Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

800 SAW ART SHOW OPENED £1GH1' hunrlred people packed out the Queensland Art Gallery Inst night in one of t he higgest nrt-show openings in the Stute's historr. lpresstontst pRlntlngs re- They . ,~·ere guc.sls at jf;~~Lllj,f°£~~~~~~ fJ'r Ll}i 4 ~Gcio the off1crnl oprmng of sterling would slwnys be " the gallery's Cent.cnary,rnlunble ,cultural mark of exhibition of 19th nnd the StRtc s Centenary Year. 20 h C . F . , ·t The present exhibition or t cnlut y •1cnch ni ·194 French works of art will The exhibition wns olfl• be open !or two months. elally opened by t.he F'rrnch 1-'llbllc hours wlll be : 'I'ues– Ambnssudor to Austrnhu dny, Wednesdny, Friday. and CM. Renaud Slvenl, who Snturdny, JO n.m. to 5 p.m.; wns lntroclllced b)• I.lie Oov- Monday nnd Thursdny, 10 ernor 1Slr Hemy Ab~l n.m. to 0.30 p.m.: nnd ·Sun- 8~1~~). chntrmnn ol the dn.y, 2 p.m, to 5 p.m. opening cercmonv was the At R. press conference y~s• new president or'the gnlle.ry tcrday ~"· Slv~n •~.Id Brts– trustecs. supreme Court I bnnc \\:ns n ~~Ice. ,.town- Judge •Sir Roslyn Phllpl. fond he meant nice. , M. Sivan wn, born in a 11 Maqn1ficent" ,nice town-In Marseilles, on DL, tin~ulshcd ~uests in. •~~~•t F'rcnch ~tectltcrrnnenn eluded Princess Allee. Lnd\' · May, nnd the Lord Ma)'o'r lie compared Queenslanct- (Aldcrmnn Groom, ond lcrs for their "sunniness" Mrs. Groom. with the people from his own M. Sivan snlrt ii, wns n southern pnrt of Frnnce. grcnt honour to his coun- 1 He ..poke with a slight ry nnrl to himself ns n smite of the "lots ol money" rcnchmnn that he hurl 1thnt Brisbone ,,cople had en nskcd 10 OP.en "!,his nnd ol the wr I-to-do cir: 011nlflcont rxhlb,tlon," lcumstnnccs of Austrnllnns In He said the French Im- l~cnernl. , C1nberr1, A.C.T. ,, J:..:. [•J ~Ihe FrL:nd, Arnh:,,,:llli11 M St\,111. lh·w III Hn , h,111c u 1 ~lond:i\' \\hl'IC, 111 tli1.. 1111: ,:111.:c tif l'rinrc, , /\In.,.: th,• liunmm of ()11ccn,l:111d .uni 1.:ulv M:t\' Ahd .'111itll . II-: of11ci1~\1r 0 1'h!11cd thl· I 1c nl'l1 l·,d11hi1 io:1 or C" 1 111 - 11..·rn11t>rarv Arl ori!nru,c,1 h, the ()1h:cn~l:rnd '.1111111 d n \t.,llcr\'. 111..: ,\111h:1":nl or returm:J to Canhc.-r.l I,, t 11h!l11. "COURIER MAIL" lrilbane, Qld. Juli 1~~9 ADMIRER FROM HOME lrilb1ne, Qld. Band welco1ues guests at art sltowl THE French A111bnss11dor ,,\'Orks-pnintlngs. drawlnss,rt.trn F'rench Allst rnllnn As-1 10 Aust,rnUa. 1 M. n.cn • 1~culpt.urrs. 11nd tapl"stnrs. s1X'l:,t1on. ftlld Slvnn1 Inst night ofllrl- The Northern commnnn Amo11~ thr ofrtrlnl guests a.Hy opened the Ccnt<'norv were tl1r Go\'rrnor 1S1r Exhibition of French Art n't Bn nd pln)·rcl 111 the rorrr or Hr.nry Ahrl Snuthi, Princess Uic Quccns\;md Art Goller\'. the Clnllcry lo wclromc Allee. M. Si\'all, l.ndY ~la,• Mol'e· t1fan ROO proplc nt- guest.s, who lncludrd mem- Abel Smith, Sir nns,:lyn nuct ~i1~ru~::~ w~f.;i\'i~~lud~s 11 Ji ~c;i1nnn~ 1 Arth"o,~ ~~~'.\S 1 ~::~!Miil'nr~ 1 1Wc1 ;~::u,. Captuln -- -- -- Fran1c Si~lc,· Bendigo, Vic.