Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 2 : French Art Exhibition and Rubin Gift, March - May 1959

Bri1b1ne, Qld. Art Review by Or Gertrude Langer French art show is a landmark THE Queensland Natianal Gallery's Centel\Gry Exhibition of 19lnanaZOth Century French a rt brings together for the first time much af what is owned of French art by public and private collections in Australia. The exhibition, wh ich will be open for two month s, includes paintings, drawings, sculptures, and tapestries. It is n lnndmnrk in our culturul life- pnrtly corn• plemenlu r~ to the large 1953 ex hibition of "French Contomporary Painting." The fine dlspla)' 111l<ls much lo the enjoyment, .nul some of the works onr. has seen hcfurc in southern g,1.llerles under lr.~!il hlrnl U,:ht. t·<mdillons, only now reveal lhelr lull beauty. Wonderful In the s1nnll brnt'kf'l oJ cninli11gs by cnrllr:r lflth ct' ll- n~\ryo\Ps~!k~~7) ti\i'lt(}l~lal~~~~lt ~c.lc ~ fine still lire and n 1111nnr srn– scnpc by Courhet, "The Old Brid~c" by Cornt, nncl two Dnumlcrs, Dnumlcr's wnnctcr– ful "Don Qulchote Rending" tnkc · pndc of pince. nespilc i ts small formnl It rc-µb t<'rs ns monumcnwl. noudln, ro rCl'llllllf'I" or t.11(' Impressionists. is rcnn•~<•nt<'<I by not less than 11111c :,,mull murine subjects t No. 11 t.he fi1tcst 1: ru,·ls de ('h:u·:111n~. by n smnli oil ··Orn11ct' G1ri." The rlnc cx11mJ1l('s or hrmn.e sculpture hy IIOllll'i, I.Al RENS, nt:GAS. anti ltENOlll, 1L< well 1~, four ~:t•,~•~~~u\~~•:~~!~i ~i·,,~~~,!~~ tallon or rlgun•hra1I'\ In palnllnit nf the lm1u·t•~.. 1011- lst.s era. Exciting Pnill l tll~!S lncludr- Lltff'C ~~~~:;t~·1, \ 1/ 1{~t'i~·~ 11 \fy h~~ 1~: ;:~I~~ rr~~h:~~.~I ~i! 1r.f ,~t i~r,\~r ::S /:f i l 11rt.~ WII h F1sll" h · \'an (,n •h with t h:\l'll(!tcl'ISt C 11\l('II!- IY nr nwarl'ncss. I \' ll 1 ~s flr~~~~;;u\~i~~~- w~\; 1 1~ 1 ":lw 11 ~,-, rt1frf'renl "Ro~r:," h\" l\1nrwt ncn rby l!i- h~• f":111lli1-l .atu11r, co nt11l\llll{: 111 11 1rnrl111n11 som r whnt brtwr rn Ihr D11td1 ltttlr m n.stcrs a11rl ('hat'flln. The two srcnt. I ntmw,t:, no,111:ud and \ '11lll,1nl .1rr• rcprC!-irn lcd t,y mnjru· wnrl-::-.. Bnnnnrrl \\'lilt 11,r cirl k111u~ "'l'h r Arl tM'-. f:111(11n" of !!llll, wilh 11., IJ1':1ut1f11 ll\' 111lr!,! r:ll,...d p r1I \f'l'll o t ~nl ily !In\\ IIH! !-lhup<.•~ :111<1 ~11hl lr i•nlnur. 111t\ •·portra ll f•I I\b th11111• Bon • nnn l. · i,,· V1111l:1 cl T lh'rt' 1:– n J-.o , dPlluh l!111 :-nrnil Bnn– nurrl " ftr'lltdrt \' ·· Th f' 11r11hll·111 of l111r,.:r:1t• lni.: tl11• flJ:ur1• wll h Its sur• ro11rulir1.1.:s I, ht•~'IHHI snh1 - tl1111 111,, \\'U \' II Is slal cfl 111 :\tATts:-:.1-:·:,,; · 111111~11:i l "lt1•– d l11 l111.:: ~ucl r." It :-,,•,~m, lll,11 ~•tnl l'--~• (.'l'r'I • tlvr 1111rrr st 1n :w11lp1·1 ,, ha:. lnrruc\rrl 11po11 1h1Fi 1w·1111" 1n whlrh Illr 111:i , I\ rl\' m11rl,•liNI n11clr llnld!'I 11r nwn nl.!'nll 1..,t tit•' flat, decorative background. Soon our ncwly -ncqutrcd two Plca.sso" will be nddcd to this show. which will then con– tnin live works bv I he most err.alive J!Cnius or Our time. At ~~-1~:i~ 1 \\-~~coH~ 1 "ri1~d 1 f\?~~ ~~r~ bour11c. n pr.n c\rnwin~ . "The Bnthcrs" 11re of the period when Plcn~Ro became tit\~cr 1 c;}fl~e~~1e N~ro :-~~!~~turf t shows. 111 "Figures of 1914" (the tit le !-C'Cms strnn~C'. as t can 011iy see a still life , cubism Is cn rriccl tn nnotlwr slni;c, ill whk h P1easso u~rs means remini~ccnt of collngc Lech• nique to create !he nuton• 0 111011s reality of Jhc picture. 1-:,,en now, when the flr11t ~:::~:t ,~1!r::t"i~1~•Js ,i~:'T,!~: nlque has been 1101mhuiJ11ed f"\•1•n b~· <'nmmerdal art, :::~~,~~~--" i:'r,'i~ l~:~~~~tl\lnt- Charming Of work rcl11tcd to Cubism we llOIC Hl'nri H:1,·den'!IC 0 0 uit• nrn sl" of 191!1 rind a smnll oil b~· 611U\'CrlJ1C', Othl"r pnmtlnc:s of the post· illlPl"C'~!-,IOlliSt. l' l'tl lll'C 1hc im – port r111t ModlJlianl "Portrait ;~11~ 1 i~ 1 \r;~~\'i~~l~sg~!''~l6~1(tti~;l lh<' ~ uhl.lr "Pont Nrur Under Snow," hy l\111rquet, three ln,1d.. rnp1·.. nf cllUcrcnt periods l>v \ 1 111mlm1k, two wnrm– <;l.1lourctl lnnrlscnpcs, nnd " Hf•:HI" hv llcraln, n chnrm– lllf.! Dnf~·: 811 CH-l'l.) 1 rlccnrntl\lC ~•l iro. nnticlating the style by which we know hlm now. The thrre 1•trl1111s clo not quite 11\l"asurr up to t,hc best. o( his. of :\;~.'2~~ft •~~;,r~:oc~h~u::~~ drrf11l SOUL,\f;t:S, with lta mo1111111rnlal :1rchlt1•cture of 111:1~,;;h •r hl111•k hlnrks polsrd in l11mi11ous s11a,:c, stand • out. Greatest T hr n I here a: e "City Pcr– :-prrt l\'ri-;" ll\· , ·1clra da S liva. pri::.,ibly till' i;i.rc1,tcst, li\'ing t~;'.~,;~!: .~;::r 1 ,! r,r · 1,l~!:~i~ 118 l·a ~~ 1,011. llrianc·hon, Hort•s, 11nd, ,i1~, 11nt lPu.... ,. 11 ~plcncl lct tnpr ~tr\' 11 1HI two lnri,:c nth, by 1.urc·al. \\'1• !1\111"1 n11t 11111it to m c11- t11m 11w t\\''• crl 1 n1. cln-.s1c:s Hll\fln,: lllt1df'!"l\ ~ru)pl,01'5, :llaillol :11111 1,c•-,pla11: "Stn ncl- 111!.t Wh ." nnd "Bll~t o! Ort,1 1,•· ,,(Id 10 1hr m n loncd 1,ro11:, wt1ll,., twn Ornwin ~s h\' lJr · ,1.111 ndrl 111 the r!lsp\ny ,,r 111:-t'-11'1' cl nl\\'IIIU~ \\'p :t I(' lfl(l('f'(I lnrlcl)I cd v , ,Ill wl1r• 111ndr 11 po,;i,;1blc ror 11.. t•1 ~, W I\' nnd enjoy th is f'Xhl!1ll i11n . Brisbane, Qld. 6 M~Y Jn1 Prized ,vome11 01 a,rt at Brisbane 11ext ,veek THRt:E or the tno~t hiJ:hll· \'alued womm, in the art world will arrive llrlsh11nn next wcel1 h,1· 11lan11 from l'nris. Tiley nrc 'The Bathers" in Galler 1 ,;- nt 8.15 p.m on Embas. y in London Plc•••o's lomou, pointing of June Rcnr Vnrinl . that nnme 8 work worth at "The Ba t.hers." thr•~ !eel! Art ~niiery director I Mr. ' 1•nu11rr., painted In I00li. Is Rnhr rl H11ines 1 said yr.sler- lea•t £27.000. bcin~ lent !or the exhibit.ion rln)' the Gullrrv had Insured JlRlnlini; will be by Mrs. Louise B. M. Han• lhc [our painlin~.s n~ninst shOwn with 93 other \\'orks son-D.ver. an Australian llr• l"all rb ks" ror £37,015. .,. png in Purls. I Prrnch cn11~11l 111 Queens- In lhe June-July £.M.000 1 Th h innrt ,Mr. R. Huntep snid Centenary exhibition ol )Oth ree ot ers I the pn111tin~s were expeeted and 20th Century French Three other lmportan\ to ren ch Brisbane next Wed• a.rt al U1e Queensland oalntlll(!S will come with nesdny N~~I O,Jlery. - "The Bathers." They are Mr. Hnlncs snld that ,The exhibition, \\•hlch wtll another Picasso. a Miro. and 'apart from the lour over• be seen only in Brisbane. a Impression,st work. "Lon- 1seus contributions. the ex• will be opener! by the French don Bridge," by Monet. the hlbltlon would Include work~ Ambas..dor to Australia properly or the Cultural lrom Austrollan public and <Mr. Renaud Slban) at_the ·Counsellor at th~rench private collec~.::io:.:n::•c:..·____ TIii': Director of I he Victorian National Art Gnllcrv (Mr. Eric W ealbrook ) admiring "Por• I.rail ~f Madame Bonnnrd,'' ,rn oil painting by Edouard Vttillnnl. during his viHil to the Queensland Art Gallery yesterday. One ol Mr~W••slhrook'• 11 new galler)'. Mr. \l'esl• flrst appointments on ar- brook, while In nrlshane, r~:I ~~:,.:,,,.mrcl~,~ wn~ :~II ~.i~re~ic\'_'ivn:,~,l!:tci~~~ Queensland Art Gallery, linked with the lire •r.nt and II• dlr•clor tMr. R. cxhlhltlon al the ~• lery or Haln<'~I . •~rrneh 1mlnttngs, man~· of \'lr,tnrln. like whl"h ha\·e been lent h~· ~~ 11lan_!',!!!L _ lhc :\l1•Urnurnt ~all.-ry, f FRENCH ART RUSH AGAIN Hundreds of people again were at the Qucensl?nd National Art Gallery early to– day t? view the recent acquisition of French paintings. Thry urrivt·d in a ron tinuuus flow ul tlu• ,nm<' rate a:. yes – l1•rdu.\ whrn 1111,n· lha11 ::ooo pt"o11l1• saw th•• 11:1lnllnir,. \ Ut•nd:tnl"i t!:CPt•ct lh:1t 1,p,lli•ry 11r,•11m- mmlutio11 will lff' taxr-d In 1·1111:if'ih• duriru: thr w1•1•k -1•11d- 11lw:1yN th1• 11t•:tlt li111,, of ~allrrY 1•:< hihlt ion."'. '1'111• 1ml11th1,::-1 are inror1u,rnlt1tl in thf' f"X– h lhlli1111 ur t,·n~n ch 1•,tl11ll111:, from ,!;'al– l••rlr, 111111 11rlv1ll1• col – l1•1·lio11,"i :ill uv,·r AUM – trnlla. Afl"r 1 h1• ,,,._h lhltlon d os,•, ,ll Lh•• t nd ur July, 111•rma1wnt homes will h,· round on the ,:allt•r.)" "'"lls ror the flt'\\' IHlifllill~S. W,•1•k-d:iy hour• rur vicwim: art• fron1 10 1 .m . lo ;, n.m . 'l'omor ... row 1111• ~allrn· wlll n•maln 011c 11 u'ntll 9 11.m .. 1111d until 9 p,m, next wr.rk on 'l'ue~day 1 1ul 1'h11rsd11y nl~hts. f.'or thr rem11inJnr wr,•ki. lh1• ,:alh·rv will ht• u111•n on ~lunday 11 ,111 Thur,duy 11 it: htH. \Veek-t!lld hour),, at tl1t• ~11llery will he: S11turd,o, ID :t.111. lu 5 1u11.: Sund11y, :.! p.m. lo 5 11.m