Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

"COURIER MAIL;,.-......... i..:~~:tii r,,-"I"•.i~ Brisb_~n~ Old. SPECIAL ART REVIEW No. 6-'TETE DE FILLE' • '/'l11• t:,mri,•r-.\loil otl ,·riti,·, i'r. 1;,,,1,11,I,• l .,111,:,•r, todu," 1·u11ti1,m•• lu•r ,wri,·i& oJ i&Jwdnl r,•1·,t•u·.111 o/ ll1tt Jmiuti11,c11 n•,·1·11tl.,· ,u·1111ir1•,I I•.' 1/11· t}u,•1•11,.l,,u,I \111iouol .,,, ,;,,11,.,.,. '" u ,.,,"' o/ t'l01.:!0:t. ,,,,, ,,.,.;,.,., '"'"'r i~ o/ 'I ,111lu11~1••IA111trf'1··• " l,•t1• ii,• fill,·... Work from the 'Moulin Rouge' By DR, GERTRUDE LANGER HENRI 1lt• TOlll.Ol ':,;1-:- I.Al Tl!EC (lately popularised. with mixture of fal"l and fidion . hy the hook ancl film "Moulin Houge") wa,-; the dt•sccnclant of the anl'it•nt aristo– t·ratic line nf the Counts of Tnulnust• , He lrnu a had fnll" 11·h,' 11 :1 bny of U. Fr11111 Ihell on he was domnecl to l10bblc Illrough lilt' p,11·1\y dwnrl(•d nu cl1ild's leg.,.,- bllt he l)rcumr one of l hc great nrt i!-l~ ot' 111s Ume. D y 1:1g 111 1001. noL )'f!l 31, he lc(t. lwllrnd nbnlll 500 pa.lnt– tn~:-.. ma1w of thi.'m :-1 uthcn– tlc nrnstcrpll'cCJ,;, ilbllllt 350 litllogrnplis o[ superb qunl· tty, a lnrgc lllllllbCl' of ctrnwin::::-i, tlllrl some: posters or inc:ompnrablc cxtcl\cnce. Seamier side I n hl:-i, II\C1Sl\'C and mor– cln nt ub:-icrr ation of the scHlllt<'r !-irll"''- or the P:1rlsinn llt1· 0( his tune. he told t he trutl i frnnk.l,· nncl cour– aµrrn1-..l~·. ..::;ay what you have lo :--a y" wu:i lils often n •pca tcd m nttO. ··Tctr rlc Fillc" is a tmY portrait. ln 1rofilr. a nd 1t ~r r;11~"f~11 t :~111tc ~:rt~~~~~2~ 1 n... nn ri rl b t. lt l:-i abn "prr tt icr" than his most charnctrrbLH' work . H OWC\'CI', one n ~co~ lll~CS. H HS a ··Lnutrcc" nt t,Jlf• first glancr. Typical line There t!) !he typical Lnu- 1rr1· nrnbc:,quc or line. the q111ck. nml s11rr seizing upon l11ctl\'id1rn l <•xprr:-.~inn. unct tlw t.nu , rec clrt:t1:hn1Pnt.. wl11r h pw,:..rs nn moral J\ldC llll'lll : fnr, tlll'- il'i tile port rn ll of ll pro~l !I ULC. Alll!Olll,!ll, compnrr d wtth nlhcr dm rnrtN ~l\idh'!'- of l,nutrcc. this nm· ~ rnl,her tame. wr mny p1·r – .• • hnp!, <kl <'t't. wh:11 Lantrrt· . ~ SO\\', tlHII lhC flil'!itllOII.., I'\'(' – ~ la~hr~ cnm rnrtict tilt' lrn rcl- ~ /' ~~1, S~~:;~~l~~ ~-l~~r Jj\\~n~c~ttCC ~- TIW pnit11\lll! look, quite -. unplr, yet II i!-- the slmplil.:- 11 v of a :-11rr hnnd. wh11'11 knnw.s ju~t what It Is ctom g - Cool colours '.,.. ~ No , how wP\\ 1 lie port r:111 • · :-\1,.., 111 \~.., 11\'fd f,)rtnllt. 111HI tww t.l1c pn int11 d \In<', whlrh fr;1111r:,; \I , ~wr\1~ nnd cil m - ." 1 1111-,lw~. :1rlrllrn.: li,·cltne:---. 10 \ thr lhwn r \fl \' 1 'tll. nnrl hm, thr .._,'1'1111 nn .inp am-_wcr:- UH' artdlPMIIIP of 1hr ('(')\fturc. T lw 1•11nl 1·n\PUI' :-,dw 111P. l!– ,·rn 1f•-.1 nc1t·<I An 1,p.1q11r n1p1Hh:1l'\~l!roun<t th r \P, mto ...11:1\lr\W r,·licf 11,~ i· rP:, m 11{ till' th•· h 1:1ppl11•d f\:tt 11\)Hflllt', 111\d \\ !11111111 r nl l:1 · 111111. -~ \ A brn:-11 dlp111•fl Into trnn~- - p1111·1ll Cl11'1lllllf' :tlld Ulll lW I' , ...~1"' r1rn 1,·~ th<· flute! 111Hl lt1d.._1,·1• 1·1 11\I OHI' l\llt''- , :llltl ri f••\\' '-llf l -..11·111-: r~ ...uflH'" for llll' 1!:1 11 , A t•fl11ph· nf 1111,· ha 1ri ' ll 11:l1l1cht:- nn 11 1 1-.11'11 n nrl 1•:1rl11h1• t!I''" 1'11a r:1r1 1 •r. I 'l hi" 1 .. l\f\t IIIW Ill t.:111 - , rr,·, 1~p11•;il 11\11-t rrplf.'1·1•. . IHI! II l11t,'" n \n 111~ q t111llt\',