Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

:::::L No. 2: "LA BELLE" ICAS8U'S "L11 Belle Hollandaise," worth £55,220 sterling, qne of the newly-acquired paintings II.ow on show at the Queensland Art Gallery. The tilt of the head sort<?n, much " rather rigid composition. and counter– balnnc,s, on the other side, the thrust of the girl's left le~. wdi~:•gep!::,••gnr:lnizi\!~t: old. But., after having been n child prodigy, he had al– rcnli)' nrhlP.\'ed artistic mat11rlt.1• at the aite of 20. Ar 24° he hnd n lreadJ' Jell behind the masterpieces of his "Blue Period." and had Pmergcd with a different approach In h is "Pink Period." "La Belle Hollandaise" Is By DR, GERTRUDE I.ANG[R .• , 1econd ot • ~; 1 P 11 1crhal 11 of tnhblsnn P 0 enrteodd, thl';! HrlH ot sp•clal review• of Ille Quoen1land " 0 d, , Pieasso sl1ows beauty of art Gallery's new French plclure1 ~ro~/~e•e/,'/l:;la~'j,das/lg~~';Z JHE layman "who does not know about art, stressin~ volum es, a search hut knows what he likes," usually likes :'6hlc~~bi:ts tg,~~d 0 ~lm",h~~g certain paintings for wrong reasons, and dis• "Head of Man" Is likes others for equally wrong reasons. exnmple. This observation I 1 sillt. which detract, from I.he Gallery could mnke once more "hunrnn" qualities or a work h ' I p nd' g "der of art. d " h W I e _s e , ll1 conSI • Aesthetic experience Is ays ( ange able lime m the crowded only possible when we pcr- g aller" celve Its dominant form. The The Quecnsl1111<1 National ·'' human qualities or lhl• work Art Gallery will be open Only once did I hear the are strong Indeed ,ns they lrom 10 a.m, to 9.30 p.m, on remark that "La Belle Hol• [are In all of Picasso·, works Tuesday and Thursday, not I landalse" was "immoral." even In those wi,1ch you Monday and Thursday, next The m1U1 who made It still ml~ht find "monstrous" 1. w~ek. ,at In front of the picture The work Ls verv warm fhr change from Monday when I lelt. and human, and r' am not to Tucsdny will enable the One conver~ation ran as denying It~ el'en erotic <but Nntlonal Gallery Society t I follows : "Isn't she beauti- certainly not pornographic} hold Its monthly prll·ote ful ?" not~. !unction ns usunl on Mondai "It Is a beautiful paint- A u f " ni~hl . I Ing." 9 pure Orffl A ~•ll~ry spokesman said 'h~~~\ don't you like .. But let u~. try to see It RS ~~,;'~~[daJ 01 \~:.\ 11 ~~r ~~~'e:-~•~ , "I, don't k, now whether st'r~~;g 1 i:~J!inlc P~~cJiv~cul~ Monda)' nnd Th~1·sday w • \11~ she would \\In a beauty turcsque character reel t~o again be the long dnJs. competition. About the solldltv and weislit of Its The gallery woulci be open beauty of th~ painting there slmplliled forms, moulded from 10 a.m. t,0 9.30 p.m., to Is no doubt. with •trong changes of enable people t.o sec the cur- l H d I colour-tn ne, and a' graphic rent_ Frcnrl: exhlblll?n, In• aS ra 8nCe line, which In 11.,elf has the cludn)g Q_ ~eensland s re• As 1 had no time to ~ive a power to sug~est. volumes centlJ arqun ed paintings, lecture nn nrt. r pretended and !,heir movement. I not tn notice the worricct Note lmnginnn 1 srraiR"ht expression of my intrrrmm- Ilnrti u·hlch run throuah the tor. which said cleArly "Ho\\' cnn, tructlon and order Its can one knr.w nbout these l:t~·nut In clAsslcnl mnnncr. things?" Note hnw the bulk and There i, nrJ rloubt. "L shape, that mi ke the bon– Relle'' ha, that ktnd or net arr ner.clcd 10 balnnce rn.cl\ ;rnr.c. whlf'h Pmannt ('~ 1hr bulk nf thr ,vholc :inct to 1onlr from .. n rt llJat h:'\s rzh·c chnracter to the silhou - 1"whnlcnr.c.s anrl mtcgrit.\'. ette n11rl how It ties in the Integrity ol " newly rh\'i°hmlcally with other crr.nt ,,d life, the life of lorm.s ,;hones. · h ·lthln the confines or n rlat l The expre.<,•lon ol the \sur!ncr.. t\·ork, which I nne of re- Would •nv painter or pose nnd of a , tale of slmoll· ·al'cragr talc1it. who sct.s out "bcrn2," does not. rely Just 1 to paint n beautiful woman on lnclnl ex/irc,slon nnd ,posm• !or him. succeed In pose, hut on t 1e clomlnnnce extrArt,ln~ this different r emrii1atlc horizontals ~1;,~~ ;,' nr~; nuty, which is ~:,~\~~11~;~111 t~~cb!~~e~fm~ Great power r;t 1 ~ ~~::;.re~'.· " nd Oil re- Tnrldr.ntnlly, T Rm not, ~urr 1 whNhcr P irRS!'iO paintrd "lin Belle" from lile. O ne ts constantly r.old thnt he wns never :c;crn uf:111c: R modrl nnd thnt his rriPflrl!,; And cnrm!cs nlikc C't1 \·~• hi!-; un – cnnn)' power tn rrcrr:ale llfC\ 111 hie; own m1nc1 . I nb~~s 1 h11~, r:~·17;p 1\tr~~ 1 111"~ 1 1i I nc"1clr111 nl~ nnd tn ch·r it thnt hlr.111'~~ nnct un!wirsrtl– ltv nf n ~\'mhnl. I hnpr ·1h:11 ~·n11 \\'ill nnl rlnrl thr ~rnrr h into ~t r11t- – t11rr 1111 whlrh t 1.rlrrt 1n rn- 1:nr.r ~·nu 1\1 m: ln<I nrt!r lr ("111 rhr Ora:n.~ 1 R cr.lrt pur-