Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

. / Brisbane, .. .. ..... . ....... 'f Hf 'ti~-t~h .... b.o~-~~1-· -~-~~-~···by··1;··e~l1~· ·H~ii·~-~ci~·i·s·e··1~·· .,i~~s~~;s controversial painting has been given a local fashion interpre– tation. ,,,,,, __ Plc•nssn"" Ntnlrc,,·c•rNlnl 1mrlrnll, 1,a Ht•lle llc,llnndnlNt•, " 'ltlrh Is In lhe Ct11e1•11slnnd i\rl V11ll1•r,·. La Belle earns her price "THAT nudc"-Picasso'1 "Lo Bella Hollandai1c 11 - Is quickly beginning to corn the £55,220 sterling prico on her hcod. Since she first went on publk ~how wilh tlw Quce11:,.lnnd Art Galler~··... other ma~tcrpleccs fro111 llw Rubin col1ccL1n11, :,.he ha~- • ALI.meted 60.000 people to I he exl11bil1011 : • H elped 1n ~rll ,in 1•~11- mn tcd 6000 c·ntnloguc:-: • Stlmul:Hrd n " Irrmr 11rl – n11~ lnl crc."t In nrt" In Bris-1 bane. II An nllr.nd :int 111 1hr .a:al – lery sa id .Vr!iilrrda~· lha l puhllr altrnclanrr~ h:1,I ,rrr.atl~· ln<•ren!'>t'cl !iohH·,· t hr Uuhln colfo<•tlon p:1lntin~s wrre tncnrJ1nratrcl In 1hr f'urrrnt f:'rrnr h 1•xldhftlnn and oprnl'd to 1hr 1111hllr 11 da.,·s ago. Attraction He :,,11 let t llrrc was till lr d oulll tlrnt. "La Brllr" \\'II, ... the n.UrncLion for mn11,· pr.opll' whn W('l'f" ,·b,it Inc Ihr gnl1£1ry OU I ()f ('IJJ'IO~ily, " M nny 1w oplr n~k wlwrr ~1ft~l \'!{~} ~~~Tj~,I~~. \11:/,ll~li::;r. T he nltrndu111 !-:IHI lhnl t \'l'l1 Clll ··,111!Pt " ctn,· .... :-.l111·1• 1h r !'('('Pill nr·q11ist1 HHIS \\'f'llt r111 ~llnw rhe ~rt llrr.,· :.t ill n l - 1rnrtNI 1000 p1•11ph•. 011 ··1.111:;r" d:t,\·s. :-IUC'h II \ nl wrrk -rrHh-.. n.., 111:tm· :l!-, •111110 1>rnplr ,·lrwrrl Ihr l''x:h1hl1 Inn Two Brisbone milliners, Patricia Hewitt and Isabelle Cruse, saw the painting in the Queensland Art Gallery and made a near-replica ot it in linen loce. .. Kip 11". "'11 R,,,1~11 Pl11 lp. j1l l.' ,1.ll 1 1lt lll Hr1,h.11h: \ 11 l 1 il k,~.,,.,, 111h: l\ l 11!~ l,,.'1 11111111'-'hllll't , 111 lhl· pl'll ll\ 1,:;1..l'. ·\ ,k..:d ;1 1 ·, ,ri.:, 1, \\ 111, ,1p1111,111 .._,1 1l11~ ,11 lhl.' l~ ul 1 111 -1,_•1 11 p 11111 ,n;,. 1111,,. ,1, ,, 1· , ·· / 11 lli ·//1· I/ , dfo11il111\, . , d 11l·d :1t 1. ' .'.~:o ,tnl111 ~. ~ir 1~11-.1, n ,.11d . " I t..h,11 ·1 ~1111\\ ,, lii·tha I l,~c th,•m ,,r 1101. I'll , u,pcnd j11dg- 1li,•) 're r r,11ncrly hung." 1'11r, :-au! tht'Y made lL "for fun " nnd they do not consider Lhc fin– ished pruduct n modern \\'t•nrnblt' hat. But we µut the La Belle ca p on model, Ma1·cclln Prllatt nncl the effect is seen In the picture nt left, IL Is a smnrt style for n special occasion that combines n dem– ure look with an air of SOJ)hlsllentlon, llllss <.:ruse thinks that 1hr La llcllc style has fashion posslb11ltle1 as lllustrnlcd In the picture hdow, M111·cclln is wearing a sprlnH vl'rsion or the hnt. The llrlm ls cov– ered In oeLnl pink satin and the crown ls chis– tercct with almond lllossoms. lily-of-the– vulley, daisies nnd lllnc A pnrnde tncludlni:: the Ln Belle styles nncl special occnsion hats mnde from Australinn flowers. 11·1ll be held nt Lennons on July 22. Morning tea will be served at the pnrade which hns been or1i11n– lscd !iy the Indies com– ,mittee of St. Ursula's Collc"c lriel»1ne,