Queensland Art Gallery Presscuttings Book 3 : Presscuttings, Sept 1959 - Sept 1967

S11onso1·s fo1· n _ooks of 111·t A 81::n,1.~:S of "intimate little art i:-al• _ler1es · IS pro11osed for the 1·untr0\·ers ial Bnsha1w <'.ultural Centre-each s ponsored h_y a benefactor who could he II hu,:iJ , •ss firm . Enr h ~_allcry would be !Hllllf'd nt tcr Its !'il)Olll';Or. Se\'rrn l h11-: firms nlready luwr_ hl'cn 1111t1nlly ap– proached by thr cnmnu ttcr 13'~~~~ 1:111i;: thr C 11l11111\I Si r Lrnn T1 rn1t, i-.u1ci la.-.t 11\~ h L lhnL llll AuSLrn ll it– wide nrch 1tec-is· cont.est wnuld hr hrld LO s:?f'L the ~,~;!, ~~~\~:-~. lnr thr. Cul- I S11· Leon ii- duurman or Ihe Cultural Crntrr mon•-1 mcnt.'s spccrnl fin ancr comnuttee. He said the art ~• llcrr "-'OUld h Rl'C a floor Rl'Cll or e t lcn.st 30,000 square feet. I T he GO\'crnnr :Sir Henry Abel S mith • and the Premier I Mr. Nicklin I henc1 the commlttCl'. I ~g~ brow rows • Anolher major row Is blowing up In Queensland "cultural" circles, lhis time revolving round lhe pending appolnlmenl ol a new Director lor the Slale Con· servaforlum ol Music. The rel'ent rrs11,:·na lion of Mr. llohert llainrf. from the Dirnt'lnr!',hip of the Que<'nslancl Art t"iin l• lery hn~ cHU!'-ccl t·nn~lch•r– ahle 11erturh.1llun In hulh cultural aml 1wliti1·.-l circles. P l'iot· to tllis rii!-1111n111w«'. the fonnt r D 1rc·t·t111 1,I I he Slate Consrr\';.1torn11n of 1•v1usir. Dr. \V11ln1m Lm·e– lock, al~o n •s1l!,11t•a . 111 a fl Ul'l'Y of CO!il 1'0\'l'I :- \·. Resignation H is rcsign:111011 \\;1!- ful– lowed by , arlc 1 11F puhlic stn tem eu·ts 11t t1wkin1; 1hf Oo\'crnnw11t fo1 \ti- c·cJ11 - ctuct or the Co11~t>1, a– torium. unrl s l a 1t·11w11n- 111 dcfCl11'C 11f tlw Gu, 4·1n– mcnt \ pn\ldc·s :1n<l :1111- turtcs. Sm 11l:1r c1 11:11rn'f'r– sics fol lowc•d '.\t 1. l l:111w ~·i– rc-si:,.:11n t1on ut lill' :\1t {;;11 - lcry !oh. Mier llr. pulled oul, Mr. l\a~II JoncM wa!'- madr :\din~– Dlrector of llw ( 'nu!-c-n a – torlnm, 111111 lrn~ lwM1 carr,•ln,- uul lllf' ,1111 ie•.., pcn,\inj! the :1p1udntnw nl or 11 1,«-rrmrncnt llirntor, It is lw lu•\ t'(I tltn l , 1111- t ro-.•f'r~\' Im'- 11,.,, ;1 1,.. , 11 O\'Cl' n"pp}l(,';11 11!11'• l1 1 ! Ill / oh. nnct thut 1!11· 1·1 1~11l1- 11i; f'Ollllll\l li•t' 1,1 1 ll l/ CI,! fll'C :;p\ lL 111111 l:H 111'11~ f \ 1 1 Lile tlntm "i ol Jl\111 ll PJ 1,- 1·n nt s. Brisbane, Qld. ~ I • I I I .• I I t I I I I I ' , , I • I I I I I ' I . I I I ' I I I I I ,, I . . . "MUNDANE COMMERCIAL": .RUBIN JOINS :I -~!\RT B~Ar_rTLE . ·M II.LIONAIRE 1>hilanthro1>isl art 1rntron, Harold de Vahl Ruhin, of Brishane, last night mo\'cd into I.he Queensland Cultural Centre cont l'O\'Crs y, ~ll' R11 h111 sa id h<• illld . SU(!t!('SIeel n A nd he took t lw HHh· ,'-cllr nw fnl' a Q11Pcnslnncl nf' Mr. Hobr- rt Ha inc~. 1C•·ntn• 111 Brb bn nr who nn \~' <'d lH' Rdn\' re- 11 \\'!IS hn ~Pc1 un t lW Rig-nNI nA dirc'«:tn r ~f I hr 1~ 1 1~1lbj 1 1\ 1 ~·i1:t;1c~t' 1 ~\;1 !· ~~~l>I~~~ Q11ee11sla nd N nlin u n l Art laril,1· "d1)ckin~" of smull Ga llel'r . ~~~!n tlon~ 11 ~~cl~;w~mploy~~~ ~II'. R11h111 1-.: IH"lll•\'l'd lo t'I\C<!ll('~ be th_c ·:anonymous donor·· " If rite JH'Oplr have n f pn 111l111 J.!S bo 11µ h L h \' thr l,!i\'f'll I h cJr ..:hllllll''~ 10 n. Art Gnllrl'Y I)' Lo11rlo1! _las1 Qucrn~ln;irl ·c rntrct the,· Mny for !:!lot.KOO. I hey will rr$!n rd it. ns Lhcll's." hC ~1:::~ IJ'Olll hl, l)\\'ll collcc• :idrtcd. 111• ut l:l f'i,:t•cl the iclen ol He at'Cll!-C'ci a cn1111t1l'l't..:iully -sponsnrC'<I Gnllcl',\' nf . ,·t1 l1urn l t·i•n ! rc rt~ " tntll\ - potrntln l rtnnors or ~1rt~ cl:uw" nncl "the prochlt:l of wort h ·:.n~nn~· tho11.r..11 nd~ of rlw c1111\llll'!'C' l,II 11 ,n HI." g~1~gts 111 1hr ln.'-1 month Had a chat 11 ha<I "re irctcd n11t nr t·x -1\ta l<w hnncl " 011c o r the grentr!-.t .--.:dd 111 ~lr. collrct101)s nf Aust.rnltfl_nn. llaim's· n • .... i~iiint,ou :- In. collcr.t10n of the cn.rlw~t " I 11:t\'1• ll:t<I 1111· (11)1)111'- f'Oini,. nnd lokcns, ll!,Cd In lllllit V ul a 1·1111 1 wilh :\1r. th e first dn,\'S o! UH' l ltiin; ..,, wl111.-.1' wurk I :111 - col1111y. 11111'1' :a, llit_.:hl \'. T lw olhC'1· w:i~ "n col\rc- " l·'roi11 1i11r ' l'.011\'Cl'SO.l iu n l io n or Cltilll\'W bl'Ol17,C'S, , 1 ,1 l 11 :11~n 1 i!,~~1.~·\ 1 /1~:li1~~l~.~lc~ 1 /,~ I :, 1 :.~ 11' 1' 1 \~(~ 1 ~.(•; •~) r~~~~~l~" will 1J11•sc n1at t1·rs ,,·us l1C1nourc1\ ••Hi R b " IJ)' l'\'l!l'~'Olll! l'tlllCUl'llCcl, hc 1 S U ens \\nnlcl, II 111,·ltt?d lo rto ~o. l·k .-.:nld : "t th ink l h n\'C 1110.... t t·:1~·m •.~.1 I,\' /'l'l'OllSicler :I gt'lll llllt· Rulw ns p n irn Ing Ins 1~0-~~1ion. , .. , for Quer.n~lnnct Lhnt will lit -~• 1ICI ul l il( llll ll 111:tkfl lhc L ondon Nntinnrli 11uol;.~ plan r,,r sp,mson!c1 Oa ll,·n · green with cm\. .._,•,clh_1~1s ul tht! eultlll'ill "Or I!-: 11 µn,-'.; r.l cllctn tOr cc11 L1 1 • . to snub m e n lsn''" " l•l·s sponsors wrn1 lrl .g_1\'C t-it• :-;aicl Lill' O n.llcrv hnct Q11.l'~t1:;ln w1 .° '.1,11_11. h,1 ,, 11 1~.1~ f'\'t'll snubhecl 1hr. n'nony- 1111 ,\ i ,, u t cl\l1! 1.,1 1111 11 1111111.-.: clonor of the Rubin lt·olln :tlon . · "Knocked up" ,1i~ 1 ;;, 11 ;:,:~.~t"~~~). 1 ~ 1 c\~ 1~ ··1 h:1,·e IH'\'t•r :-1•,·11 11 11y- lt-n· ll'll!i-ll''f'. hut 1hr t.ili111~ .... o 111111111:1111· as 1111~ dn11or·s lwn lLh hnct p rc- lWtll'kt•tl -11p S('lil'llll'. II IS \'l'III.Cd h \:,,; llf'f't'l)I 1111.!'.. tl w pr11cl1wt n1 t ile 1·111n- :\ (l'W 1111111ths Jnt rr. 111t·1't'ln1 11111111 of t ilt.' . ' top- when lw couhl huvr nc- 1:l·t•p,·r. r·1•pte<I, lw \'oh1111 cc•1·ctl 10 " It Im .; not llt•t'll f;u'L'Ci s,·n c. He had hrnrcl 110Ll1 • Wil II r i...,\011 ur <·unr:q:1·. hll l 11111: sl11cc 111thcr \yit h \)Cl lY tyrn1111y. l11 S1•dney ~·1 1 . 1.il( 'rcln~· thf' "'1'111· uh•:1 rns n ttr:ti.:tc•d 1Anst.rnlin n Workl'r~· Uniun ~Olli!' pr:u·tic':i l p1rn11 i:-:1•!-, 1 l!t'llCl'rt l f:CCl't'l :ll'y !M l'. T :q,\l't't'. Dou~her ty 1 1-nicl lw lw cl " Uut t h ,• \\ lluh• lot 1•0 11ld dl, c·us,t•cl I h e l'lllll rihutorr ht· 1·0,·1·n·tl ,, 11h 0111· ..,.h,·m c fu r n Quccni,;J:1 11(1 t:lwrp1t· 11 11 Wl'l't' 1•1•11 rn · wltll Mr. Rt1bi11 ~L';:\~:1~ \'~\·: i, 1 d <li/1\ '. 1 c\,~~!J1'; j l'il.i:r ~! 1 ,~:-cr~·~;r, Quccn~lnmi l lrn t .,·0 11 \\'Ill find in n pt>oplt• to gi\'r full suppol'I m ind like l h:H of Roberl tn t ill' propo.i.:ri l." Mr. 1-lninf•~ " 11Jn11l!hr r t.\' sn ld. No 1lesig11 yet No 1l1!1'it1if,, tlf'si~n hacl ~·••1 hPt'l1 drawn 1111 for tht• propos1•1I Bri..;hu111• C111f11 r11I f'r ntrr., th,• t :1l111°11 li11u ~lini,t,•r Dt r. l'lu 1°)"1 snl,t .n •-.1t•nln,·. 11 h1'· \\'1.11Jlcl prnf\L from It \\ ()H\cl h t' !-1111\1' ....,,.~ ... 111111'1' !11111111111" l'Hl~f•d . po-... 11Jl\• 111n 11'1l,-lw fn 1•· Iii• ~:1 1r\ 111· rial 11nt know 11:•_n:- 1 11 1' \ /JI' ( l'lllrp \\'C/1' ul 11ll\' o h1~•1·11n11 hr t hf' 1 ·n11lplr i,•cl. Ill' -.11 1cl. . 11•si:•11!1:~ . :\ rt cinllen ' ··Hut I \' :111I _lo llltlki' It rlirl'<·to1 1 ~I r. Rnbrr't ' ·IP:!!' 11::tl l llP 111t r rl'SIS ol ll11 h11•,, nil 111.- l!l'O\I IHI I/ml la: Ai l Ciu llr1 ,\· will IJe ~po: 1 >:rn t·<I ·· 11on\-:..:. nf art" ·r1111p h'l1 I· :-.11 f1•g1in rcl,·(I Ill tld~·lit. br f"S111b\1'\llt"rl :,1 :; l.pn ,posnl:...." !\l r, l't1.1.••Y No r1wl! clt•t:1:-lun h.nd yrt Il l? :;1drl IIH' ,.w llf'r~• wo11 ld h r 1•11 11111 rtl'. 101 br ",>:11h.111c.nlP<1" tn :111.r H n \\l'\'"I' \ l r. ll n11w, hnrl tllf'I' ~('1•111111 01 1h C' t·r 111 rr . r ll"rl r d tn l'" !-H!ll r!P:-Jll lf' rl ll Fund~ :, llnruTrri fur 1hr ~:,.~11 rn11 1 •r .. lh:q r.llr c? llr n · All"r~ ,, n11l rl 1r .-.pr n t rn1 \\'ntilrl l'r m;1m as a :,.r pi:1 rntC' he i;:~ llrry, winch prnh•,c11111.,r.