\lrs. A. 1\1. \\'ilkinson , or \ 'andina . said ur 1.:1 Br.llr llollandaisr . "II ml~ht h1• a h••:111111'111 palntin~ hut from thr look on hrr fa1•1• I would sa'.\' Shr dut•s1ft ,:in· u damn for an~•one." W OIIH\11 on tile Brn<'h , which hos n r,ro1,•si1tlf' np– prarancr .111<.1:~f'(I hv nor- 1 mul stnnclanl1i, hacl n11 :tllJll'Ol'illg {'Ollllll!'lll [l'Olll ~ Ft1 li1c1· A. P. H . Bt·nnic.., rector or All Saint, Cll111'f'h , "11.v. " Pt)OjJI!• OIi I \tl' hrnrhl. n•nllv <10 look l tl<c llt:1 I . Th<·~: (ll'C ('lltil'l~l.v 1111- l'OllSCIOIIS of t.h 11 ~:rotrs– <IIIC 11llltt1d!• Lit<•:, a<lopl." Viewing hours nl tl~r 1:r1\1Pr" from t oday \Vi1I ,r: Mond:,ys nnd 1'h11r.s– lU)''· 10 n.m. \o n.:io run .: T he• Frc1wl1 c•xh iiJ I, u I lc..,~CI-Si AtJK art crlllc Dr. ,_, Gcrtnule . Lanp,r says ta ' Belle Hollamtal.e m9 ••JUI''" ha ,·e existed-Picasso may nnl h.-·e painted her from lllr. Hut Queensland ar– tist Arthur t.,·an Read hu 1,ocn doing some cherkln1 on another or our nttw painting•_ Renoir's 1tud1 of his two sons In child– hood. One of the children, he believes, Is French tum rllr•clor .lean Renoir, who directed the film "French c 11 n-Can" now shnwlnJ In Hrlshanc. Brisbane, Qld, ~---~- --- T lrnN thrre·s Uir uumh type wlio U1ought' L11 Belle HollnndRlsi; was R 1,ype of ConUncnt.nl sKlnd . drus•lng, But thaL's not. the pmnt. We heur the Plea= plPcr, worl~ the best l,lllrl of £10,000, won t be shown around lhr· SUH<,. TOO \'nlunble to be sent nwuy rrom Its Arl Onllery eorucr ABOVE M " r , e ' M ill!'r 1,•l l , 11 nd Anne S1u ll ..,., n ur .,~, lrorn the· Gc n,11u1 HC1sp,tu l RIGHf Iv\· E A Dowson , u l l(cd• Jn 0 ,clv.1 I 1cuchcr,