Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

e '1'111• t:,,uri1•r-1Ht1il•,- 11rt rritfr. llr, 1;,,,1,ml,• /,,,,,1!,•r. hufn.,· 1,,..;,,. n •t•rir,c o/ •tu•dul ,,,,,;,,,.,14 o/ 11,,· !'101 .:!0:, wurtlt o/ 1miuli11•1t u1/1fr/1 ,,,,;,,,.,I luM u·,·,•'-· ,,, ,,,,. (l11r1•1ulmul 1V111io11ul .•lrt t ~nlf,,,.,.. II,,, /init ,,,,,;,,,.. i,c u/ v,.,,,,,· ...,.,,,," IJ,rn1't'll,"l'1' II ,,, t.'luli/ff• ,J,, /Ju11141•:· ('"TltrN• IJ111,£11n "' u,,,,,.;,,,: t:lmii."') You will understand 'Dancers' at Gallery BY DR. GERTRUDE LANGER T HE representational side of "Three Dancers at Dancing Class" by Edgar Degas is easy enough to understand, It is nlso cas~• lo loii t - t,y ~,trong !1g l1t.. 1nrli– notc that the dancers ' i:111,·s 111111 1111s Is the huh are shown in tnost ~~'filC'tr~,~c 11 ~~ 11 ,?!.:~ 1 '.~;~·;~!~~:·i't~~ ... 1 .~: : natural po•cs and, with The grl'nir.,1 "\\'t'1et11" :s their J'aCCH H vcrtcd. ;;~r!,~lr.h~~f~~'i 1 )i"~n'.' 1 t 1\~l' I;~~:~~ they H(•Cm quit(' 1111- rt.1 1k \l'llll 111('11 011 lflp , l hl' HWarc of an observer lal1)1l1.! 11pp1•1 iloo, lmr ll~c Dr.gus did nol choose p·ur- hnr1zontnl hcnrh. !h1• hnr1 - tlcuia1·1;, grnccru1 or, prNt\' 1:<mt111l\' plnntr.d ~11rc.... a nd poses, ns people might cx: _tc1•1 , and tlic f.llJ11u.: al'lll:'\, PCf.:l. Hls oriJ?lnullty pnrt1~·1· Thi., ~c:11;-1tl1t111 nf ~n~tuhl re.sides In hl/l candid ob.:-:cr- I!- mark rnort• powrrl11l lJ.v vnlion of flccthtg indclcnt s,cpntrnst, with . 11lc froth,· 111 .,!~\c.\\'C shoulrl llll>S u,l 11 +1:;, 1 r:J1:~i":~~::· 11shl f\J'('ll main thing whirh makrs of tl1r skirt po1111 ~ to _thr ! this work 11 mn!-il,erpicce. If liuht N'lllrr wnll nr<·u unci wr failcct to 1·rcog11i .....e Iha! hl'IJJ" 11!-- In 111rn~11rc !.hr. behind the srrm111~ nffi11it;·l' P" cr llrtwrcn lhr two ll~h1- 1 to the clr.vlcr-' of l11s1.a11t:111r. 111':-.sf',.,. Ol1~ pholOl?l'Allh~· lies a1 Tilr !-olitndllll! lll!Ul'l', parllY ~t~!~rd~1b{\. nrUculn I c von -i :·i~';:~~~~dlnrr~i.~ t ,;l~11.'1\H't~~l' i;:~: Stability \ 11 "warff;,;;~ 1 ny lll So, while fu,lly f'llJl_l~·mi:: ! Tlw rtttinn of 1hr hoclv c lnfor11111Jlll A1,1d ln rll- 1dikr in IIH' 111111,r ri•· nrc._ , i~ ncss of the s1tun.t1011 n 11{1 ~ . r- • • • 1 I npprcclallni.; the c h·l ·m of 111 r~,mpll"t c l1:t1111nn, \,1r 1 the shlmmerlni-t ~ \~irfncr tlu• J111r~ nf Ilic rompn..,ll u11 1. tcxt.ul 'e we nrn~t. not I r Ph1 ccrl nµ.;11lrnl 1hr l1;:111r:-i1 ~tght. ' 0 t lhr pro rou ntl~r a.rrn. :ic!lnn and (l\rcrt1~n of qualities, which make Lh 11t11cs 1101111 to 1hr 11ppc1 tell t.rcngth ot lhr. work c corntr. I mcnn t.llc perfcCt .._ Dr~:1:-. like ;di t: 0 nd p11_int- symmc1rlcnl bnhtnce or· 11 ;~~-"f r,.;, alwa~·~ n•lal!'~. tlw 11111- and shnpci,,, IIQ:hl nncl clnrk. , ion '!' u 111_11:d 01_11_1;,i~~inn . First note the :,Uhl le horl- !t hut Is ,.11lun11 ,111r.l 11 t.C.:-i~ln1.1 zontnl nnd \'Cl'ficnl division lr- 1.hr r,1t! of n f\ al 1~1t 1111 r of the w·holc nrca lntn 1h; 111. ... uqncc Hr dir! Tiu.., 1 .l\' I nnci dark rrct.1tngle~. \\·h!C h. 'va,1'1011~ n~r:111~. :~ ..... rc.11 0 h r 1r tog cllwr with h orizn11 tu lsrn rhr~ . ,11 r. flr1t' r111111! , i~1I n11cl ,·erllcplR of lJrnch. arm:-.. 1·c; 11~1!11n '.II,_. 11Hl~I( ~\ 11 and legs. µ.l\'r :,;ta bilit ,· ... h,1p1 :- tJ_, f11111 p11t l1nc . .ip: 1 Thrn 11n1r hnw 1 1,r · 111 -rr 11rc•xl11rn1 1n!! r,,n•::rt)11nrl n1 1• rtniwrr, nrr nri-nngf' i I hnl'ku.ro11nd 1n11r \'11\11•·r-. :111rl l p r rfrcl rrlntion to t <" l ~:: ·1.-.-.11111ilw ., :--P•Tla1rir polrn other nnd to thr whnlr' t ltic hrr lh:111 ,,~·r h•\'rl The \!lr l In r hf' ,·Pill re· . Tl~h', In I,,,,·.(lr\}''.f' '.rn " .1·."11 · 1 C!-it.abli:•;hr..~ ;i powrrful l. -:1rlr1 rr1 lt1 hi!- cl.•~:- ,1~ 1 r, o- <'011111.C'r\>OISr fo t.hr im nc- l11t lt111;1 ry . lllJJJ')' I IJJUlllllll I111cs wltiehl A check ·nrn1rr t I llr ~en t.rri ancl stn11clin.!.! fl~lll'f'. 'l'h•Hll!ll IJ••t.:,I' 1 ·xl11lillf'rl '1 The rn h,rcl knc•c. pkk"'rl i\\'llh 1hr 11nI1rr~ ... 111111 ..., 11.1 1.111 • 111u1m111111u1n11nllllHIIIUtll'Ul111111111111111+1u,....11 .. ,.... f'I'~. l1r llf'\Tl' ;11111\rrrl 111111- 1 ..r lf lo hr 1·:dlf'd ;i ll 1111p1·r .. - 1 ._lf"llll~I Hr cticl 11111 ;1p1H"11,·t• 11f 1111 . ' prr:,.-..111nl!-I ;i cld!1·I lt•ll t t• I hr l J'illl..,JC'lli'lf'._ of ltchl ;111rl o f 11-.1111.: r 1Jl11111 ;·1;- 1!11· nn l•· 1 Vf'h lrlr nl p:•ll\1111!.: Ynll l\l'I\' 1'1lf•1•i: 1111 prri r•,•! t·n11, 1 n wl 11111 ,it I h i.. pn1 11l l1w wh w!1 l\·1 :1 l111r>111 hn--t,. IJ,· 1rr111" 1,, <11-i.1.-:1l'" 1111\' (lr 1;1 1I Y111t ,,·111 llllt! 1Jw · ' 111'· 1 1mpn-• 1hl" w1tl1- ,,.1 1'1111!1"'1\' d \ -lll1hll l~ 11 111111 ,· e I I,,. 11111"i1· ,.,.,, 1111· 1mi,,1 i11 ; \ .,,, , ,/lllt•I I f,11111 /0111111 • roir nt 10 ,,.,,•. Brisba ne, Qld . 6 Jl'' DEGAS' DANCERS.. IT'S OURS NOW d,ineing cla,;,;, Degas, is on~ nf tile lat eHl ,iduilions to the Queensland Al'I Galler~· collct!l io n. ll, and nth<'l"H which nrrivcr1 last wee k, will he on public display from lomo1Tnw.